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The Coronavirus

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Are there facts in your universe?

Of course... I am a man. The sky is blue... during the day. I hate mayonnaise, cucumbers, and sweet pickles.

Is all perception reality?

Pretty much.

When you feel intolerant of stupidity is it possible you’re the fool?

Absolutely not.

If you don’t believe in something, does that mean it doesn’t exist?

If you believe in something, does it mean it exists?

Are almost all medical professionals lying to their patients?

Yes... The last thing they say to you before you die is "You're doing fine".

Why would trump announce he had Covid when it was a little cold?

Because he was the President, and he would have never gotten away with it.

Most important is the question raised earlier, why are most world leaders pretending there’s a disease killing us when it doesn’t even exist? Why are they ALL lying?

I never said it didn't exist. I said it's not as dangerous as they are trying to make it. The numbers they are pushing now are "positive tests". At the same time, they are pushing for more testing. So, they are creating their own emergency crisis. It doesn't matter if anyone is sick... it's all about positive tests.


Brandon is an idiot. If the moron came out tomorrow, dropped the BS, and declared Covid over... everyone would stop fighting about it. But that would be seen by Progressives as surrender, and an end to what they want... they need everyone fighting.

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[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

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Senator Cruz was predicting what the Democrats would do after the election. He believed that because it would have been the smart thing to do. Progressives are not smart. Their entire agenda depends on creating unhappiness with a Constitutional Republic, and they can only create unhappiness by forcing people into a fight. Notice they don't ever want to "solve" any problems? They only want to make the problems bigger. Illegal immigration is the perfect example. Abortion is another... if the Supreme Court over-turns Roe v Wade, it doesn't abolish abortion, or make abortion illegal... it only turns the issue back to State law. Gotta keep people fighting over it... right?

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Senator Cruz was predicting what the Democrats would do after the election. He believed that because it would have been the smart thing to do. Progressives are not smart. Their entire agenda depends on creating unhappiness with a Constitutional Republic, and they can only create unhappiness by forcing people into a fight. Notice they don't ever want to "solve" any problems? They only want to make the problems bigger. Illegal immigration is the perfect example. Abortion is another... if the Supreme Court over-turns Roe v Wade, it doesn't abolish abortion, or make abortion illegal... it only turns the issue back to State law. Gotta keep people fighting over it... right?

Omg! I forgot how absolutely hilarious it is to discuss anything with you!

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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What lies? That over 800k americans have died from this?

Lots of people die every day. I don't believe Covid killed all these people. Sorry... I don't believe them.

Yeah alot of people die, COVID added to that number. And sure, a fraction are what you might call "earlier deaths", as in people who would have croacked anyway due to underlying health issues. Doesn't stop them being infected and passing the disease into their deathbed.

Again, you not believing them doesn't stop it from being true. Heck even your lord and saviour Trump himself believed it (lets ignore the white house being happy it struck NY hard).


I calced out that you have a 7x higher chance of infection when not vaccinated with the numbers from Oregon.

Oregon? Don't make me laugh. Have you been to Oregon? I've been to Oregon. 80% of Oregon doesn't want to be Oregon.

I calced out that you have a 7x higher chance of a mental disorder.
I've never been to Belgium, but my guess it's the same as Oregon.


I used the publicly available numbers about Oregon, as linked in my reply. It was in reply to your breakthruw infection link you posted.

And while I used actual numbers, you just pulled something out of thin air just to call out a mental disorder. Classy.

And Oregon is quite near to our climate actually, I might like it there then.

Hi Betsy!

I hope all is well, given the circumstances you outlined in your first reply. Chances of a white Christmas? :D


Lmao! You think trump never had Covid? Or you think he won the election? Or both?

Trump got a cold, and they made a big deal out of it. You can believe that Joe Biden really got that many votes, and I can believe it was rigged. I can believe that Climate Change is an engineered crisis that Progressives want to use to benefit their agenda for a one world government. You can believe if we quit eating hamburgers and driving cars, we can change the way the planet evolves. We can only speak our minds and try to make sense out of it all. The beautiful thing about being a human is our amazing ability to believe whatever we want. The hard part is respecting the beliefs of others. My problem is I have no tolerance for stupidity.


Trump never denied his COVID-19 infection, diagnosis and treatment received for it! Heck he on occasion even plugs his Operation Warpspeed vaccines, thou he does get boo'ed by his followers when he does that. Funny that.

You have no tolerance for your own beliefs being downgraded to stupidity due to facts.


Are there facts in your universe?

Of course... I am a man. The sky is blue... during the day. I hate mayonnaise, cucumbers, and sweet pickles.


I am going to be nitpicky but the blue is due to Rayleigh scattering. Air itself is colourless. Also how could you hate cucumbers :(


If you don’t believe in something, does that mean it doesn’t exist?

If you believe in something, does it mean it exists?


Does existance need a physical component?


Are almost all medical professionals lying to their patients?

Yes... The last thing they say to you before you die is "You're doing fine".


And priests say that we go to heaven. Everyone comforts one another in their final moments.


Why would trump announce he had Covid when it was a little cold?

Because he was the President, and he would have never gotten away with it.


The guy is teflon personified. Atleast for the part of the US that thinks he is the second coming of Jesus.

btw, is the third one JFK Jr.? Has he arrived in Denver yet?


Most important is the question raised earlier, why are most world leaders pretending there’s a disease killing us when it doesn’t even exist? Why are they ALL lying?

I never said it didn't exist. I said it's not as dangerous as they are trying to make it. The numbers they are pushing now are "positive tests". At the same time, they are pushing for more testing. So, they are creating their own emergency crisis. It doesn't matter if anyone is sick... it's all about positive tests.


Aaaah the infamous "if we stop testing, we won't have the pandemic anymore" line of reasoning. Right up with "if I close my eyes, the Sun is gone" and "When I look at this red apple, all those green apples are lies".

Brandon is an idiot. If the moron came out tomorrow, dropped the BS, and declared Covid over... everyone would stop fighting about it. But that would be seen by Progressives as surrender, and an end to what they want... they need everyone fighting.

Says the Regressive party that doesn't like evolution, both scientific or societal.

Politicians, or anywho, can come out and declare COVID being over. Perhaps you should get Herman Cain to do the victory speech?

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Omg! I forgot how absolutely hilarious it is to discuss anything with you!

You asked :)

Again, you not believing them doesn't stop it from being true.

Again, you believing them doesn't make it true either.

Heck even your lord and saviour Trump himself believed it

I'm agnostic, I do not have a "lord and savior".

Do not confuse what they must say publicly for political expedience with what they believe.

I used the publicly available numbers about Oregon

I don't trust their "publicly available numbers". I don't believe them to be true. Long history of lying.

And Oregon is quite near to our climate actually, I might like it there then.

I have no doubts about that.

Trump never denied his COVID-19 infection, diagnosis and treatment received for it!

Why would he deny it? Him having it proved that it's not a big deal.

Heck he on occasion even plugs his Operation Warpspeed vaccines, thou he does get boo'ed by his followers when he does that.

Do you like the vaccines? He did that. Can anyone force us to get vaccinated? No.

Also how could you hate cucumbers

Because they taste like shit, but it's strange that I like zesty dill pickles. The vinegar totally changes the flavor.

Does existance need a physical component?


Everyone comforts one another in their final moments.

That's entirely not true.

Aaaah the infamous "if we stop testing, we won't have the pandemic anymore" line of reasoning.

Wrong. Continuous testing of people who are not sick for the purpose of boosting your positive numbers does not make it dangerous.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Hi Betsy!

I hope all is well, given the circumstances you outlined in your first reply. Chances of a white Christmas? :D


I’m fine as is my family, thanks. My nephew got exposed to Covid again last week, but he’s testing negative and I’m looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. I mentioned Covid toes earlier, that was almost 2 yrs ago, and he’s fine. Covid toe is very, minor, just pain and discoloration that goes away within a couple of weeks. My point was that some people are sicker than others and there’s no way to predict how anyone will react. I’m triple vaxxed and very glad about it, but still very cautious.


How are you doing? Is your family well? Any fun holiday plans?





Brandon is an idiot. If the moron came out tomorrow, dropped the BS, and declared Covid over... everyone would stop fighting about it. But that would be seen by Progressives as surrender, and an end to what they want... they need everyone fighting.

Says the Regressive party that doesn't like evolution, both scientific or societal.

Politicians, or anywho, can come out and declare COVID being over. Perhaps you should get Herman Cain to do the victory speech?




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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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Omg! I forgot how absolutely hilarious it is to discuss anything with you!

Plus, I don't believe you really wanted to discuss anything with me, I just think it was your turn. 

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Sister Midnight

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I wrote a rather lengthy response, but I decided not to bother you with my perspective. You just keep doing you.

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( @ )( @ ) The official salute from women in the great, nudist nation of Secor. I'm naked and very excited to be here.

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The Supercalifragalisticexpealadocious Award

"This award was custom made for a special person. Its gleam reflects the endearment of the people that she leads. Awarded to the IRON Maiden, Sister Midnight."

[center]~~A partner in Blade's crimes~~[center]Nukes taken for IRON since restarting on 6/10/2016: I stopped counting after 69.

Sister Midnight has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

The people of Antropomorphica join their leaders in welcoming the discovery of this previously unknown colony of Secor in the wilds of South America. They organised an airdrop of money and soldiers to protect this fledgling state as it undergoes construction (I mean... 1k infra at day 1 guys... come on!).

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from our leaders to yours.

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I wrote a rather lengthy response, but I decided not to bother you with my perspective. You just keep doing you.

I understand completely. I never have a choice.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON Rose

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My nephew (23 y/o) had COVID toes in 2020

Organ failure, Covid toes, and I know people who know people that died of Covid.


I've heard all the stories, but I have never seen it. I've been waiting two years for the horse drawn carts, rolling down the street, with a cloaked dude ringing a bell, yelling "Bring out your dead!" But it's never happened. All I have seen is people making money from Covid, people losing money from Covid, and another reason to keep people fighting over Covid. It's time to call it over.


So basically you're saying just because you yourself don't personally know anyone who died of COVID, it's a hoax.


Then perhaps you also shouldn't believe the Earth is round (geoid). After all, have you been to space to verify this, or done the geodesic calculations yourself? Or are you just willing to take the propaganda from elementary school textbooks at face value?

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"Baptized in Fire and Blood"

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So basically you're saying just because you yourself don't personally know anyone who died of COVID, it's a hoax.

I never said it's a hoax. I have been saying that mass hysteria is no longer warranted. Early precautions were a good idea. Creating the vaccines finished the job. It's a virus, it's not a bacteria. We cannot "cure" a virus. We have to live with it.


Covid-19 is no longer a dangerous virus. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... it did come from the Wuhan Lab. Fauci's baby.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Again, you not believing them doesn't stop it from being true.

Again, you believing them doesn't make it true either.

I am reading the numbers and hearing the news. You are feeling it and making up your beliefs accordingly.
I understand that 800k deaths touches into the issue the human brain has with magnitude of numbers. It becomes to abstract when the number gets to many zero's. Still doesn't stop it being a factual number.


Heck even your lord and saviour Trump himself believed it

I'm agnostic, I do not have a "lord and savior".
Do not confuse what they must say publicly for political expedience with what they believe.

And here I thought Trump got rid off that political correctness? Guess he didn't hé?


I used the publicly available numbers about Oregon

I don't trust their "publicly available numbers". I don't believe them to be true. Long history of lying.

You not trusting your government is an ungoing philosophy that is yours to have. Doesn't stop them from being factual.
Again, lying about what?


Trump never denied his COVID-19 infection, diagnosis and treatment received for it!

Why would he deny it? Him having it proved that it's not a big deal.

So thats why he was rushed to Walter Reed, while already on oxygen. Made the staff sign his proposturous NDA's cause he likes to hand those out like tissue paper (or is it toilet paper? :D). Was immedeatly given the anti-body treatment even before it was approved by the FDA (hey look, getting a medication before the FDA rubber stamps it, shocker!), and talking about non-approved FDA treatments, he also got the anti-viral cocktail. He got both as the first person on Earth, talk about Trump taking one for the scientific community!
Him having it and returning proves that he is in the >99% of infecties who survive. Geez, what good luck does he have!


Heck he on occasion even plugs his Operation Warpspeed vaccines, thou he does get boo'ed by his followers when he does that.

Do you like the vaccines? He did that. Can anyone force us to get vaccinated? No.

Vaccines are a brilliant scientific invention which has proven its worth countless times during the last century.
I did try to start a thought about possible vaccine mandates for certain groups/professions of people. A general populace mandate is another ballgame.
But while they can't force you (yet?), they sure can force you the consequences by revoking certain benefits while not vaccinated (or exampt due to immunological issues).


Also how could you hate cucumbers

Because they taste like shit, but it's strange that I like zesty dill pickles. The vinegar totally changes the flavor.

Yeah I am no fan of those. Only think I like pickled in vinegar are onions.


Everyone comforts one another in their final moments.

That's entirely not true.

Fine, add "tries" to that line and be less pessimistic of your fellow humans. Then again relishing the death of a foe is humanlike aswell.


Aaaah the infamous "if we stop testing, we won't have the pandemic anymore" line of reasoning.

Wrong. Continuous testing of people who are not sick for the purpose of boosting your positive numbers does not make it dangerous.


You do know they are track how much positive results come from testing right? Depending on what kindoftesting strategy is employed (from everyone to only suspected ones) these numbers are added to the prognoses of infection spread and future. if you completly stop testing cause you hate finding positives, you might aswell stop reading best before dates cause those onyl give you an idea of which food might poison you. If you don't read them, they can't tell you if they are dangerous!


When people are "testable", they are infectious. Hence they are plausible a vector for further infections. Hence they can be dangerous.


So basically you're saying just because you yourself don't personally know anyone who died of COVID, it's a hoax.

I never said it's a hoax. I have been saying that mass hysteria is no longer warranted. Early precautions were a good idea. Creating the vaccines finished the job. It's a virus, it's not a bacteria. We cannot "cure" a virus. We have to live with it.


Again the mass hysteria is drummed up by those who want it. Majority of society is adapting and going on. And if even tiny precautions are "mass hysteria" to you, well, I dunno what to respond to that only that you seem to be hysterical about it.


Living with it means the masks, the vaccines, the quarantines, the works.

Covid-19 is no longer a dangerous virus. Oh yeah, I almost forgot... it did come from the Wuhan Lab. Fauci's baby.


Hello Herman Cain, how have you been!



Again, you believing them doesn't make it true either.

Emperor of the Benelux
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I am reading the numbers and hearing the news.

Same here. It's obvious that our sources have different opinions. I'll stick with mine.

I understand that 800k deaths touches into the issue the human brain has with magnitude of numbers.

If that's the case, you're a little short. If people need lies to scare them, you better make it a billion. I still don't believe them.

I just read that a "Senator from Washington has died after his battle with Covid". That's the headline. It goes on to say he tested positive over a month ago, and his cause of death is unknown. This is the bullshit the mainstream media is pushing.

You not trusting your government is an ungoing philosophy that is yours to have.

That's why we have the US Constitution... because we don't trust government.

The numbers you're talking about are out of Oregon... you know... the place of "mostly peaceful protests"?

So thats why he was rushed to Walter Reed

He was the President. They always do that. It's standard protocol.

But while they can't force you (yet?), they sure can force you the consequences by revoking certain benefits while not vaccinated

I can say with great confidence that the only way I get that vaccine without my consent, is to shoot me with a dart. I have created a life that needs nothing more than what I already have. My favorite phrase is "Eliminate the Need". Whatever we need can be delivered... and if anyone shoots me with anything, I have the Constitutional right to defend myself. I don't shoot darts.

Only think I like pickled in vinegar are onions.

I would like those too.

When people are "testable", they are infectious.

I have never allowed anyone near me with a swab either. If I happen to die of Covid, I'll die here at my home, drinking a Mai Tai, watching some TV show, and probably after posting my last post here to tell you what happened to me.

Living with it means the masks, the vaccines, the quarantines, the works.

No... that's managing it. Living with it is vaccines and herd immunity... until it no longer affects us.

Herman Cain was 74 years old, and he had cancer. He died a year and a half ago, July 2020. Try again.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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How dare i miss this one :(




Hi Betsy!

I hope all is well, given the circumstances you outlined in your first reply. Chances of a white Christmas? :D


I’m fine as is my family, thanks. My nephew got exposed to Covid again last week, but he’s testing negative and I’m looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. I mentioned Covid toes earlier, that was almost 2 yrs ago, and he’s fine. Covid toe is very, minor, just pain and discoloration that goes away within a couple of weeks. My point was that some people are sicker than others and there’s no way to predict how anyone will react. I’m triple vaxxed and very glad about it, but still very cautious.


How are you doing? Is your family well? Any fun holiday plans?

Caution is good!


All fine here, life goes on. I aint really a holiday person, in so far as you don't count "sitting at home" a holiday :D

Emperor of the Benelux
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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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I am reading the numbers and hearing the news.

Same here. It's obvious that our sources have different opinions. I'll stick with mine.

I do wonder, what numbers are your sources putting out then? Then again, you just added that your sources have opinions, numbers don't have opinions man. You keep claiming I am running with lies, but all I get back are that you have different opinions.


I understand that 800k deaths touches into the issue the human brain has with magnitude of numbers.

If that's the case, you're a little short. If people need lies to scare them, you better make it a billion. I still don't believe them.
I just read that a "Senator from Washington has died after his battle with Covid". That's the headline. It goes on to say he tested positive over a month ago, and his cause of death is unknown. This is the bullshit the mainstream media is pushing.


So on 1 hand you dismiss it cause the lie isn't big enough (I will tell you, the 28k of belgian deaths is also already a number I have difficulty to grasp), on the other you wouldn't believe anything anyway. So why bother? You clearly found your truth, just remarkable devoid of reason or facts, just beliefs.


The Washington State Senator got it in El Salvador, from where he then got clandestine airlifted to Florida to get the $$ treatments all hoaxers seem to like when they get caught up in the hoax. About his cause of death, shocker, patient privacy is protected and thus reliable media lists it is "unknown".


You not trusting your government is an ungoing philosophy that is yours to have.

That's why we have the US Constitution... because we don't trust government.
The numbers you're talking about are out of Oregon... you know... the place of "mostly peaceful protests"?

Your constitution is protected as much by the government as it is by the courts. Or are the police suddenly enemies of the constitution? :o


I took Oregon cause you mentioned them first. And about those "mostly peacefull protests", I hear they had less casualties then those "peacefull protests" on Jan 6th. Also you could even say they protested against the police restricting their constitutional rights. Then again, your sources might not like that belief.


So thats why he was rushed to Walter Reed

He was the President. They always do that. It's standard protocol.


You (and Trump) are were casting light of the infection and its effects on him. I do not deny nor want to prevent him from getting medical attention, but he sure got something worse then just the sniffles.


Also, stop electing geriatrics.


But while they can't force you (yet?), they sure can force you the consequences by revoking certain benefits while not vaccinated

I can say with great confidence that the only way I get that vaccine without my consent, is to shoot me with a dart. I have created a life that needs nothing more than what I already have. My favorite phrase is "Eliminate the Need". Whatever we need can be delivered... and if anyone shoots me with anything, I have the Constitutional right to defend myself. I don't shoot darts.

And I don't care as long as you do not endanger others on the unlikely chance you do contract it and are infectious.


When people are "testable", they are infectious.

I have never allowed anyone near me with a swab either. If I happen to die of Covid, I'll die here at my home, drinking a Mai Tai, watching some TV show, and probably after posting my last post here to tell you what happened to me.

Again, ^^ see reply ^^.


Living with it means the masks, the vaccines, the quarantines, the works.

No... that's managing it. Living with it is vaccines and herd immunity... until it no longer affects us.
Herman Cain was 74 years old, and he had cancer. He died a year and a half ago, July 2020. Try again.


You reach herd immunity with the aid of managing hygene rules and regulations. Why yes letting it run wild will get you faster to that "living with it" deal, but at what cost to society?


Herman Cain is just an easy target, a guy all into the hoax who even after death propogated it.


And yes, underlying health issues tend to be an issue when infected and ill, shocker.

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Brandon came out today with another HUGE announcement.

He spent a half hour hard selling vaccines and testing... again.

Like we haven't heard it already.

He also granted us permission to celebrate Christmas.

What a jerk.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Someone in the government is actually looking out for little old me, how dare he!

Emperor of the Benelux
Founder of the Commonwealth of Planets
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Someone in the government is actually looking out for little old me, how dare he!

Nobody in our government is looking out for you... don't even trust our ambassador.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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This is what happens when government forces private business to implement unreasonable policy on their customers. There will always be those that don't want to play along, and there will always be those that feel entitled to enforce it. This insanity is brought to you by the current United States Federal Government, Anthony Fauci, and their minions. "Never let a good crisis go to waste".

Karen Hits and Spits On Old Man For Eating On a Plane | (He says, "Sit down Karen!!") - YouTube

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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