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The Coronavirus

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Sounds like an antibody test, thou I think thats still a tad to soon to be properly organized and tested.


FDA approved and premiers at a theatre near you on Monday.



Seems wonderfull, even ingoring the usual disclaimers they stuck on it :D


That said, the results are faster but the throughput is less then batch laboratory tests, so more a novelty item. Even more when you find out they need a truely sick person to get positive tests...

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My wife and I were in our big jetted tub, drinking a shaker of Bay Breeze... that's where we solve all the worlds problems... well anyway, we were talking about the virus and comparing thoughts, and it's a little alarming. We don't know anybody that has this virus. Nobody we know, knows anyone who has this virus. We know a lot of people all throughout Nevada, California, Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii... Nothing. Nada. Zippo. I think it's a little strange.


Well anyway, everything is locked down in Las Vegas. A couple friends made a new video to chew up some of the time. This is Paul Shortino of "Raiding the Rock Vault", it's a stage show at the Rio, with Carrot Top who has a residency at the Luxor.

I've never been too much a fan of Metal... I like Joe Satriani much better... and no, it's not Coldplay

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My wife and I were in our big jetted tub, drinking a shaker of Bay Breeze...

Jesus Lys, drinking this hour in the day!  Almost as bad as I am.


Hope all of you, especially you Death Merchant are staying safe.


Things are proceeding as I expected.  All inter-provincial travel is restricted.  I got a message yesterday, normal operations not expected to resume until June, and to stand by for deployment.  Either for humanitarian relief or to act as replacement police.


As a post script, I just got a text a few moments ago.  Basically, be prepared for any scenario or deployment.   Not that I'm complaining, it's my job and it's what I signed up to do.


What I will complain about is the unbelievable level of stupidity that is on display.  I mean, you've all seen the videos of the Spring Breakers in the States. 


I was talking with my parents in Newfoundland earlier today.  In our small town, eight volunteer Firemen and four Paramedics are in 14 day isolation after they answered a call to bring someone to the hospital.  The person didn't tell the dispatcher that she had "flu like symptoms", so they didn't take precautions.  


I was watching CBC yesterday and they were interviewing a Canadian who is stuck in India.  She was ripping into the government because they weren't doing enough to bring her home.  When asked if she had contacted the Embassy, she said "No.  My sister in Canada tweeted a couple of MPs (Members of Parliament)".


Or the people who ignored the government's instruction to come home, three weeks ago.

Or the idiots who decided to go on vacation, and are now indigent that they can't get off their cruise ships, and are demanding the government take action.

Or the assholes that return for foreign travel and decided that the Quarantine orders can't possibly apply to them, as they stop off to buy groceries, check their mail, and go to Tims for a f**king coffee.


Or the entitled moron I encountered yesterday.  I went to the grocery store to pick up some things.  While there I noticed a 20 something Muslim (I only mention that because it's an important detail), who is hacking and coughing.  When the Store Manager and Security Guard approached her and asked her to leave.  They were met with screams of "Islamophobia."

There is hope.  An older Muslim lady approached and said (Yes, I was in ear shot), "No.  Stop that now.  You are not being asked to leave because you are Muslim.  You are being asked to leave because you are sick, and endangering these other people.  If you truly respected the tenants of our faith, you would not have come here."

She shut up and left pretty quick.


Stay safe and healthy all.

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Jesus Lys, drinking this hour in the day! Almost as bad as I am.

Oh Buddy... that's not the half of it. You have to drink, or do something equivalent to get through this. I mean, nobody even looks at each other anymore. I took my work in today. I create a huge box of mail every week to go out. I take it up to a business office to run it through the postage machine. So I'm walking up to get on the elevator to take the box up, and there are a few people waiting to get on the elevator. Door opens, and I carry my box in. No one else would get in the elevator. It's really sad.

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A handy visual for understanding the US stimulus package:



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Where's the handy visual for understanding how it's paid for?

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Where's the handy visual for understanding how it's paid for?


That's easy, it gets tacked on to the national debt. The administration has no plan to raise taxes or cut spending elsewhere to pay for this.

Also, I'm a huge fan of Trump stating that he plans to ignore all the required congressional oversight in the stimulus bill. So he's going to try and funnel as much of that money as possible into companies his family owns for profit. /s

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That's easy, it gets tacked on to the national debt.

I want to know how they plan on controlling the inflation this will cause.

Also, I'm a huge fan of Trump stating that he plans to ignore all the required congressional oversight in the stimulus bill. So he's going to try and funnel as much of that money as possible into companies his family owns for profit.

The Trump hating MSM is watching for that more than anything else, so it's never gonna happen. The employees that work for Trump owned business deserve the same treatment as all the rest of us, and Trump International is just as important to the US economy as Amazon, or the U.S. Postal service. It's millions of American Citizens, and most of us are out of work. That stupid "We're all in this together" slogan works for everyone except the people who work for the Trump family? Shame.

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    IRON Rose

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Where's the handy visual for understanding how it's paid for?


That's easy, it gets tacked on to the national debt. The administration has no plan to raise taxes or cut spending elsewhere to pay for this.



I wonder when the US government will mint the "get out of jail free" coin :P

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I wonder when the US government will mint the "get out of jail free" coin

About the same time they mint that "Trump wins second place in a beauty contest" coin :)

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Well this just happended.




Seems someone finally talked Trump into actually believing this virus is real

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Seems someone finally talked Trump into actually believing this virus is real

I'm thinking the Federal and State Governments knew this for weeks. A couple of weeks ago when multiple US States were enacting quarantines and public shut downs, they all knew the public couldn't handle being told lock themselves in their homes for months, and tens of thousands will die (primarily elderly and those with health complications). So what do they do? Pitch a story that it won't be long, only a few weeks tops, and then when that alleged deadline approaches just keep gradually extending it. At least in my state (not counting NYC and the surrounding counties) the quarantine seems to be somewhat working. I've been tracking the number increases in my county and 5 other surrounding counties and the rate of increase is slowing . Seemed to be going from 8 or 9 new cases a day in my county to now about 3-5. But I have severe doubts my fellow modern Americans will put up with a 'stay home' order for long. Too many are in serious debt (some due to unforeseen circumstances, most due to extravagant spending), and they need funds to pay their bills since not many are working. The Stimulus checks will help but in the grand scheme of things its really not that much money. The average consumer doesn't know how to make their money last. Even with this sudden awakening it doesn't necessarily translate to people automatically knowing how to be money savvy.


Once this thing finally does end and life goes back to normal, there will be a massive amount of Repossessed Cars, Motorcycles, ATVs, Dirt Bikes, Boats, lots of foreclosed homes + rental evictions. It will be a buyer's market for sure.

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That's easy, it gets tacked on to the national debt.

I want to know how they plan on controlling the inflation this will cause.

Also, I'm a huge fan of Trump stating that he plans to ignore all the required congressional oversight in the stimulus bill. So he's going to try and funnel as much of that money as possible into companies his family owns for profit.

The Trump hating MSM is watching for that more than anything else, so it's never gonna happen. The employees that work for Trump owned business deserve the same treatment as all the rest of us, and Trump International is just as important to the US economy as Amazon, or the U.S. Postal service. It's millions of American Citizens, and most of us are out of work. That stupid "We're all in this together" slogan works for everyone except the people who work for the Trump family? Shame.



Trump's business assets are important for the economy, however its a major conflict of interest and straight up corrupt when you are taking government money and directing it towards your businesses without using the proper contract process. The contract systems and ethical restrictions on what you can and can not do with these businesses is created to prevent this very thing.


Trump certainly isn't the first politician to try and direct money towards his own companies, nor will he be the last. The point I'm making, and as someone who appears to take the small government or libertarian stance of 'how are they gonna pay for this', it should scare you that Trump wants to defy the checks put in place by congress on this money. Executive power to use money without authorization or balance from Congress all the way back to the Louisiana Purchase. But its important to hold the president in check, regardless of his party, because that is how we maintain transparency and the freedom we as a country so proudly try to display.

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But its important to hold the president in check, regardless of his party, because that is how we maintain transparency and the freedom we as a country so proudly try to display.

I completely understand your point, but Trump didn't write the stimulus bill, the Senate did. The President just signs the damn thing, or vetoes it if he doesn't like it. He said he would sign whatever they put in front of him, so if there's something wrong with it, look at Congress.

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Seems someone finally talked Trump into actually believing this virus is real

No one said anything about not believing the virus is real. Everyone knows the virus is real. Not everyone believes that throwing the entire planet into economic destruction is the best way to deal with the very real virus. I believe I will eventually get this virus... I believe everyone will eventually get this virus. I also believe that the only thing the politicians are worried about is overwhelmed hospitals and avoiding blame. The only thing the Trump hating media wants to do is find a way to blame Trump for it, and avoid talking about China... and Joe Biden.


Typical accusation from the left is that we don't believe it's real. It's the same story with Climate Change. I believe the climate has been changing for billions of years. I do not believe it's an "existential threat", and I don't believe we should throw the entire planet into economic destruction over that either.


We should be working on a vaccine, and finding out what caused it. I would start with Wuhan... but I guess that's just me.

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I do hope that once we eventually DO get the vaccine, governments will flex their muscles and make sure every person alive gets vaccinated. This isn't the time to pander to anti-vexxers because lives and (on a MUCH larger scale and therefore more importantly) livelihoods are at stake.

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Update: Called a very good friend of mine to check on him since I haven't talked to him since the shutdown. He sounds absolutely great, and he was wondering about me as well. He then said he has the virus. I was a little shocked because he sounds great, and he's also older than me. I asked him if he's been tested. He said no. So I asked why he believes he has it. He said he has lost smell, taste, and feels he has a little cold. He has no fever, and no breathing trouble. Left it with him calling me if it gets worse, or if he needs anything at all. So, I don't know if I still know no one that has the virus. I hope for the best, but I don't think he has it.

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Not to diminish hiw own knowledge about his body, but thats sounds like a hypochondriac reaction...


And yes we already know where this virus came from, then again I doubt you believe epidemiologists like you not believe climatologists, so why would I even try...

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So, on last week alone, 3 million people have lost their jobs in the US. Wow.

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Not to diminish hiw own knowledge about his body, but thats sounds like a hypochondriac reaction...

My thoughts exactly.

And yes we already know where this virus came from, then again I doubt you believe epidemiologists like you not believe climatologists, so why would I even try...

I don't believe what they say because I don't trust who is paying them to say it.


I don't believe that stupid graph in the picture with Trump either. I don't believe 2.2 million people would have died of Covid in the US if we did nothing. I don't believe 240,000 people will die in the US of Covid now. I believe those numbers are intended to make everyone look like they did everything right in the end... because the number will be much lower. Everyone ends up a hero.


I believe the US is shut down right now because it's an election year, the economy has always been Trump's "Achilles Heel", and they failed completely at bringing forward any candidate that could possibly bring Trump down. Impeachment failed. China doesn't like their trade deals, so they wanted to buy the next President with Bloomberg. They failed. Bernie is crazy. Biden is brain dead. Release a semi-dangerous virus, and the frightened people will do the rest. I believe China has gone back to their old playbook, and anyone that still knows the history knows they love to control the masses with genocide.

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