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The Elections 2020 Thread

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Blade 619

Blade 619

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Definitely time for you guys to scrap your electoral college system. 



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  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




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Definitely time for you guys to scrap your electoral college system. 

No thanks... California doesn't choose the President.

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t's time to allow the votes to come in, and accept the loss. Just admit we came up short this time, and move on. We can't call Democrats a bunch of snowflakes that can't accept a loss, and then not accept a loss. I'm kind of looking forward to normal again.



Classy statement. Very graceful.



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t's time to allow the votes to come in, and accept the loss. Just admit we came up short this time, and move on. We can't call Democrats a bunch of snowflakes that can't accept a loss, and then not accept a loss. I'm kind of looking forward to normal again.



Classy statement. Very graceful.


Agreed, I just wish more voters thought this way.

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Agreed, I just wish more voters thought this way.


I do too. 



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My greatest hope for election 2020 was a clean election... this has not come to pass. Now we get lawsuits, lawsuits, more lawsuits, court fights, rulings, more rulings, counter lawsuits, more counter lawsuits, counter rulings, rulings... and still no one trusts anyone.


Speed and transparency were most important... utter failure on both counts.


I'm reminded of the years past, back when Harry Reid controlled his entire political machine here in Las Vegas. I was constantly asked by every casino Culinary Union Chief, and every space cadet lefty, if I was going to vote for Harry Reid. My answer was always the same canned response... "No I'm not... I would vote for a plant before I would vote for Harry Reid".


Now we're all gonna find out what it's really like to actually elect the plant. You can't make this up :)

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My greatest hope for election 2020 was a clean election... this has not come to pass. Now we get lawsuits, lawsuits, more lawsuits, court fights, rulings, more rulings, counter lawsuits, more counter lawsuits, counter rulings, rulings... and still no one trusts anyone.


Speed and transparency were most important... utter failure on both counts.


I'm reminded of the years past, back when Harry Reid controlled his entire political machine here in Las Vegas. I was constantly asked by every casino Culinary Union Chief, and every space cadet lefty, if I was going to vote for Harry Reid. My answer was always the same canned response... "No I'm not... I would vote for a plant before I would vote for Harry Reid".


Now we're all gonna find out what it's really like to actually elect the plant. You can't make this up :)



I to was hoping for a clean sweep.  I was hoping that whoever won, it would be so obvious that there was no need for lawsuits or the idea of fraud/cheating, mail in ballots and all from covid that wouldn't matter in regards to who won, that we could all move on for the betterment of the country.  It literally has turned into the worse case scenario where too tight of races, and now you got lawsuits and the idea that it's so close that possible cheating could swing who wins.  It's really not what we need.


I'm not here to argue there's been cheating, tbh I'll wait to see what unfolds with it.  I'm sure there could be voter fraud as probably with every election, but in to what degree and would it play a part.  In the back of my mind, I just wonder if some of the "unhinged people" who are Trump supporters could do some harmful and stupid things.  Also, just as a sidenote, I'm not saying only Trump supporters could/are unhinged before someone thinks I mean that, there's plenty of unhinged people in this country with different political views...the statement is just that, there's a lot of unhinged and wound up people in general that all it takes it a spark.


At the end of the day, I don't see this country really much changing whoever is President.  People said with Obama it would be the end, others said with Trump it would be, and at the end of it all, I'm still here and my day to day life has mostly been unchanged.  Sure bad laws and things have been put into place throughout both, but in the grand scheme...not been the end of the world.  (I think Deathmerchant made a video on FB about something similar that I agree with).  The Republicans hold the senate which will likely stop any court packing, and the SP is now steady Conservative leaning.  I can see any gun laws and such that Biden looks to push being sent to the SP and hopefully shut down.  I'm also someone who sees both parties literally peas in the same pod for the most part...and I'm against a lot of both.


This is going to sound horrible...but if Biden does win, in terms of gun laws...I wouldn't be surprised one bit if we see a mass shooting/s shortly after and then the push for gun control starts early.  


Anyway, that's it for now...I just am not someone who buys into the mass hysteria either side throws out that the Country as we know it will be coming to an end.  It's the same shit every election...every time it's the same saying, "This is the most important election ever, you can't vote your conscious or your beliefs, you have to pick the lesser of two evils."  It's every year...and same people are like well maybe next election I'll look at someone past the two party duopoly, and then time comes and it's once again the most important election ever and if their candidate the hate least doesn't win the sky will fall.  

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The number one most important issue to me, and always has been... is debt. Ronald Reagan unleashed deficit spending back in the early 80's to correct a failing economy, and rebuild our obsolete military. In his mind, it was a temporary fix. To those that came after him, it became an unlimited credit card to solve every problem, pay back states and donors, plus get them reelected... and Congress just jumped on the train to "bring home the bacon".


The Federal Reserve has been literally printing trillions of worthless dollars and passing it out for every bailout and tragedy... for decades. The interest on this cash is zero. That means it's not worth anything. So every trillion pumped into the US economy, it makes the money we already have worth less, and the cost of everything we have to buy with it much higher.


You want to talk about an existential threat? This is the real one.


Climate Change is Science Fiction compared to the US National Debt.


Our Presidents, our Congress, our State Governments... none of them are doing anything about it. They just keep making it worse. Donald Trump loved spending money, and Joe Biden will certainly spend more than he did. Joe just won't get anything for us in return.


The only thing that can fix it is a Constitutional Amendment. It's the only thing that can limit the power of Government... and they will have to be forced by the people that elect them to do it. Before anyone thinks that doing this is a great idea, and it really must be done because we have no choice... it would be very painful for everyone. Federal funding would essentially have to be cut to the bone. But it's the only way to correct the damage... unless we cash in our money for 10 cents on the dollar in exchange for a new currency.


Someday, one day, we must elect a real President.

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Associate Justice Samuel Alito just issued an order for Pennsylvania to segregate votes received after election day in accordance with the law. Which tells me they didn't do this yet. So, now it begins.

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It's time to allow the votes to come in, and accept the loss. Just admit we came up short this time, and move on. We can't call Democrats a bunch of snowflakes that can't accept a loss, and then not accept a loss.


Lys, I'm glad to hear you say that.  I'm glad that you mean it.  Like you, I watched the election on Tuesday.  I watched it on PBS (personal bias, I like Public Broadcasters), guessing you watched it on Fox.


To see you say that fills me with a lot of hope. 

I've been watching the news, and I see a lot of Trump supporters ranting and raving about a stolen election, and stopping the vote.  Some of them have been armed, and ready to do violence. 


That, Lys, makes my blood run cold.


Not that I mind guns.  Cripes a month ago, I was out on the range and fired off 400 rounds through a C9 and was laughing my ass off the whole time.


Getting back to my last.  It scared the ever living f#k out of that some are willing to undermine the very foundation upon which your nation was built.


I'm talking about those fools that wanted to stop the vote.  I don't particularly give a damn about which side of the spectrum they are on.  Political Extremism in any form is bad.  Or to quote "Oh nothing gonna stop them as the day follows the night. Right become a wrong, the left becomes the right"


I've read the majority of your posts.  Hell, we've had our disagreements.  I've shaken my head a time or two at some of the stuff you've said.  By the same token, it filled me with disgust when a former member called you a "literal Nazi" just because you liked(?), supported(?), Steve King.


Lys, tonight I'll sleep easy knowing that not all Trump supporters are lunatics.

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I didn't follow the election process closely so sorry for my ignorance.

As far as I got from majority of the media that US wants to return to the normal.

Still I can't understand what has become so abnormal in recent times during Trump.

I hope DEMS deliver on there election promises.


But I think this is not the way a democratic system should work anywhere in the world as it has now become.

When you already made your mind or strong opinion about someone or some party, it is going to be Feudalism not Democracy.

Once a person is elected for 4/5 or any amount of years, he should be allowed to work freely without any resistance since now he represents all of the nation.

That is what Democracy is all about, the rule of majority, at least they should be allowed to fulfill there poll promises.

Of course there are some checks and balances so that he doesn't become a dictator.

The vote should be cast on the basis of our ability to judge what a person can really deliver once he/she is elected, or on his/her past performance.

When we already made up our mind irrespective of anything, we are going back to feudalism.

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Lys, tonight I'll sleep easy knowing that not all Trump supporters are lunatics.

Well that warms the cockles of my heart. But before you get all misty over it, just remember that I'm still a proud American Citizen, still a firm supporter of our Constitutional Republic, still believe that the great people in South Dakota are just as important as anyone in New York City, still believe that a southern accent doesn't demonstrate a lack of critical thinking, and even though I have a lot of black friends, it doesn't mean I can ever listen to rap music... that doesn't make me a racist... it's just proof that I have good ears.


If Joe Biden becomes President, it will be the first time in my life that we have a President that was elected totally on who he is not. He won the Democrat nomination because he is not Bernie Sanders, and he would be elected President because he is not Donald Trump. There is not a single thing that Joe Biden has ever done to earn it. It's just as bad as Obama... a first term Junior Senator that never did anything to earn it... but at least he was able to deliver a speech. Joe has never done a thing, and he's an empty suit. He will be a harmless President, because he's weak and ineffective. My wife gives him 6 months before he's out... I'm not sure he'll make it to inauguration. His allies are carnivorous Progressives, and they are all swarming around... waiting for him to start bleeding.

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Biden took Pennsylvania and the Presidency. We knew it was going to happen for days now, but it's now official

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The states are being called as expected.


What I have been watching... are the Senate results. Fox News has not called North Carolina for Thom Tillis yet... but Real Clear Politics has called it for Tillis. I believe they follow Associated Press, so there is your difference.


What has occurred in Georgia is ultra strange, and it adds to my doubt that things in Georgia have been run "on the level".


Throughout all these days of slowly counting votes in the dark, and taking strong leads away from Donald Trump, none of it has effected the Senate elections to the same degree. What I'm saying is Georgia has added thousands of votes to Biden totals, but David Perdue remains strongly in the lead for his Senate seat. They did force him down below the 50% threshold, which forces a runoff with Ossoff... lol, runoff with Ossoff... well anyway... This means thousands of votes were counted that voted for Joe Biden, but not voting for Ossoff. Does this make sense?

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The Trump campaign has released a statement that the election is far from over.

I'm sad to say that the election is really far from being overturned.

Stick a fork in this turkey... it's cooked.

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At the end of the day, I don't see this country really much changing whoever is President. People said with Obama it would be the end, others said with Trump it would be, and at the end of it all, I'm still here and my day to day life has mostly been unchanged. Sure bad laws and things have been put into place throughout both, but in the grand scheme...not been the end of the world. (I think Deathmerchant made a video on FB about something similar that I agree with). The Republicans hold the senate which will likely stop any court packing, and the SP is now steady Conservative leaning. I can see any gun laws and such that Biden looks to push being sent to the SP and hopefully shut down. I'm also someone who sees both parties literally peas in the same pod for the most part...and I'm against a lot of both.

This is going to sound horrible...but if Biden does win, in terms of gun laws...I wouldn't be surprised one bit if we see a mass shooting/s shortly after and then the push for gun control starts early.

Anyway, that's it for now...I just am not someone who buys into the mass hysteria either side throws out that the Country as we know it will be coming to an end. It's the same shit every election...every time it's the same saying, "This is the most important election ever, you can't vote your conscious or your beliefs, you have to pick the lesser of two evils." It's every year...and same people are like well maybe next election I'll look at someone past the two party duopoly, and then time comes and it's once again the most important election ever and if their candidate the hate least doesn't win the sky will fall.

I'm glad we've finally found out who won. Even though it's going to be heavily contested for months, at least we finally know what to expect. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback in regards to that video I made. Co-workers, friends, and family have all said it was a very positive message. A few have told me I should start a podcast in regards to finding that common middle ground with people, along with discussing vearious life lessons. Still mulling the idea over on my head but it might be fun to do.

To see you say that fills me with a lot of hope.
I've been watching the news, and I see a lot of Trump supporters ranting and raving about a stolen election, and stopping the vote. Some of them have been armed, and ready to do violence.

That, Lys, makes my blood run cold.

Not that I mind guns. Cripes a month ago, I was out on the range and fired off 400 rounds through a C9 and was laughing my ass off the whole time.

Getting back to my last. It scared the ever living f#k out of that some are willing to undermine the very foundation upon which your nation was built.

I'm talking about those fools that wanted to stop the vote. I don't particularly give a damn about which side of the spectrum they are on. Political Extremism in any form is bad. Or to quote "Oh nothing gonna stop them as the day follows the night. Right become a wrong, the left becomes the right"

I've read the majority of your posts. Hell, we've had our disagreements. I've shaken my head a time or two at some of the stuff you've said. By the same token, it filled me with disgust when a former member called you a "literal Nazi" just because you liked(?), supported(?), Steve King.

Lys, tonight I'll sleep easy knowing that not all Trump supporters are lunatics.

I can pretty much guarantee not a single conservative/Trump supporter is going to storm a Polling Place, burn down their neighborhood, or shoot up a mall. Bear in mind it was the BLM/ANTIFA crowd that prepositioned themselves the night before Election Day in big cities such as DC and NYC. They made it verbally clear they were ready to 'intervene' if the Election didn't go their way. Their are crazies on both sides, but in my experience Conservatives do a much better job at reigning theirs in.

Lys, tonight I'll sleep easy knowing that not all Trump supporters are lunatics.

Well that warms the cockles of my heart. But before you get all misty over it, just remember that I'm still a proud American Citizen, still a firm supporter of our Constitutional Republic, still believe that the great people in South Dakota are just as important as anyone in New York City, still believe that a southern accent doesn't demonstrate a lack of critical thinking, and even though I have a lot of black friends, it doesn't mean I can ever listen to rap music... that doesn't make me a racist... it's just proof that I have good ears.

If Joe Biden becomes President, it will be the first time in my life that we have a President that was elected totally on who he is not. He won the Democrat nomination because he is not Bernie Sanders, and he would be elected President because he is not Donald Trump. There is not a single thing that Joe Biden has ever done to earn it. It's just as bad as Obama... a first term Junior Senator that never did anything to earn it... but at least he was able to deliver a speech. Joe has never done a thing, and he's an empty suit. He will be a harmless President, because he's weak and ineffective. My wife gives him 6 months before he's out... I'm not sure he'll make it to inauguration.. His allies are carnivorous Progressives, and they are all swarming around... waiting for him to start bleeding.
I think the worst we have to worry about is Biden issuing Executive Orders on Immigration Policies, having a weak foreign policy, decreasing Federal Funding for local Police, and instructing the ATF to push as much into the NFA as possible. Unless he can win the Senate there isn't much he can do in terms of legislation.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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I just heard about an irregularity that's getting checked out that Joe Biden got less votes than Barack Obama did in all districts except for a few specific districts where he got a crazy amount of votes more than Obama did. Yeah, that should cause an investigation.

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Something else that doesn't pass the smell test... every glitch and irregularity they are finding in Pennsylvania, always benefits Joe Biden. They say it's like flipping a coin 100 times, and it lands on heads every time. The more they look, the more they find.


Nothing surprising about all this. These dirty people have spent the last 4 years, in every possible way, to get rid of him.

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Blade 619

Blade 619

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Definitely time for you guys to scrap your electoral college system. 

No thanks... California doesn't choose the President.



Though at the moment the republican voters in California might as well not exist? 

Seems oddly undemocratic that a Texan, Floridian, or Californian vote is worth approximately 1/4th of a Wyoming vote?

Obviously not going to include the roughly 4 million US citizens (not including felony disenfranchisement as that's up to individual states as to how they want to disallow votes) with no voting rights to the congress / house of representatives... of the 3.5m with no way to contribute towards the votes for their president?  



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Blade 619 you have been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!



  I will remember this, Blade, and I will be forever grateful... oh hell words fail me!  ( @ )( @ )



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Revenge is best served cold, tasting of vanilla yoghurt with vanilla and chocolate balls.




Leave it to Blade to step in and say the most completely true post in this thread. You make my day Sir.  

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Seems oddly undemocratic that a Texan, Floridian, or Californian vote is worth approximately 1/4th of a Wyoming vote?

The United States is not a Democracy... it is a Republic. No offence my brother, but it's been that way since we had to kick the British out, not once... but twice. The English Monarchy kind of left a really bad taste in our mouths, and it was decided that the U.S. Government would remain in the control of the will of it's people. Thomas Jefferson famously quoted that Democracy is 51% of the people stomping on the rights the other 49... this still remains to this day.


This is why we have an Electoral College, where each state has a maximum capped amount of influence on a Presidential election. It's also why each state, regardless of population, carries an equal 2 Senators. Our Constitution limits the power of our Federal Government, and all power not granted to them in the Constitution, is left to the individual states... of which there are currently 50.


This is why Donald Trump could not just send the National Guard into Portland to crush the riots. He didn't have the power to do that without the expressed consent of the Governor of Oregon. It would be an unconstitutional abuse of power. Anyone who does not like this system can offer up a Constitutional Amendment to change it. Instead of doing this... we just get a bunch of complaining.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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