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[TW-13] Avengers: Infinity War Mafia - Mafia Wins

[TW-13] Mafia Avengers

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    Tempered IRON

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Good to see the mod prod worked and iSoc2 is posting again!


A lot of walls to unpack. To save time I'm not going to fully talked about my overall feeling of people TL;DR statements and soft list. How are some general thoughts.

Mafia might be targeting inactives because they happen to be more on the active side. Not a agenda but just a coincidence.

Some people who were quick to count Kevin claim out, or also quick to jump on Robert statements.

Zach seems to be a following the crowd type player. As of right now.

There's still something about LWW that I can't fully explain that has my gut feeling heightened.

Much of this is pretty general and covers topics same or similar to what the thread has already discussed. Good to catch up on that.


The main item I want to hear more from YOU on is your last sentence. You ended D2 with a splash of taking over for the inactive Bryan and voting for LWW instead of joining any other wagon. I'd encourage you to solidify and share the basis for why you voted for LWW as your first iSoc2 post, because otherwise we have relatively little on your/Bryan's associations and that leaves you skating under the radar. See the conversation about Velocity regarding why "I could have just been inactive" is not a great defense.



Scum #1: lilweirdward

1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch

2. Day 1 Fake Vote for Velocity before dropping it (no vote at end despite being pro-lynch in D1 postings)

3. Day 2 Second to join Kevin Wagon.

4. Day 2 Was the most aggressive if not a close second to brewers in the Kevin push.



Scum #2: Brewers

1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch

2. Day 2 Fake vote for llw

3. Day 2 Started Kevin Wagon

4. Day 2 Clear team with llw.


Scum #3: Velocity

1, Day 1 Pro-Lynch

2. Day 2 Refused to vote for Kevin despite Agreeing with the Wagon.


Its interesting both Brewers and llw did a Fos on Velocity, almost on purpose to distance themselves from him. This threw me off on brewers at first thinking ok Velocity cant be scum brewers just pointed him out, but if you think about it, Velocity FoS was an obvious one due to his reluctance to vote kevin despite agreeing with the wagon. I now think this was a fake Fos to put distance between scum. llw's FoS of Velocity also being fake.


It just feels like the three of them are connected and actively trying to make it seem like they're not. 


Suspicious of:

1. Darkfox

2. Preston


Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF) or Pro-Lynch day 1 (Preston).


I'm probably wrong, like usual, but this is my honest assessment of the game (no bullshit).

This looks like you're starting to copy the style of others' analysis. It's a good way to begin and it's definitely good to see your suspect list written down with a little more of what you consider substance. 


You seem to put a very heavy emphasis on people being Day 1 pro-lynch, but dont seem to understand the idea. Day 1 is usually a shitshow of LOL votes early on until the seemingly inevitable Lynch/NoLynch discussion begins. From my memory it's relatively uncommon for Day 1 to end in an ACTUAL lynch, either due to nobody getting near the vote threshold or everyone swapping back to no-lynch at the end. However it's valuable to see what tells people might drop early on when/if they get more serious past the LOL vote stage - is there an actual push, does any wagon actually build more than 1-2 votes and how did that happen, etc. The theory is that scum will almost always want a Day 1 lynch to start cutting down town numbers, but absent power role data all we have to start forcing people onto sides so that we can scum hunt is a wagon of people and the confirmation of whether said wagon flipped town or scum. Basically it has to start somewhere. 


As for Brewers and LWW on your list, I think you are mostly reacting to their more forward/aggressive posting style. They led/pushed the Kevin wagon on D2 and Robert wagon on D3. To an extent this game is about being persuasive/convincing others to side with you, and confidence/aggression in your posts is one way to go about it. 


As for Velocity - per the rest of D3 there's more to why they are suspicious than the two items you list, but on at least that entry we are agreed.



Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF)

You were also on the vote for Kevin. I explained my logic and you agreed with it. I am curious why you find that suspicious now


On the one hand, Zacch paying attention to who was on what wagon is a step in the right direction in terms of making their otherwise random gut-feeling posts into something more coherent. It's also normal for people to ignore their own presence on a wagon because "I know I am town."


At this stage in the game Zacch has already accumulated a number of potential scum tell flags. Some may be just genuine newness, but a newbie can be scum as well as town. 


Also DF you need to get some more posts in to solidify your stance/suspect list and put down a vote - slipping inactive while others drive the thread doesn't do anyone any favors.





Dark Fox- town, he knows why i am 99.9% sure he is town.  dont want to out him tho if anyone missed what happened.

lww: posts feel townish, as well as his push for kevin early.  dont feel like he would do that as scum.  now if kevin flipped scum, he could have been bussing but I dont see scum pushing that hard on a townie this early, ESPECIALLY since i was leading the charge and there would be no reason to do it since i am gonna push kevin all day anyways

Preston:  ive never played with him before so idk his play style but typically the giant quote walls go hand in hand with town players, so for now im giving him the benefit of the doubt


No clue:

Imran:  dont have a feeling either way.  He hasnt done anything that screams scum or town.  he is a skilled player so he could play as scum easily without being obviously scum

isocialism 2- i dont even remember who he replaced and hes posted once so I got nothing for him

Lyner:  same as imran

MK: no where near as active as he usually is, but i feel like he would be a lot more active if scum.  tho he has made some weird votes

zach:  cant tell if he is scum or just a new townish player.  it feels like he is trying hard tho so brownie points i guess


Scum Suspects:

Robert- ive detailed my reasoning before

Jazzy: he has been very quiet and his actions feel like he is trying to hide under the radar.  also his place on the Kevin Wagon feels like a spot where scum would hide.  im def open to voting him instead of robert

velocity:  he came out of the gate d1 saying it was a new velocity and he votes now... and then doesnt vote at all d2 and avoids the kevin wagon even tho he comments right before deadline saying he thinks kevin might be scum... feels like potental scum trying to avoid a wagon




two feels on the set up:


Scum is three people or scum is two people and if thanos gets all three stones half the townies die randomly


if scum is three people, my gut tells me that one of the scum is probably from my no clue list of people.... usually at least one scum will do a good job blending in with town, and for my suspects, usually we are good for a few townies playing poorly and looking like they are scum lol  tho there is no rafay this game thats usually his job, but kevins RC felt like a Rafay move so I guess rafay was with us in spirit

Good to see a more detailed list from Brewers rather than just a top suspect of the moment!


Interesting to see such confidence in DF - though the "I dont want to out him" feels like "Dont think about ..."; you're doing it by saying you DONT want to do it?


Much of your suspect list actually matches my own theories thus far.


The main difference is I"m taking a much dimmer view of iSoc2 because he posted at D2 end voting for LWW on the theory LWW wasnt actually contributing (what?), in doing so avoided all other wagons (scum vote spreading?), and then went silent until just recently following a mod poke. 


Regarding game setup - I /really/ hope you're wrong about the stones' effect because that sounds like an auto-win condition for the scum. There's obviously something to them since TW is tracking it so explicitly, but that interpretation would be pretty slanted.


I'm going to come to the defense of Zach here. He's a newer guy to at least or forums and will be a great addition for later games. His voting is scattered, but this is typically not a scummy strategy. His voting is not just an one vote on someone random but actually has weight and could put someone's wagon further into motion.

Now it does seem slight wishy-washy with his commitment of his voting and also to mention the feeling of following the wagons. But he's willing to put a lot of players at risk. If he is scum this will give us a better idea who he's mates are. But I will go with, not scum.

This is actually really interesting to see from you. Since you're currently my #2 suspect and defending my #4, does that mean you're scum allies trying to cover for each other, a scum trying to get points by defending an awkward newbie, or town doing the same? 


Per my earlier posts I am leery of just letting "excuse my odd behavior because I'm new" stand unchallenged, but the fact you are sticking up for him is notable. 


As for my vote, out of the two popular options I don't see Robert as scum. In fact, I think him being pushed is sus.

I think the next option will bring a lot of clarification to some others things. For that reason

Vote Velocity

And now my #2 suspect is voting for my #1 suspect! 


Given that the Velocity wagon actually may complete the day, this is a fairly strong distancing move between you and Velocity. If Velocity flips scum it won't FULLY clear you (potential scum sacrifice), but it will certainly improve your case.


I'd still like to see you elaborate on the 'gut feeling' you had about LWW though - I dont want to let that point drop until you've put a basis under it. 


We've got roughly a day and a half left before deadline. Need everyone remaining to stake your positions and get your thoughts posted before the day ends and we play the 'who doesnt wake up tomorrow' roulette. 


@TW can we get an updated vote count?

P.S. As I'm posting I see that Velocity himself has thrown a vote for Jazzy? Good to have a position recorded at least.


Given earlier theories that Velocity wanted to stay off the Kevin wagon because Jazzy was already on it, this could be a distancing move. Jazzy really does need to come back and post something solid before the day ends. 

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Vote Count

Velocity (4): Lord MK, Lyner, Preston, iSocialism 2.0

Robert2424 (2): lilweirdward, Brewersalliance

Zacch (2): Robert2424, Imran Ehsan

Brewersalliance (1): Zacch

Jazzy95 (1): Velocity

Darkfox (0):

Imran Ehsan (0):

iSocialism2.0 (0):

lilweirdward (0):

Lord MK (0):

Lyner (0):

Preston (0):


No Lynch (0):


Not Voting: Darkfox, Jazzy95


With 12 players alive it takes 6 to lynch or 3 at deadline.
Deadline will be at 5:00PM CN Server time on Saturday, August 27th.

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    Tempered IRON

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I'd like to point out that Velocity is now comfortably over the minimum votes needed to be lynched, and he's a good player so I'm sure he was aware of that when he last posted. Not only is he not really defending himself anymore, but he also tossed a vote on jazzy (without much effort into convincing anyone to go along with it) which doesn't help his cause at all. If he's town and any sort of power role, this is a horrible strategy, and if he's scum at all, it's also a horrible strategy. My best guess is that he's either VT (probably most likely), joker, or some niche role that gets an ability if lynched.

Either way, I think it's worth noting how Velocity is playing out the end of this day since it seems likely that he's going to be lynched unless something significant changes.



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Well. The velocity train seems to be in full swing. I believe MK was the only one on both wagons? (I don't remember where Preston voted. ).

Again. It's possible I'm grilling Zacch and he's just being a new player, but it's hard with how he's acting. Even if from some it's "normal"

Preston making always these super long posts. You think his active he is and how much he's typing he'd be more of a topic or driver of the town, or find him saying something super scummy. It's odd to me.

LWW dose makes some good points. Yes we have to lynch in order to win. I just didn't find Kevin to be as scummy enough to vote off. Witch is fine. I feel it's more me not supporting the Kevin Lynch blindly I have the two votes on me anyways from the two. He's also made a good analysis on his last post about Velocity not being on it.

It feels wierd the interaction between Brewers and Zacch. Zacch seems convinced Brewers is scum and Brewers is just like. Eh. I don't care at all about you. Idk if Brewers just thinks he's just a noob or is trying to insult him. Or both.

I try to get to this game at least once a day when I'm at work. At least theres a ton to read each morning.

I do feel Jazzy and Darkfox should vote.

Irman joins me on voting Zacch and has been Grilling him.

And yeah. I get the sentiment that Brewers and LWW seem like partners in some way but doubt scum would just buddy up like that. Not impossible, but not super likely. I do feel there something extra there, but unsure.

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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And yeah. I get the sentiment that Brewers and LWW seem like partners in some way but doubt scum would just buddy up like that. Not impossible, but not super likely. I do feel there something extra there, but unsure.


fuck you got us.  lww is my multi


ive always said i had one... well here it is.


im fine with a lynch of velo.

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Imran Ehsan

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The velocity vote on jazz looks like a distancing move to me. If velocity is lynched today and turns up scum, I think we got out 2nd scum too.

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The velocity vote on jazz looks like a distancing move to me. If velocity is lynched today and turns up scum, I think we got out 2nd scum too.

I agree with this 10000%

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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I'd like to point out that Velocity is now comfortably over the minimum votes needed to be lynched, and he's a good player so I'm sure he was aware of that when he last posted. Not only is he not really defending himself anymore, but he also tossed a vote on jazzy (without much effort into convincing anyone to go along with it) which doesn't help his cause at all. If he's town and any sort of power role, this is a horrible strategy, and if he's scum at all, it's also a horrible strategy. My best guess is that he's either VT (probably most likely), joker, or some niche role that gets an ability if lynched.

Either way, I think it's worth noting how Velocity is playing out the end of this day since it seems likely that he's going to be lynched unless something significant changes.

I am *more* than a town-aligned power role.

I’m not really defending myself anymore because I have said all I need and wish to, and talking to you is a brick wall. If you don’t think it is enough, then that is on you. I thought Kevin’s actions looked scummy, but thought that what he did was with town intentions. Is that so hard to comprehend? lmao
And to note what brewers said, I don’t think I ever said that Kevin is scum, just that he had acted scummy.

Jazzy has barely posted and seemed to just want to fly under the radar by hopping on the wagon late, is posting less than usual, and my gut (while I admit could just be my hunger) tells me something is off with Jazzy. If you think I wanted to fly under the radar I would have done the opposite of way “I don’t think he’s scum” after saying he was acting scummy all day. That line of thought makes no sense to me. I said what I believed.

As per Robert, I don’t really think he is necessarily scum, and I don’t want to vote for him to try and save myself when I am just not confident in it, even knowing that I am town and probably shouldn’t end up dead so soon.
I think Preston is more than likely town.
I think MK is definitely town.
Not many thoughts on everyone else.

It is also my first mafia game in over a year, and I have a hectic RL right now so I’m missing a lot of what is being said about me and will fully admit I have not been putting 100% of the effort/time I should be into mafia yet, but I’m hoping to be able to put some walls of text out there after the next week or two (if I don’t end up lynched, of course). That’s not to cut myself any slack, but more to explain why I’m being more shit than usual if I do end up lynched. 😆

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  • Velocity   

(it's lonely here by myself)

              Finster Baby
     Sent Today, 09:48 AM

I added Mafia Mod for you Velocity...Get with a know masked mod and get some training.





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I mean you’re going to get lynched tomorrow so you might as well role claim to try to save yourself

Saying you are more than a town power role is stupid

It feels like you are implying you have an infinity stone…
Also saying town aligned is kind of weird and feels very specific instead of just saying town power role.
Are you claiming you are the collector

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

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The whole "giving up" act ("I've said all I need to say", etc) has me split. I feel like sometimes, townies will do that when they know they're going to be mislynched and simply don't care enough to fight it, but also scum will do it sometimes because people assume that scum surely wouldn't just get lynched without putting up a fight. Idk, it doesn't move the needle for me on Velocity.

I will say that "something is off about jazzy" is not remotely good enough for me. That doesn't mean anything, you could say that about literally anyone. Heck iSoc 2.0 said it about me and I think Preston has been right to push on that. I am not convinced that Velocity is scum because of this - I'd like to think that he's a better player than the kind who would lamely attempt to bus his own partner as a way to make him seem less scummy after Velocity flips - but if he does flip scum then I completely agree that it makes jazzy even more suspicious.



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I’m guessing velocity isn’t town or scum…

I feel like he’s gonna be a survivor or something

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

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Also I agree with brewers. If you have something useful to claim, especially if it's information for town, there's zero reason not to claim it now, if for no other reason than to help us out post lynch. The only reason I can imagine to not claim something is if it's something that only activates either after death or after a certain day, since you'd have no information and scum would be able to avoid it.



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Either way velo is prob either vision or the collector and has a stone so I don’t think we should lynch him
But he needs to fully claim at this point

And the people who posses the stones are def not going to be a safe claim so if he’s lying whomever really is that role can easily refute him

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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I mean you’re going to get lynched tomorrow so you might as well role claim to try to save yourself

Saying you are more than a town power role is stupid

It feels like you are implying you have an infinity stone…
Also saying town aligned is kind of weird and feels very specific instead of just saying town power role.
Are you claiming you are the collector

Sure, that’s a fair point. I wanted to avoid a RC, so I tried to put out a hint, but since you’ve asked. I’ll just come out with it.

I’m Vision. Have the Mind Stone. Town Watcher.
When I said I was “more than a town aligned power role,” I meant to imply that I am town-aligned, and a power role, but also had more than that.

N1 I watched brewers, as he is always a prime target, not much aside from that. Nothing.
N2, Preston. I haven’t played with him before but he’s seemed pro-town and is a good addition/posted, and I had a feeling that Zacch might have been scum, so I wanted to see if Zacch *was* scum and did the noob move of trying to kill Preston for what he said, however, nothing came of this.

If I’m not lynched today, I have a sneaking suspicion I will die tonight anyways, unless we have another protective role like bodyguard and they decide I’m worth protecting.

Only click if you're Tony Maurice, thanks!




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  • Velocity   

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              Finster Baby
     Sent Today, 09:48 AM

I added Mafia Mod for you Velocity...Get with a know masked mod and get some training.





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No way the stone holders are a safe claim since they clearly have a point in the game with the flavor… m

Velocity is 100% town

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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    Tempered IRON

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Agreed. We need to pick another lynch for the day. There's zero reason to waste a lynch on Velocity and give town an extra kill at night.

I still think Robert is the most suspicious, but I think jazzy is a good candidate too given what we know. Actually, I'll just put my money where my mouth is to try to save someone I think is almost certainly town.

Vote: Jazzy



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Velocity (4): Lord MK, Lyner, Preston, iSocialism 2.0

Scum is almost for sure on this wagon in my opinion
MK has been hard on velocity this whole game for who knows why so he isn’t going to unvote

Isoc might not come on lol so he might not

Meaning we need Preston and lyner to unvote to save velo or we need to get someone more votes

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Velocity (4): Lord MK, Lyner, Preston, iSocialism 2.0

Scum is almost for sure on this wagon in my opinion
MK has been hard on velocity this whole game for who knows why so he isn’t going to unvote

Isoc might not come on lol so he might not

Meaning we need Preston and lyner to unvote to save velo or we need to get someone more votes

For what it’s worth, I think that MK is definitely town and am fairly confident that Preston is.

Not much I can say about the other two, though Lyner has been particularly lymey from what I can tell 😆

Only click if you're Tony Maurice, thanks!




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  • Velocity   

(it's lonely here by myself)

              Finster Baby
     Sent Today, 09:48 AM

I added Mafia Mod for you Velocity...Get with a know masked mod and get some training.





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So you got two Nothing's Velocity?

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(Doom War Damage Rank) 35: Robert2424 - 21 - 67,720.61 - 28,156.05 - 96,651.47

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Robert2424 has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and Emerged as IRON!

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N1 I watched brewers, as he is always a prime target, not much aside from that. Nothing.


I know Velocity is scum, because I targeted Brewers night 1 with my town role. 

This may also be me misunderstanding what a watcher can actually see, someone please explain and I will either reinforce my claim or withdraw it.

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