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[TW-13] Avengers: Infinity War Mafia - Mafia Wins

[TW-13] Mafia Avengers

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I’m not entirely sure what you guys think is wrong with “I think the actions Kevin took were scummy, but ultimately were done with the intention of pro-town,” because I think some people misconstrued what he RC’d for in the first place. Somebody questioned if there was a set kill list of people with the infinity stones, or if iSoc was chosen at random/for another reason, and he wanted to help clarify that there was a killing action taken and that iSoc didn’t just die. Granted I don’t think he should’ve RC’d for it, and it was a scummy action to do so *in hindsight,* but I didn’t at the time think he did it with anti-town intentions.

The last sentence really boggles my mind. How could his action have been more scummy in hindsight than in the moment? With the benefit of hindsight, we know that Kevin was town, so his actions should seem less scummy since, well, they obviously weren't scummy at all lol. This is the kind of thing that scum would think because in the moment they obviously knew that Kevin wasn't scum, but looking back you can try to sympathize with why town suspected him.

Idk dude, you've really done nothing since the end of D2 that's made yourself less suspicious. My gut says that you're a townie that made a weird comment and you're just doing an awful job of explaining your way out of it, but I don't feel remotely confident about that.



I'm surprised those of you who have experience playing with each other are accepting any type of excuses of "just making mistakes" from experienced players like Velocity. From what I understand, Velocity is one of the most skillful scum players there is, although the rules do not permit me to bring up past games, I think you all know the history. Good players generally don't make mistakes unless its on purpose.


Even now I'm starting to doubt my vote for Robert and find myself wanting to vote for brewers again, not because I have any type of evidence, but rather I believe he is a skillful player that likely would have been taken out in the first two nights if not scum. Any one of us can claim a distain for brewers, @everyone in discord, sending dicks to people on day 1, spam posting just because, breaking #counting chains, everyone's got a legitimate reason to vote him off, a brewers night kill would give us nothing to go on, but yet he remains and the longer his is around the more suspicious it is.


I'm also surprised that I'm still around, with my wild swings, I've bound to have named a few scum in these first few days. From my perspective, as an inexperienced player to this group, scum likely view me as a low priority threat, people who have voted for me in the past are likely townies since its not worth swinging the town to vote off a low priority target early on when you can get someone like Kevin voted off instead. 


My biggest threat is being voted off by my own town members. Yet I remain consistently inconsistent. I agree with the "follower" diagnosis but not for the same reasoning. I am much more likely to jump on a wagon. relying on others justifications to make sense simply because I don't have much to go off of in terms of intuition with my lack of playing time with everyone else in this game.


And that's where I leave my vote, once again, believing that those who have presented a legitimate case against me must be townies, and those that have not, must see me as a low priority threat.




Vote: Brewers

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I don't want to disrespect Velocity, he is a lot better than a troll like MK gives him credit for, but he's not the best scum player in IRON mafia. Tbh that's probably TW, followed by maybe brewers and a few other people not in this game.

A few other things:

1. Assuming you're town, you're almost certainly still around because your inexperience has already led to a few things that make you come off as potentially scummy, and mafia will always try to leave people like that alive because they want town to mislynch suspicious players like we did with Kevin. Also since you're new, you're probably a bit less likely to convince the town to go for a wagon that you start, so your scattered voting is likely less risky to them.

2. It actually is a fair point that brewers hasn't been night killed yet, but as others have pointed out, it does seem like mafia is aiming for inactives, most likely to avoid being tracked. Brewers is traditionally one of the most watched/investigated/etc players because of who he is and how he plays, so it's very possible that mafia is just trying to avoid him at night and hope that he gets lynched during the day.



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Uh... context? If this is for my post length that's kindof an established joke by now :P But I think getting organized merited the list.



I am once again ~~asking for your financial support~~ on mobile, so I apologize for quoting the entire message.

I’m not sure what to tell you about my late post lol [...]

As per me “staying off of the wagon,” and “not expecting it to be taken so hard,” I again point to my late post. If I was scum, I wouldn’t have said a word and nobody would be questioning me becuase I could’ve just said that I was too busy and forgot or some other excuse, but I came in to give an answer that was my straight out opinion.

I’m not entirely sure what you guys think is wrong with “I think the actions Kevin took were scummy, but ultimately were done with the intention of pro-town,” because I think some people misconstrued what he RC’d for in the first place. Somebody questioned if there was a set kill list of people with the infinity stones, or if iSoc was chosen at random/for another reason, and he wanted to help clarify that there was a killing action taken and that iSoc didn’t just die. Granted I don’t think he should’ve RC’d for it, and it was a scummy action to do so *in hindsight,* but I didn’t at the time think he did it with anti-town intentions.


First off, I chuckled at the Bernie reference here. I'll give you humor points at least. 


I snipped most of your second paragraph because it all appears to boil down to excuses that don't help your case or discuss the content of your D2 post itself. The hypothetical that you could have stayed inactive is much the same - you may be right that people may not have paid as much attention to you if you'd just been quiet, but it WOULD have been negative attention. What matters is what you DID post - rushed or not, tired or not, needed to or not - and WHAT you posted drew attention.


To respond specifically to your first line, the problem we have is that your D2 post was as follows:

"I think kevin was acting scummy, but not necessarily to a point where I’d hammer him now that he’s at 6 votes and deadline being so close."

Which reads very differently than: 

“I think the actions Kevin took were scummy, but ultimately were done with the intention of pro-town


Your D2 comment doesn't include the pro-town backtrack at all. It reads as though you were agreeing with the majority that Kevin was scummy but avoiding an official vote to that effect. On D3 you have tried to claim your D2 post meant something very different. Obviously anyone on the Kevin wagon will point to the awkwardness of his claim to excuse their involvement, but here you are trying to claim you were never for lynching Kevin at all -  changing your story instead of just regretting that the wagon was wrong - and that's quite a reversal that doesnt seem to be supported by your original text. 


Combined with the fact you avoided voting at all, your D2 post reads like you were scum posting when prompted by Brewers so that you wouldn't appear inactive, siding with the majority to not draw attention or be controversial, and avoiding scum vote stacking on the already packed Kevin wagon. 




These people need to start taking sides. Instant FoS to anyone who doesn't vote today, and we only have a few more RL days until the day ends. Don't necessarily need everyone to vote right this minute, but some of these people haven't even posted today, much less given any FoS or indicated who they're suspicious of.

Agreed on this point. Especially after Velocity's point of "I could have stayed inactive", I dont want to give a pass to those who are doing just that. Imran and Velocity themselves are at least involved in the conversation, but iSoc2 is my #2 suspect pending a post. Much like Velocity I want to see an explanation for their D2 end post. It seems very odd to have dropped an attack on LWW like that then go silent.


@TW: Is it possible to get a mod poke for iSoc2? This is one hell of a loose end to leave hanging, unless he really does need replacing.




I'm surprised those of you who have experience playing with each other are accepting any type of excuses of "just making mistakes" from experienced players like Velocity. From what I understand, Velocity is one of the most skillful scum players there is, although the rules do not permit me to bring up past games, I think you all know the history. Good players generally don't make mistakes unless its on purpose.


Even now I'm starting to doubt my vote for Robert and find myself wanting to vote for brewers again, not because I have any type of evidence, but rather I believe he is a skillful player that likely would have been taken out in the first two nights if not scum. Any one of us can claim a distain for brewers, @everyone in discord, sending dicks to people on day 1, spam posting just because, breaking #counting chains, everyone's got a legitimate reason to vote him off, a brewers night kill would give us nothing to go on, but yet he remains and the longer his is around the more suspicious it is.


I'm also surprised that I'm still around, with my wild swings, I've bound to have named a few scum in these first few days. From my perspective, as an inexperienced player to this group, scum likely view me as a low priority threat, people who have voted for me in the past are likely townies since its not worth swinging the town to vote off a low priority target early on when you can get someone like Kevin voted off instead. 


My biggest threat is being voted off by my own town members. Yet I remain consistently inconsistent. I agree with the "follower" diagnosis but not for the same reasoning. I am much more likely to jump on a wagon. relying on others justifications to make sense simply because I don't have much to go off of in terms of intuition with my lack of playing time with everyone else in this game.


And that's where I leave my vote, once again, believing that those who have presented a legitimate case against me must be townies, and those that have not, must see me as a low priority threat.




Vote: Brewers



First off on the subject of "just making mistakes" - this is a thing people do. Scum have the added burden of keeping their story straight and generally playing with the guilty knowledge of who their allies are and that everyone else is town. The more they post in an attempt to appear to be scum-hunting and look town, the more they expose themselves to slipping up and contradicting themselves or revealing knowledge they're not supposed to have. Experience or not, anyone can do this - especially if, as Velocity claims, he was tired and posting in a hurry. 


You are definitely all over the place, and that's not exactly a compliment in a game that is intended to rely on a certain amount of observation and logic rather than just gut feeling. Inconsistency, flipflopping, and changing your story - like when Velocity makes a post that reads one way and then tries to correct it after the wagon resolved - are typically scum tells.


If you're town, you're not helping town - you present yourself as someone who can be led around by the nose if anyone presents a coherent-sounding argument, which can amplify scum votes or town votes depending on which way the wind blows.


In terms of you "consistently inconsistent", you've also done it again - you just said that you accept being labeled a follower because you're relying on others' experience to put together justifications for you to jump on wagons, but then you go back to voting on Brewers - a wagon that YOU are starting, and that nobody else is arguing for. What is going on here?? 

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Uhhh Zaach… im so confused with what you are doing lol but okay have fun with whatever you’re doing?

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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but based on everyone's feedback about his statements being genuine


Where was this said? Who said it? Can you give a reference? 

From what I understand, Velocity is one of the most skillful scum players there is,


I thought you were a newby who havent played many game. Where did you get this information from regarding past games played by Velocity. 

Any one of us can claim a distain for brewers, @everyone in discord, sending dicks to people on day 1, spam posting just because, breaking #counting chains, everyone's got a legitimate reason to vote him off, a brewers night kill would give us nothing to go on, but yet he remains and the longer his is around the more suspicious it is.


You keep on bringing OOC reasons in this game. There is no evidence anyone is voing or night killing on OOC reasons.  

And that's where I leave my vote, once again, believing that those who have presented a legitimate case against me must be townies, and those that have not, must see me as a low priority threat.


The only vote on you currently is Robert. And you voted for him. Now you are saying he is townie because he voted for you? 

Classified Intel on Empire of Imran:


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Imran Ehsan

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1. Assuming you're town, you're almost certainly still around because your inexperience has already led to a few things that make you come off as potentially scummy, and mafia will always try to leave people like that alive because they want town to mislynch suspicious players like we did with Kevin. Also since you're new, you're probably a bit less likely to convince the town to go for a wagon that you start, so your scattered voting is likely less risky to them.


I dont know about this. If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, you are probably a duck.


Vote: Zacch 


His extreme flip-flopping, baseless reasoning, jumping on wagons to lynch, all point towards a scum. He is standing out so much because he is an inexperienced scum, it doesnt means he is a clueless townie. Or he is another Rafay n disguise. I cant remember how many game Rafay survived as scum because everyone thought he always posts scummy. I am not going to give the same free-pass to Zacch. Lets lynch the ones with the scummiest behavior.


jazz is yet to show up. FOS: Jazz


I would call for him to be lynched, if Zacch wasnt acting so scummy. I am on the fence regarding Velocity. I need to go through the earlier posts again, but for now I will go with the ones I find the most scummy.

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FYI- iSoc 2.0 has been prodded.
Nuked 131 times in the name of IRON. Delivered 193 nukes on those stupid enough to oppose IRON.

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A lot of walls to unpack. To save time I'm not going to fully talked about my overall feeling of people TL;DR statements and soft list. How are some general thoughts.

Mafia might be targeting inactives because they happen to be more on the active side. Not a agenda but just a coincidence.

Some people who were quick to count Kevin claim out, or also quick to jump on Robert statements.

Zach seems to be a following the crowd type player. As of right now.

There's still something about LWW that I can't fully explain that has my gut feeling heightened.
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Don't just sell tech like a noob. EIEIO it. EIEIO

bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.

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but based on everyone's feedback about his statements being genuine


Where was this said? Who said it? Can you give a reference? 

Now brewers is not someone who always play fair But when it comes to situations like this, i think precedent sets his intentions as genuine


From what I understand, Velocity is one of the most skillful scum players there is,


I thought you were a newby who havent played many game. Where did you get this information from regarding past games played by Velocity. 


I've read parts of a few of the games on this forum, specifically some that were mentioned by brewers on discord, check the discord if you don't believe me.



Any one of us can claim a distain for brewers, @everyone in discord, sending dicks to people on day 1, spam posting just because, breaking #counting chains, everyone's got a legitimate reason to vote him off, a brewers night kill would give us nothing to go on, but yet he remains and the longer his is around the more suspicious it is.


You keep on bringing OOC reasons in this game. There is no evidence anyone is voing or night killing on OOC reasons.  

Fair, I will abandon those reasons as they should have nothing to do with the game.


And that's where I leave my vote, once again, believing that those who have presented a legitimate case against me must be townies, and those that have not, must see me as a low priority threat.


The only vote on you currently is Robert. And you voted for him. Now you are saying he is townie because he voted for you? 


Yea, in a nutshell.


Scum #1: lilweirdward

1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch

2. Day 1 Fake Vote for Velocity before dropping it (no vote at end despite being pro-lynch in D1 postings)

3. Day 2 Second to join Kevin Wagon.

4. Day 2 Was the most aggressive if not a close second to brewers in the Kevin push.



Scum #2: Brewers

1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch

2. Day 2 Fake vote for llw

3. Day 2 Started Kevin Wagon

4. Day 2 Clear team with llw.


Scum #3: Velocity

1, Day 1 Pro-Lynch

2. Day 2 Refused to vote for Kevin despite Agreeing with the Wagon.


Its interesting both Brewers and llw did a Fos on Velocity, almost on purpose to distance themselves from him. This threw me off on brewers at first thinking ok Velocity cant be scum brewers just pointed him out, but if you think about it, Velocity FoS was an obvious one due to his reluctance to vote kevin despite agreeing with the wagon. I now think this was a fake Fos to put distance between scum. llw's FoS of Velocity also being fake.


It just feels like the three of them are connected and actively trying to make it seem like they're not. 


Suspicious of:

1. Darkfox

2. Preston


Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF) or Pro-Lynch day 1 (Preston).


I'm probably wrong, like usual, but this is my honest assessment of the game (no bullshit).

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Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF)


You were also on the vote for Kevin. I explained my logic and you agreed with it. I am curious why you find that suspicious now

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Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF)


You were also on the vote for Kevin. I explained my logic and you agreed with it. I am curious why you find that suspicious now



Where did I agree with your logic? I think this is our first exchange all game. What was your logic again?

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Sorry I misunderstood, you meant on the original reason to vote for kevin, I thought on you explanation for why you were wrong about kevin.

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Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF)


You were also on the vote for Kevin. I explained my logic and you agreed with it. I am curious why you find that suspicious now



To answer directly, the logic doesn't matter at this point, you were on the kevin wagon, yes I followed you on it, but that doesn't mean I can't still be suspicious. Ultimately the reason your just suspicious and not listed as scum (same reason for preston, although I get more feeling for him being scum), is because I don't currently think you are.


The Triad is full, if there is a forth, then maybe thats where either you or preston come into play.

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Scum #1: lilweirdward
1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch
2. Day 1 Fake Vote for Velocity before dropping it (no vote at end despite being pro-lynch in D1 postings)
3. Day 2 Second to join Kevin Wagon.
4. Day 2 Was the most aggressive if not a close second to brewers in the Kevin push.

Scum #2: Brewers
1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch
2. Day 2 Fake vote for llw
3. Day 2 Started Kevin Wagon
4. Day 2 Clear team with llw.

Scum #3: Velocity
1, Day 1 Pro-Lynch
2. Day 2 Refused to vote for Kevin despite Agreeing with the Wagon.

Its interesting both Brewers and llw did a Fos on Velocity, almost on purpose to distance themselves from him. This threw me off on brewers at first thinking ok Velocity cant be scum brewers just pointed him out, but if you think about it, Velocity FoS was an obvious one due to his reluctance to vote kevin despite agreeing with the wagon. I now think this was a fake Fos to put distance between scum. llw's FoS of Velocity also being fake.

It just feels like the three of them are connected and actively trying to make it seem like they're not.

Suspicious of:
1. Darkfox
2. Preston

Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF) or Pro-Lynch day 1 (Preston).

I'm probably wrong, like usual, but this is my honest assessment of the game (no bullshit).

Pushing for lynches in general is not a scum thing to do. We have to lynch scum, it's legitimately the only guaranteed way that town can win the game. Sometimes there can be vigilantes or other town killing roles, but we have no idea if they exist in this game at all, and we certainly can't expect them to kill off the entire scum team for us even if they did. So, in general, I think it's a bad idea to FoS people just because they pushed for lynches generally.

Now, pushing to get townies lynched is generally something that town should find more suspicious because that is beneficial to scum, but town doesn't have a sure fire way of knowing if someone is town or not before lynching them, so it's not a guarantee that someone who lynches a townie is scum. In fact, oftentimes scum will avoid lynching a townie because of the fact that people will be suspected over having done that, so sometimes it's the people off of wagons that should be sussed out as much as the ones on them.

Also, I unvoted for Velocity on D1 because I didn't think he was being scummy and I didn't want him to be my lol vote for D1. I said that I would vote for an inactive, but the Tony situation happened right after that IIRC, and by the time that got sorted out, I didn't get to log back to post a vote in before the day ended. I think it should be obvious that I would have voted for an inactive though.

Lastly, I'm not on a team with brewers lol. Usually if anything, mafia will try to do different things throughout the early to mid game to avoid looking like they're obviously working together, and even if I'm not smart enough to do that (although I'd like to think I am), I guarantee that brewers is. He and I just play fairly similarly - we tend to have similar reads, and we like to push for wagons pretty hard - so it seems like we've ended up on the same people the last few days. Idk if he's following me because he's scum and wants to stick to a townie to be more believably town, but I haven't gotten that sense, and I know that I'm town so obviously I'm not doing that lol.



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honestly for me it can go either way with zacch.  or zaach or zach...  he is coming off as either a new town player, and what he is doing feels like it could be that, but it can also be mistakes from an inexperienced scum player.



4. Day 2 Clear team with llw.



you are pointing out how both lww and i both were very aggressive on kevin.... if anything this makes it extremely UNLIKELY that we are partners.  no two competent scum players are going to both go after someone hard like that


my thoughts on the game:




Dark Fox- town, he knows why i am 99.9% sure he is town.  dont want to out him tho if anyone missed what happened.

lww: posts feel townish, as well as his push for kevin early.  dont feel like he would do that as scum.  now if kevin flipped scum, he could have been bussing but I dont see scum pushing that hard on a townie this early, ESPECIALLY since i was leading the charge and there would be no reason to do it since i am gonna push kevin all day anyways

Preston:  ive never played with him before so idk his play style but typically the giant quote walls go hand in hand with town players, so for now im giving him the benefit of the doubt


No clue:

Imran:  dont have a feeling either way.  He hasnt done anything that screams scum or town.  he is a skilled player so he could play as scum easily without being obviously scum

isocialism 2- i dont even remember who he replaced and hes posted once so I got nothing for him

Lyner:  same as imran

MK: no where near as active as he usually is, but i feel like he would be a lot more active if scum.  tho he has made some weird votes

zach:  cant tell if he is scum or just a new townish player.  it feels like he is trying hard tho so brownie points i guess


Scum Suspects:

Robert- ive detailed my reasoning before

Jazzy: he has been very quiet and his actions feel like he is trying to hide under the radar.  also his place on the Kevin Wagon feels like a spot where scum would hide.  im def open to voting him instead of robert

velocity:  he came out of the gate d1 saying it was a new velocity and he votes now... and then doesnt vote at all d2 and avoids the kevin wagon even tho he comments right before deadline saying he thinks kevin might be scum... feels like potental scum trying to avoid a wagon




i think thats everyone

. Idk if he's following me because he's scum and wants to stick to a townie to be more believably town


you followed me on kevin so shut up :P

two feels on the set up:


Scum is three people or scum is two people and if thanos gets all three stones half the townies die randomly


if scum is three people, my gut tells me that one of the scum is probably from my no clue list of people.... usually at least one scum will do a good job blending in with town, and for my suspects, usually we are good for a few townies playing poorly and looking like they are scum lol  tho there is no rafay this game thats usually his job, but kevins RC felt like a Rafay move so I guess rafay was with us in spirit

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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If I calculated the votes correctly, as it stands Velocity will be lynched in 2 days


Would urge these people sitting on the sidelines to start voting:

Not Voting: Darkfox, Imran Ehsan, iSocialism2.0, Jazzy95, Velocity


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I'm going to come to the defense of Zach here. He's a newer guy to at least or forums and will be a great addition for later games. His voting is scattered, but this is typically not a scummy strategy. His voting is not just an one vote on someone random but actually has weight and could put someone's wagon further into motion.

Now it does seem slight wishy-washy with his commitment of his voting and also to mention the feeling of following the wagons. But he's willing to put a lot of players at risk. If he is scum this will give us a better idea who he's mates are. But I will go with, not scum.
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Don't just sell tech like a noob. EIEIO it. EIEIO

bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.

iSocialism has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!"

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As for my vote, out of the two popular options I don't see Robert as scum. In fact, I think him being pushed is sus.

I think the next option will bring a lot of clarification to some others things. For that reason

Vote Velocity
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Don't just sell tech like a noob. EIEIO it. EIEIO

bay102174 - 19 Jan 2015 "
iSocialism, with stats like this you are a great credit to the IRON military. Your fighting spirit exemplifies what being a member of IRON is about.

iSocialism has been Baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!"

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Imran Ehsan

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but based on everyone's feedback about his statements being genuine

Where was this said? Who said it? Can you give a reference?

Now brewers is not someone who always play fair But when it comes to situations like this, i think precedent sets his intentions as genuine

From what I understand, Velocity is one of the most skillful scum players there is,

I thought you were a newby who havent played many game. Where did you get this information from regarding past games played by Velocity.

I've read parts of a few of the games on this forum, specifically some that were mentioned by brewers on discord, check the discord if you don't believe me.

Any one of us can claim a distain for brewers, @everyone in discord, sending dicks to people on day 1, spam posting just because, breaking #counting chains, everyone's got a legitimate reason to vote him off, a brewers night kill would give us nothing to go on, but yet he remains and the longer his is around the more suspicious it is.

You keep on bringing OOC reasons in this game. There is no evidence anyone is voing or night killing on OOC reasons.

Fair, I will abandon those reasons as they should have nothing to do with the game.

And that's where I leave my vote, once again, believing that those who have presented a legitimate case against me must be townies, and those that have not, must see me as a low priority threat.

The only vote on you currently is Robert. And you voted for him. Now you are saying he is townie because he voted for you?

Yea, in a nutshell.

Scum #1: lilweirdward
1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch
2. Day 1 Fake Vote for Velocity before dropping it (no vote at end despite being pro-lynch in D1 postings)
3. Day 2 Second to join Kevin Wagon.
4. Day 2 Was the most aggressive if not a close second to brewers in the Kevin push.

Scum #2: Brewers
1. Day 1 Pro-Lynch
2. Day 2 Fake vote for llw
3. Day 2 Started Kevin Wagon
4. Day 2 Clear team with llw.

Scum #3: Velocity
1, Day 1 Pro-Lynch
2. Day 2 Refused to vote for Kevin despite Agreeing with the Wagon.

Its interesting both Brewers and llw did a Fos on Velocity, almost on purpose to distance themselves from him. This threw me off on brewers at first thinking ok Velocity cant be scum brewers just pointed him out, but if you think about it, Velocity FoS was an obvious one due to his reluctance to vote kevin despite agreeing with the wagon. I now think this was a fake Fos to put distance between scum. llw's FoS of Velocity also being fake.

It just feels like the three of them are connected and actively trying to make it seem like they're not.

Suspicious of:
1. Darkfox
2. Preston

Mostly for either being on the kevin wagon (DF) or Pro-Lynch day 1 (Preston).

I'm probably wrong, like usual, but this is my honest assessment of the game (no bullshit).

I like this post from you. I don't agree with most of it but you have done your own analysis without following others points and discarding Ooc reasons. But I still cannot fully ignore your earlier scummy behaviour so I will keep the vote on you still for now.

Velocity and jazz needs to post and vote.

Classified Intel on Empire of Imran:


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As for my vote, out of the two popular options I don't see Robert as scum. In fact, I think him being pushed is sus.

I think the next option will bring a lot of clarification to some others things. For that reason

Vote Velocity

Allow me to clarify.

Vote: Jazzy.

I have a gut feeling about Jazzy, and while he is usually not super active, he is also usually not this quiet. I want to hear more from him. :)

Only click if you're Tony Maurice, thanks!




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  • Velocity   

(it's lonely here by myself)

              Finster Baby
     Sent Today, 09:48 AM

I added Mafia Mod for you Velocity...Get with a know masked mod and get some training.



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