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[TW-13] Avengers: Infinity War Mafia - Mafia Wins

[TW-13] Mafia Avengers

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Until Isoc2 makes a statement, we have no choice but to assume he is scum.


Lyner avoiding to vote Isoc2 is also questionable.




vote Isoc2

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A lot less to parse tonight as opposed to yesterday. 


Okay, keeping it secret any longer seems to only be hurting town so I will fess up. On the first night when I sent my role action I did it in the mafia group message, not the one that had only TW and I. I had deleted it right away hoping that no one saw it. Brewers however did see it. The action I did, to my knowledge does not have a scum variant.


This is a lot to unpack, for what by your description may have just been a simple mistake. I'm going to break this down into parts, and am going to be a little critical/nitpicky based on what is actually proven versus just just implied/suspected, because lack of specificity can set off warning flags for me

  • You wrote a role action publicly
    • Possibility 1: Your posting was accurate and implies your only role
    • Possibility 2: Your posting was accurate but your role or faction has multiple different abilities, and so a single night's posting could be misleading
    • Possibility 3: Your posting was inaccurate. This is technically possible, albeit unlikely. Since this was not in the ACTUAL thread anything is fair game there and that knowledge SHOULDNT affect the game here, but here we are
  • TW deleted what you wrote but Brewers saw it and you know that Brewers saw it
    • The act of it being deleted denied this general knowledge to the thread, and turned it into almost a private roleclaim that nobody else got to see or question at the time
    • Brewers started acting like you were proven town and has had your back since then, tying himself to you as an ally for reasons that nobody else in the threat were privvy to
  • Your statement "The action I did, to my knowledge does not have a scum variant"
    • This is effectively asking us to accept your mistake as town proof confirmable only by Brewers, sight unseen for the rest of us, without letting us evaluate what action was done or compare it against anything else that may be known or have occurred that could confirm you
    • Your role action post, even if it accurately identifies your role, is not a normal cop investigation result that confirms Not Guilty

On the one hand, this could all be exactly as presented - an honest mistake that you tried to not discuss because it was outside of the thread

On the other hand, there are a LOT of unanswered questions in this partial claim that we cannot simply take for granted


I am NOT going to explicitly ask you to roleclaim, however at this point the partial information is already out here and affecting our conversation.


Here are examples of the scenarios that worry me based on your explanation of all this:

  • Without having seen the actual message, this kind of "oops wrong chat" could be a result of intending to post in a Mafia night chat instead
  • Another Jack-of-all-Trades would not be unreasonable in a role madness game, especially if this is a scum JoaT used to balance out everything else in the game. A single night's role action post have portrayed you having only one power when that might not be accurate. You have not been tested by a normal cop or role cop, just what you posted that one person saw. In this scenario Brewers would be mistakenly defending you for OOC reasons and not realize why it could be wrong
  • Nothing about your post actually confirms Brewers in return, other than the fact that he has been treating you as Town for private reasons and not outed your mistake. Potential scenario where Brewers-as-scum is using this private, shared experience to buddy up and tie himself to you as a form of proving himself. If the basis for this was done openly in thread people might have remarked on it, but it's been kept hidden until now beyond his repeated 99.99% town references.
  • The "it was there but deleted and nobody else saw it" aspect leaves open the potential that you two are a scum pair self-reinforcing each other

None of these may be correct, but all of these are left possible due to what is unconfirmed at this point, the fact it has been kept quiet, and the fact that mentioning it was enough for Brewers to attack Lyner - i.e. trying to keep it quiet. Similar to how we could have saved Jazzy or Velocity if they had been forthright earlier with their claims, this could have affected earlier analysis and night actions for everyone.


I'll leave it up to you how to proceed. For the moment I will consider you as less solidly proven than Brewers has been implying, until there is something more solid underneath it. 


I have some time now so I will post my reasons for voting for brewers. I will keep my reasons to the point and avoid doing multi-quoting to save time and massive walls of text.




Now I will come to my theory. Killing of TM - it was extremely odd why TM was killed when he was on the wagon of Kevin. But it is explained perfectly when you look at his actions. First outrage (fake) -> then pushing the narrative that TM was killed for OOC reasons -> Vote on Robert. The scum decided to kill TM to frame Robert. Brewers carried it out perfectly with his outrage and rush to OOC reasons for kill. As a bonus lww and zacch agreed with him but afterwards failed to gain much traction. Then Velocity came under radar and brewers stated he has no problems with lynching Velocity. He stays on the Robert wagon because either way is fine. Then comes Velocity claim and rush to join the jazz wagon. He of course knew that jazz is also town so he had no problem to join that wagon again. 


Now today he started the day attacking me. Anyone wonder why, after posting previously that I was making thoughtful posts, I will quote this: "Imrans are separated by like 15-20 min so I don’t think he’s just trying to increase his post count. Plus imran has been thoughtful and not contributing so he really wouldn’t need to inflate his post count." post #240. He attacked me because of the first post I made on this day, where I mentioned that I think the town is getting played towards mislynches. By this time of course I had brewers firmly in my suupicious list, but brewers caught what I was implying and came out attacking me, which just confirmed by suspicions.


My votes and posts always had basis and I have not been jumping wagons just on the chance of killing townies. Brewers has been doing the opposite.


By the way, to those who are saying I am lying low, I may have posted less in the last 2 days (specially yesterday as I was out all day) but here also let me quote the post count instead of saying anything else: 


brewersalliance 59 lilweirdward 56 Zacch 43 The Warrior 33 Imran Ehsan 32 Robert2424 30 Velocity 27 Preston 20 KevinH 19 DarkFox 18 Lyner 16 Lord MK 11 Jazzy95 11 Tony Maurice 9 iSocialism 7 Bryan93 4 Samus 1


And the above is from 27th August.

Overall this is a more detailed day-by-day analysis. It does sound a bit defensive, but given how you and Brewers are going back-and-forth trying to out prove each other I'm going to chalk that up as just being your hitting back.

The meat of it is your theory at the end - for brevity, the idea that TM was killed so Brewers could push Robert as scum for OOC reasons. While I do remember Brewers pushing Robert on D3, I went back to look at how the beginning of the day played out. Brewers had immediate outrage over Tony's death that Zacch felt was fake, but LWW was the first to float the "Robert did it for personal reasons" theory, then Brewers joined him on that wagon and adopted that line of attack. I can see how it is easy to miss where it was first stated, so I won't fully count this as a lie - similar to your "Pushing Two Townies" statement that appears rooted in Brewers' forceful attacks getting people like Zacch to vote with him so he appears to be a leader/driver. However my takeaway is that it doesnt fully help your case against Brewers either. 
Maybe ironic given that it's not presented as your theory, but I put more weight on your saying that Brewers' mindset has changed today over how he thought of you on previous days, as that is a more visible change in stance. 



First of all, i didn't change my statement about Robert killing Tony.
I don't have a visiting proof or something that proves Robert actually killed tony.
But i know he did it.
He's vindictive and mental enough to do it himself as well.
By which i assume his other scum partner is someone who is happy to let others take risk and hide himself
Aka limey.

Roberto and limey are my scum.

Like a broken record. I've never known my style revolved around if I can't Lynch him I'll kill him. By that logic i should be killing you and Brewers right everytime I have a killing role. Your like a horse with blinders on. When scum my kills are calculated, not this fantasy of just killing the person I've put at the top of my scum list. If I was a vig, hey that makes sense. A vig kill from me to Tony made sense at the time. But no. I'm not a vig. So try again MK. Otherwise your just being unproductive to the town.

@preston. I vote and comment on who I want when I want. If it's worth mentioning, I mention it. Don't like it too bad. It's very possible Isoc is scum, but my vote is mainly to get him to start posting. Especially with other prime players either forgetting or pretending to forget about him.

I'm sure I did the same as Darkfox at one time. Shit happens in a pm where it's the last message that you got.

Imran: gets around to posting actual reasoning to lynch Brewers after I said something about it. Probably should of been done that to begin with.

Scum is likely within the following.


Zacch is confirmed if not a lost puppy. Volcity has the last timestone, even though MK still thinks he's lying. Darkwolf had his mishap, and not all evidence was destroyed. I don't think his last post was necessary, but he felt it was necessary. (Huh.....that reminds me of another player this game. Not that it's been a MAJOR thing in this game. At least Brewers isn't jumping on it like the last one)


Robert and MK keep going at it. I still do not think MK is scum, but "But I know he did it" REALLY doesnt move the needle for me when he admits upfront that he has no proof and that this is all based on knowing him personally. 


Also not really necessary for you to take my complaint about your post seriously, I know I was editing/composing for a long time. I'd rather see people actually voting and posting than not. We need more people to start taking sides in this mess. Even if you are only voting iSoc2 because he is inactive, in a sense that is exactly what I am worried about - that he is trying to wait out todays' wagons from the sidelines. If iSoc2 is the day's lynch and he flips scum, it will boost your standing for me. 



Also note how roberto is pushing against me, brewers, even limey.
Yet not against Imran.
Now I'm not saying that imran and Roberto are the team.
But rather that if one of them turns up scum, the other is definitely not scum

Roberto probably thought that if he gets lynched and flips scum, then we will go after Imran, instead of his actual teammate limey.

So it's either Imran and limey
Or Roberto and limey
Or roberto and limey plus imran as a sk.

Sk? Yes. Why no kills? Cause lying low is a good strat.
In fact one of tw's own games was won by a SK lying low.

Tw loves a sk.
So I'm actively thinking of the possibility that we got 2 scum factions.


Robert definitely seems to be lashing out all over the place today. Your theory that he's trying to curry favor with Imran is interesting though, doubly so if you think it implies a SK in the mix. 


I was the SK in TW's Chamber of Secrets mafia with an even-night modifier, skipped Night 2 to lay low, and then won the game - so yes, this is a thing that happened. 


I am at work and there have been two pages of posts since I last checked this as I have been dealing with a long work week and pre-surgery appointments and calls, and I have a small update:

I will be unavailable to post Thursday evening through Saturday evening, so I will be out all of Friday and Saturday during the day at least, as I am having a surgery on Friday.

When I get home tonight I’ll read through the two pages of posts (thanks presty for the walls of texts lmao) and make some actual posts of my own, but I wanted to get an update on what’s going on with me out a little early.

Nice to hear from you! I haven't seen your post yet at this point but I've also had the editor up for a while. I hope my walls are at least semi legible and helpful, lol! Let me know if any of it doesnt parse for you. We need to get more people out of the "not voting" category, and you are one of the only proven town at this point - or at least a big-name-stone-claim nobody else is disputing, which after this much time I think amounts to the same thing? 


The lies/misrepresentations of Imran:


 #1)  Brewers is trying to end the day early by voting on robert.  My vote was the second vote on robert.  There are 10 players alive. to hammer him we need a majoiryt.  TW said it takes 5 to lynch, but I think that was actually a mistake by him, as 5 is not a majority, 6 is. (OOC I did DM TW and ask him for clarification on this) Either way tho, putting a second vote on someone is not trying to end the day early.  If TW is right and it needs 5,we would still need 3 more votes to hammer him.. its not like i droped vote 4 on him an hour into the day....  


#2) I Organized and lead the lynch of two townies:  I lead the push for the Kevin lynch.  I did not lead the Jazzy push.  I switched to Jazzy to save velocity.  Imran was the one pushing jazzy since D2... but then tries to frame me for it....  another lie.


#3)  I said TMs kill was for OOC reasons:  I never said thats why Tony was killed.  I said it was BS tony was killed since he was just let back in the game.  I did not try to plant the seed that someone from IRON killed tony or some shit like Imran is accusing me of.  Im pretty sure the IRON  scum killed Tony was Zacchs theory...  Again another lie



Scum need to lie to get townies lynched.  And Imran is lying.  If imran was town, what reasons would he have to misrepresent facts and events to try to get me lynched?  


What does Kevin always say?  Lynch all liars

The severity of these misrepresentations vary, and more seem a matter of degree/exaggeration than fully inventing something out of nothing. I can see the origin of #2 and #3 more readily per my earlier post - you led on Kevin then your forcefulness could have been seen as 'leading' on D3, and you adopted LWW's OOC reasoning against robert but were not the one to start it. 


The first one I am less sure what to say about it - an early vote is an early vote but it's not day ending. Given how divided we are I don't know that we'll get ANY wagon to 5 votes let alone 6. 


Much like Imran's theory against you that fails to land, I dont think you are breaking any NEW ground with this consolidation.



Okay, keeping it secret any longer seems to only be hurting town so I will fess up. On the first night when I sent my role action I did it in the mafia group message, not the one that had only TW and I. I had deleted it right away hoping that no one saw it. Brewers however did see it. The action I did, to my knowledge does not have a scum variant.

That clears up things. Still scummy point on brewers for hinting it and misdirected the town. An investigative role could have wasted a shot investigating either you or brewers for this meta stuff



I think the actual events surrounding iSoc2 are more compelling than the behavioral/OOC beef that are tied up in the Brewers/Robert/Imran wagons, that his selective hiding and caginess about having attacked LWW is an issue, and that testing him will potentially chain/confirm Lyner as scum. It is not hard to imagine iSoc2 got replaced instead of modkilled as Bryan because he is an important scum role that TW could not let just die, and that since then he has been laying low to preserve himself - boosted by the fact that since he is a replacement his early game history/etc got disrupted. 

I would vote him, but a mislynch today could make town lose. Gambling it all on one inactive player that doesn't respond to inquiries is just silly unless we can get an active replacement.



Anyway I changed my mind I think MK might be the likeliest scum out of all three. This brewers/Imran banter just feels like things getting personal and finding things to confirm their own bias.



Sk? Yes. Why no kills? Cause lying low is a good strat. In fact one of tw's own games was won by a SK lying low. Tw loves a sk. So I'm actively thinking of the possibility that we got 2 scum factions.

Are you bragging that you are a smart SK


Vote: MK


Per earlier in this post I had quite a lot to say about DF's explanation, and there's a lot MORE that needs to be cleared up.


Okay... you keep giving iSoc2 more and more of a pass here and that concerns me. I dont think this is "gambling" at all, I think he is our strongest candidate. The fact you raise mislynch as a potential makes me think you are trying to stave off iSoc2 as even being an option, which makes me want to pay even more attention to him - and by association, you. 


And then you vote MK, seemingly for his 2 scum and a SK theory. At least it's a vote SOMEWHERE so you're no longer in the "not voting" category, but this isn't helping your case.


Uhhh how is me pointing out dark fox is town scummy? Lol
If anything it would prevent an investigation being used on him

Is there a scum role where if you investigate them they kill the investigator?

PGO kills someone if targeted but that’s usually a town role

See the start of this post for all the implications of DF's claim and potential vagueness/inaccuracies that have not been confirmed. 


I do agree however that it would have prevented an investigation from being used on him - IF the circumstances of his claim were in the thread. Instead we just got you saying out of nowhere that he was 99.99% town, which if anything could have MOTIVATED investigations being used on him as a way of testing you, because nobody knew where you got that from. Similar to Jazzy and Velocity, partial data isnt sufficient.


I also had to look up "PGO" - it resolved to Paranoid Gun Owner, a role that involuntarily kills everyone that visits them at night for ANY reason - cop, doctor, etc. This is also not usually a scum role, more of a land mine for both scum and town - it can kill mafia that try to kill them. 


Until Isoc2 makes a statement, we have no choice but to assume he is scum.


Lyner avoiding to vote Isoc2 is also questionable.




vote Isoc2


This roughly tracks some of my thought process. iSoc2 needs to start posting and explain his attacking LWW on D2 and D3, staying off Kevin's wagon in favor of LWW, etc. He is my strongest suspect, and I suspect he will chain to more scum - most notably confirming him as scum would remove whatever doubts I'd have about Lyner, given how much Lyner is practically defending him at this point. 

Followup - No posts at all during my composition tonight. Hopefully we'll get to hear Velocity's perspective before his surgery.


And on an out of game note, I hope your surgery goes well, whatever form it is!

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To be clear I deleted it once I noticed the mistake which was within a 2 minute period. Brewers messaged me on discord about it, which is why I knew he knew.




I am NOT going to explicitly ask you to roleclaim, however at this point the partial information is already out here and affecting our conversation.



Might as well. I am the tracker. 


N1 I selected brewers, did not see anything

N2 lilweirdward, did not see anything

N3 lilweirdward again, he selected MK


I selected LWW the second time because he RC'd cop but I didn't see him anything the second night. 

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Vote Count

iSocialism2.0 (3): Robert2424, Preston, Zacch

Imran Ehsan (1): Brewersalliance 

Brewersalliance (1): Imran Ehsan

Robert2424 (1): Lord MK

Lord MK (1): Lyner

Darkfox (0):

Lyner (0):

Preston (0):

Velocity (0):

Zacch (0): 


No Lynch (0):


Not Voting: Darkfox, iSocialism 2.0, Velocity


With 10 players alive it takes 6 to lynch or 3 at deadline.
Deadline will be at 2:00PM CN Server time on Monday, September 5th.

Nuked 131 times in the name of IRON. Delivered 193 nukes on those stupid enough to oppose IRON.

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To be clear I deleted it once I noticed the mistake which was within a 2 minute period. Brewers messaged me on discord about it, which is why I knew he knew.

I am NOT going to explicitly ask you to roleclaim, however at this point the partial information is already out here and affecting our conversation.

Might as well. I am the tracker.

N1 I selected brewers, did not see anything
N2 lilweirdward, did not see anything
N3 lilweirdward again, he selected MK

I selected LWW the second time because he RC'd cop but I didn't see him anything the second night.

So I get email notifications for PMs, hence how I saw it. If anyone has emails for PMs the post from dark fox tracking me would still be in it, as it might be deleted from the thread but the email wouldn’t vanish…

I saw via email dark fox tracked me. If I was scum I def would have killed dark fox night 1 for that. Knowing he was the tracker, he would not still be alive if I was scum.
I did DM dark fox to let him know he did it to try to delete it so scum didn’t see that he was the tracker and kill him.

I was going to use the OOC stuff and explain more but TW told me not to, hence why I was kind of cagey about explaining it.

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Just an FYI

my ex has a major cultural performance thingy this weekend out of town so I’m gonna be spotty at best starting Friday

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Posted Image

Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

Nukes Taken for IRON-44

You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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I did DM dark fox to let him know he did it to try to delete it so scum didn’t see that he was the tracker and kill him.


I do appreciate that.

DarkFox, Since joining IRON you have been a great asset in our Military. You exemplify the IRON Values in support of IRON. Your hard work and dedication is not unnoticed.

DarkFox has been baptized in Fire and Blood and emerged as IRON!

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I read that entire post like four times and im failing to see where your "reasons for voting me are"   this is more so just a summary of your actions and trying to defend yourself...  the only thing you even mention is the TM thing and that is the biggest fucking stretch/reach of anything in this game. [ I literally threatened to stop playing this game if tony wasnt allowed to play.  I had NG gov request tony be allowed to play.  I asked FTW and CCC gov to refuse to play in the game if tony isnt allowed to play.  I blew up Blade's DMs about this.  I blew up TWs DMs about this.   So youre really saying I did all this OOC shit, as a ploy to cover me killing tony?  If i did that, I should be banned from games.  


Yes you threatened to boycott on Day 1 and all the other things you mentioned above on D1, when TM was banned and couldnt post. Thats why it is such a clever move. People will never suspect you as the one who killed TM. We all know you pull things like this when you are scum.  You did not do the OOC shit, as you say, so you coul kill TM but when TM was unbanned you made full use of it knowing you will be the lasp person people will suspect.  "So youre really saying I did all this OOC shit, as a ploy to cover me killing tony?". You are going on about me misrepresenting posts, but this is a clear misrepresentation from you.

How many times does Imran have to lie to make it obvious to everyone he is scum lol  


This post reminds me of Day 2 when you were "completely convinced" that Kevin was scum. 

This felt to me like a placeholder from imran.  Where he has literally nothing to go on because he was caught and then promises to detail why im scum.... And what does he come up with?  The Tony shit???  If i did all of that shit OOC just to set up the tony kill Id be cheating.  I am beyond offended that you would think I would stoop that low.  You are legit accusing me of cheating, because thats exactly what doing what u said would be.    Imran literally has nothing to come up with other than that nonsense.  


I have posted a valid theory on why TM was killed. All you have done is post how I am misrepresenting things and how the tiny details in my post remind you of what scum would do. However strangely you had no such readings on my post on Day 2. Why the sudden shift? 

Scum need to lie to get townies lynched.  And Imran is lying.  If imran was town, what reasons would he have to misrepresent facts and events to try to get me lynched?     What does Kevin always say?  Lynch all liars


Not quoting the whole thing but I gave a detailed post on who I suspected and who I voted for and for what reasons. I have posted a valid theory on why you are scum. Where is the lie? Because I caught you?

Classified Intel on Empire of Imran:


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Maybe ironic given that it's not presented as your theory, but I put more weight on your saying that Brewers' mindset has changed today over how he thought of you on previous days, as that is a more visible change in stance. 


I actually stated in my post that this was the thing that conviced me he was scum. He was on my scum list but I may not have voted for him early until I saw if there were any useful results from night. But the sudden attack out of nowhere right after I posted that I suspect that town is being led to mislynches just confirmed it. He knew I was going to come after him so he jumped in first so that my vote on him looks like a OMGUS. 

Okay... you keep giving iSoc2 more and more of a pass here and that concerns me. I dont think this is "gambling" at all, I think he is our strongest candidate.


I am not fully conviced regarding iSoc. It is possible he is one of brewers'scum partners but he did call out lww a couple of times if I remember correctly. The lww/brewers duo looked strange to me on Day 2. It pointed to close coordination to lynch. However scum would not work so openly together also, but maybe they may have thought they will never suspect scum to be working together. Now however, lww has been confirmed town. My theory here is that brewers latched on to a very townie looking player so that he looks townie by association also. A common smart scum tactic. 

Might as well. I am the tracker.    N1 I selected brewers, did not see anything N2 lilweirdward, did not see anything N3 lilweirdward again, he selected MK


lww may have been role blocked on N2, he said he got not action on Day 2. That explaing why you didnt see lww do anything. Not sure if it was townie roleblocker or scum. Brewers not doing anything on N1 is interesting also. All scum may not have power roles. We have seen every avenger who has died has a power role. 

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I saw via email dark fox tracked me. If I was scum I def would have killed dark fox night 1 for that. Knowing he was the tracker, he would not still be alive if I was scum. I did DM dark fox to let him know he did it to try to delete it so scum didn’t see that he was the tracker and kill him.


Or you didnt kill him to get DF on your side, which would explain the message you sent him, showing him you did a townie thing. 

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I saw via email dark fox tracked me. If I was scum I def would have killed dark fox night 1 for that. Knowing he was the tracker, he would not still be alive if I was scum. I did DM dark fox to let him know he did it to try to delete it so scum didn’t see that he was the tracker and kill him.


Or you didnt kill him to get DF on your side, which would explain the message you sent him, showing him you did a townie thing. 



That possibility did not escape me, but there is no way for me to confirm one or the other without sacrificing a night. 

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I saw via email dark fox tracked me. If I was scum I def would have killed dark fox night 1 for that. Knowing he was the tracker, he would not still be alive if I was scum. I did DM dark fox to let him know he did it to try to delete it so scum didn’t see that he was the tracker and kill him.


Or you didnt kill him to get DF on your side, which would explain the message you sent him, showing him you did a townie thing. 



That possibility did not escape me, but there is no way for me to confirm one or the other without sacrificing a night. 



I have a feeling that he may have a Godfather type of role. I will pull up the quote where I posted this theory earlier. If he is Godfather he will not do the kills himself but send his lieutenants to do the kill.

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I'm probably speculating too heavily into this, but this feels really interesting and nobody really talked about it beyond the first few posts


Reagrding Thanos and stones thing, I posted regarding this initially. TW specifically mentions Thanos getting a stone after Dr. Strange dies. So it brings up a question on what happens if the scum gets all the 6 stones. He also mentions that Thanos has sent out his lieutenants to find the stones. So I would say Thanos is a Mafia Godfather role with the other scum working for him.



This is the quote I was referring to. Presence of Cop in the game almost confirms that the scum have a Godfather/similar type of role to counter the cop. Plus Thanos as Godfather sending out his scum team to kill and get stones matches.

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There's no way to prove you are not a Godfather.
Short of a full rc, but i get the feeling you would say that it's fake.

How is this any different from me saying that Roberto killed Tony?
Basically the same level of proof backing it up.
Although I am not stretching as much as you.
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There's no way to prove you are not a Godfather.
Short of a full rc, but i get the feeling you would say that it's fake.

How is this any different from me saying that Roberto killed Tony?
Basically the same level of proof backing it up.
Although I am not stretching as much as you.


I clarified by saying I have a "feeling". There is no way to have proof regarding this role. The couple of indications is (i) Cop is present in game -> Mod has to give Scum team some protection for balance and (ii) Brewers did no action on N1 -> fits with Godfather (iii) The game flavor states that Thanos is sending his lieutenants out to kill, in movie also he does this first and only when his lietenants start getting killed off he takes a direct hand in things. There may be some town-themed roles also which are passive so I cannot be 100% sure, but all Avengers that have died so far had power roles.

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If Isoc2 flips town, then why did we replace an inactive with an inactive.


I can only assume he is scum and trying to lay low.

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Yes @imran you got me

Not only am I The Godfather and not doing the kills, but I also know dark fox is a tracker who can potentially follow the scum team to a kill so I didn’t tell my partners we let him live on night 1 and 2 AND we have a role blocker and chose to randomly block velocity and lww n1 and n2 who we had no idea what their roles were at the time instead of blocking the tracker who could follow us to a kill and out us

You got me. I much rather would do some crazy ploy to trick one person, dark fox, into thinking I’m town and risk the scum kill being discovered than just eliminate or block the role

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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I'm probably speculating too heavily into this, but this feels really interesting and nobody really talked about it beyond the first few posts

Reagrding Thanos and stones thing, I posted regarding this initially. TW specifically mentions Thanos getting a stone after Dr. Strange dies. So it brings up a question on what happens if the scum gets all the 6 stones. He also mentions that Thanos has sent out his lieutenants to find the stones. So I would say Thanos is a Mafia Godfather role with the other scum working for him.

This is the quote I was referring to. Presence of Cop in the game almost confirms that the scum have a Godfather/similar type of role to counter the cop. Plus Thanos as Godfather sending out his scum team to kill and get stones matches.

Tailor and framer also counter cop as well. I’ve seen plenty of games with a cop and no godfather. Just cause there is a cop does not mean a godfather is in play. The vast majority of our games have a cop in them. The vast majority of the games DO NOT have a godfather in them

Also when I messaged Dark Fox I didn’t say “hey delete your post scum is going to see if and kill you” that would be cheating. I said “WHY U TRACK ME”. I didn’t want him to have any idea on my role or alignment, as that’s not allowed but I also didn’t want him fucking killed by scum for clicking the wrong convo thread

Stop accusing me of doing OOC shit to get an advantage in this game.
You better be town and not scum

This is the second time you have accused me of cheating. If you’re scum I get it, you need to try something to survive cause I would have caught you. But if you’re town and actually think I’d fucking cheat when I have no need to do so, I’m extreme offended

Meant you better be scum and not town*

Driving right now haha

Meant you better be scum and not town*

Driving right now haha

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Maybe ironic given that it's not presented as your theory, but I put more weight on your saying that Brewers' mindset has changed today over how he thought of you on previous days, as that is a more visible change in stance.

I actually stated in my post that this was the thing that conviced me he was scum. He was on my scum list but I may not have voted for him early until I saw if there were any useful results from night. But the sudden attack out of nowhere right after I posted that I suspect that town is being led to mislynches just confirmed it. He knew I was going to come after him so he jumped in first so that my vote on him looks like a OMGUS.

Okay... you keep giving iSoc2 more and more of a pass here and that concerns me. I dont think this is "gambling" at all, I think he is our strongest candidate.

I am not fully conviced regarding iSoc. It is possible he is one of brewers'scum partners but he did call out lww a couple of times if I remember correctly. The lww/brewers duo looked strange to me on Day 2. It pointed to close coordination to lynch. However scum would not work so openly together also, but maybe they may have thought they will never suspect scum to be working together. Now however, lww has been confirmed town. My theory here is that brewers latched on to a very townie looking player so that he looks townie by association also. A common smart scum tactic.

Might as well. I am the tracker. N1 I selected brewers, did not see anything N2 lilweirdward, did not see anything N3 lilweirdward again, he selected MK

lww may have been role blocked on N2, he said he got not action on Day 2. That explaing why you didnt see lww do anything. Not sure if it was townie roleblocker or scum. Brewers not doing anything on N1 is interesting also. All scum may not have power roles. We have seen every avenger who has died has a power role.

Velcoity, the watcher who is as clearly going to watch the cop, was role blocked n3… so it’s pretty safe to assume the role blocker is not town and is scum…. Only way they are town is if they are a world class idiot and that player is not in this game lol

Also trying to put out there that scum has non power roles is a bad notion. If they had non power roles I don’t think this game would be very balanced. Town would have to have multiple vanilla roles to balance it out and that just does not look like it is going to be the case.

And I know you’re gonna say something like “why didn’t you do an action then- it’s cause you’re The Godfather” or something like that.

I am not going to role claim, which you’re probably going to try to press me to do, but I have a power role and I did actions the following nights

I feel safe in saying I have a power role since I highly doubt there are vanilla roles, this is a role madness game.

If vanilla roles are in play, for it to be balanced, nearly every unknown role left would have to be vanilla for the game to be balanced. And we know there is still one stone left in play (soul stone) and I doubt a VT has a stone lol

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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Maybe ironic given that it's not presented as your theory, but I put more weight on your saying that Brewers' mindset has changed today over how he thought of you on previous days, as that is a more visible change in stance. 


This doesnt really make much sense.  My thoughts on D3 had my scum list as Robert, Velocity and Jazzy.  And then Velocity RCd and I said I would have to change my scum list and you said the same thing...(u miught have said it first).  Then Jazzy flipped town... So obviously the scum suspects needed to change since Robert wasnt going to be the only scum in the game haha.  Not sure how going back through the game to try to figure out who is actually scum would be considered scummy lol  If anything, thats your number one responsibility as a townie


I never once thought Imran was town.  Its not like I went from Imran is Town to Imran is scum.  My thoughts on Imran were i wasnt sure and he could go either way.  It wasnt until today (D4) that imran said something that jumped off the page as super scummy to me.  I then did a deep dive and went back through his posts and put everything he said to a test - "If Imran was scum why would he say this"  versus 'If Imran was town why would he say this"  and a ton of stuff jumped off the page to me as scummy. 


So thats why I changed from "not sure" on imran to thinking he is scum.




If youre wondering, Robert is still on my list, so I havent changed on him

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Brewersalliance: Lover of the Pack and Beer. Hater of the Bears and Cheese.

Nukes Delivered for IRON-31

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You are bresky, Brewsky, Brewers, stud-muffin, Mr. Sexypants, and that cute guy over in IA.

TO: Brewersalliance | FROM: SeaBeeGipson
TYPE: Nuclear Missile Strike | DATE: 8/18/2017 9:07:26 AM
Your nation has been attacked with nuclear weapons in a standard nuclear attack by SeaBeeGipson. You lost 488 soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 1.602 miles of land, 0.000 technology, 103.283 infrastructure, 75% of your aircraft, and 25% of your nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses your nation will experience many days of economic devastation.Your clones are dead

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