@Mango - Why did you choose me to empower N1?
@Theo - Who did you protect N1 and why?
@Everyone - So these are the claims we have:
EM is claiming Empower
Theo is claiming Doctor
Yates is a Tracker [Town]
Muted Faith [slot] is a Neighborizer [which can be scum or town]
Helix is an Innocent Child [Town]
First - Mango's claim:
Empower would do nothing for Neighborizer or Innocent Child. Neutral
Empower could make an SK shoot through protection. Negative
Empower could make scum shoot through protection. Negative
Empower could prevent tracker from being redirected. Positive
Empower could prevent two kills on a single target if performed on a doctor. Positive though unlikely.
Overall, the Empower ability would be a neutral to negative-neutral utility role.
If real, that means scum have a roleblocker/redirector of some sort.
Mango is not a roleblocker since I received a result.
Mango could still be redirector if he redirected results on himself to Muted Faith who just happened to visit me. In which case, the MF slot is Town if Mango is scum redirector.
I'm also going to note his self-vote at the start of the game as well as his bait post on me so I don't forget to weigh these in to any alignment decision.
Theo's claim:
Doctor is a provable role but requires [at least] a save.
Doctor *should be* tonight's NK. Neither killing faction can afford to risk having their night target not go through. AND neither killing faction can count on the other killing faction to follow through on this NK because there's always the possibility that faction 1 will gamble and try killing elsewhere in the hopes that killing faction 2 will follow through. Except killing faction 2 could be thinking the same thing. Nope. They both need to target the doc.
We have no way of knowing if Lurch was a BG or not, so that's irrelevant.
My being BP makes Theo's claim slightly less believable.
I'm also going to weigh his OMGUS vote, his general lack of activity, and his decision not to unvote on a Townie [possibly using his lack of activity as an excuse] when the info kicked in to over drive today.
And just for good measure, Yates' claim:
Tracker is a provable role.
Mango has verified my track which leaves only my alignment marginally in question.
I think Town will see something very specific in my Town claim in 421 that will vet me. Something I don't think a scum would know to include even if they have fake claims.
I can absorb a shot tonight [if targeted] which would limit Town kills. If scum, I would want to prove that by no killing tonight and claiming "I told you so!" tomorrow which in effect does the same thing.
I would like to see Mango and Theo explain their night actions.
As for me? Mango was one of the people I was Town reading early. I agreed with his 3 scum/1 SK assessment. I agreed with his day 1 lynch assessment ["Odds prove that d1 lynches lead to town wins. Science beaches."]. He was Towning up the joint and I wanted to think he was Town. My only concern was his position towards the end of the wagon on a [I assumed based on the green text] Town lynch. So I wanted to track him to solidify my Town read. I also wanted to make sure I wasn't being fooled by excellent scum play. Tracking him back to me and getting neighborized [when I mistakenly thought he was the neighborizer] left me in a scenario where all I had to do was figure out if he was a town neighborizer or a scum neighborizer during the night. When he voted for me [something I wouldn't expect from someone who thought I was Town enough to neighborize if a Town neighborizer] that set off an alarm. Then when he claimed he didn't neighborize me that was "proof" he was a scum neighborizer. So this is the evolution of my read on EM. Now I'm back to on the fence regarding his claim. AND, I am having trouble understanding how his claim fits in the game. Though, I will admit to being snake bitten by setup spec in the past.