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The Coronavirus

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In relation to some earlier posts about the lab release theory:



The US is not the only nation asking some hard questions about the information disseminated by the WHO, and their reliance on data coming out of China.  It seems to me that the WHO forgot the first rule when it come to dealing with a hostile, authoritarian regime,  "If this is what they are saying, how bad it is really?"  


Yes, hostile.  https://nationalpost.com/news/russia-greatest-short-term-threat-to-north-america-norad-deputy-commander


Anyway, hope you all are doing well.

Canada is, as of the time of this post at: 31 927 confirmed cases and 1 367 deaths. https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/coronavirustracker/

CAF members with medical training, are being sent to long term care facilities in Quebec: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/coronavirus-covid19-april17-canada-world-1.5535549


We are doing okay.  I'm pounding back a few beers, possibly going to bake something later on.  Hey drunk baking is the best baking.  Yes, I do live up to some of the stereotypes!

My sister in law lost her job yesterday, she worked for Air Canada.   She seems to be doing okay, a lot worried.

Not sure when I'm going back to work.  I was supposed to go back at the end of the month, but that might get pushed back even further.  I'm now required to wear a mask whenever I leave to house, if I have any.

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My sister in law lost her job yesterday, she worked for Air Canada. She seems to be doing okay, a lot worried.

I'm curious if you guys have something like Unemployment Insurance in Canada? The average employee here in the USA that has lost their job because of this virus is now collecting over $1,000 a week. That's why over 22 million people have filed for Unemployment Insurance in just the past few weeks. That's just the people that can qualify for it. Others are still working as essential under extreme pressure... and even more have lost work and have nothing. We're living in very strange times.


I'll pay attention to the Governors that know what they're doing. The first out of the gate are Ron DeSantis of the great state of Florida for opening their beaches, and Greg Abbott of the great state of Texas with an Executive Order to get everything moving again. The smartest one of them all is Kristi Noem of the great state of South Dakota. She has been waiting at the finish line the entire time because she was never stupid enough to shut her state down to begin with.


Our Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak is not even blinking. He must be waiting for new orders from Gavin Newsom. Doesn't matter... my friends in Carson City will be parking their cars all around him tomorrow morning.

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So, there was a study done by Stanford where they tested 3330 individuals in an antibody seroprevalence test (to check whether antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 are present and have concluded that the number of infected can be 50-85 TIMES HIGHER (!!!) than the officially registered numbers. I count this as good news, because those people are probably doing OK and don’t need hospital treatment.


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If I undersatnd this correctly, these people conducted testing for SARS antibodies, and found that many more people were infected, and either were mildy affected, immune, or didn't get sick at all. This is considered evidence that many more of us are the same with Covid-19... am I reading this right? It does make sense.

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My sister in law lost her job yesterday, she worked for Air Canada. She seems to be doing okay, a lot worried.

I'm curious if you guys have something like Unemployment Insurance in Canada? The average employee here in the USA that has lost their job because of this virus is now collecting over $1,000 a week. That's why over 22 million people have filed for Unemployment Insurance in just the past few weeks. That's just the people that can qualify for it. Others are still working as essential under extreme pressure... and even more have lost work and have nothing. We're living in very strange times.


I'll pay attention to the Governors that know what they're doing. The first out of the gate are Ron DeSantis of the great state of Florida for opening their beaches, and Greg Abbott of the great state of Texas with an Executive Order to get everything moving again. The smartest one of them all is Kristi Noem of the great state of South Dakota. She has been waiting at the finish line the entire time because she was never stupid enough to shut her state down to begin with.


Our Democrat Governor Steve Sisolak is not even blinking. He must be waiting for new orders from Gavin Newsom. Doesn't matter... my friends in Carson City will be parking their cars all around him tomorrow morning.


Yes, we do.  Its called Employment Insurance, and the program is managed by the Federal Government.  There is a minimum number of hours you need to be eligible and you can get a maximum of $573.00 a week depending on your income.  

As it happens my sister in law can apply for the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit.

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Yeah Sweden is doing fine, only like 1400 dead already...


Not like it matters much anyway, alot of swedes are doing the lockdown voluntairy, hence their economy is tanking aswell.

Their economy is tanking because of greatly diminished international commerce.


If this happened 50 years ago, it would be a 3rd page, one paragraph, news piece, briefly informing people of a spike in flu cases.


But, because it is happening now, in the information age, and we have a massive population of lying leftist socialists that will stop at nothing to attain total global government control over the people, all they have to do is create a scoreboard and say it's 1918 all over again... and fear drives everyone to cower in their homes. It's not 1918 all over again, and you're not gonna die if you go outside.


The government cannot pay everyone to do nothing. There is no money for it, and if they press to continue printing worthless paper to do it, then the cost of everything will skyrocket. The new normal will be mass poverty. People are not going to sit in their homes, that they cannot continue paying for, and watch everything they worked all their lives for... just dissolve.


We are currently making more money, doing nothing, than we were before... because of taxpayer money. Am I the only one who can see how horribly wrong this is? This is totally unsustainable. But the ends justify the means to the anti-capitalists.


We will stop you.


Sweden's domestic economy is tanking, due to people social distancing out of their own well being. Also I thought you dislikes globalism...


Again, it is like the flu as in it is a second flu season on top of the current one we had. Coupled with a large underflow of no-symptom carriers and long incubation period this is a nasty thing with zero cure expect supportive measures.


And yeah, more conspiracy I see. For being the world leader, or attempting to take it back (whoever made you believe you lost it has pulled off a good one), it sure seems you guys believe you run nothing AND are being specifically targetted for being "succesfull". Make up your mind will ya!




So, there was a study done by Stanford where they tested 3330 individuals in an antibody seroprevalence test (to check whether antibodies for SARS-CoV-2 are present and have concluded that the number of infected can be 50-85 TIMES HIGHER (!!!) then the officially registered numbers. I count this as good news, because those people are probably doing OK and don’t need hospital treatment.



While a possibly 1-3% infection rate (or rather immuno responce rate) sounds nice, and is indeed bigger then expected, it is still a far cry from the numbers we would need for herd-immunity to kick in.


That should however be part of the "exit strategy" for this pandemic, letting antibody carrying people out first.


If I undersatnd this correctly, these people conducted testing for SARS antibodies, and found that many more people were infected, and either were mildy affected, immune, or didn't get sick at all. This is considered evidence that many more of us are the same with Covid-19... am I reading this right? It does make sense.

SARS-Cov-19 is one of the names for the COVID-19 virus. While "COVID-19" is an abbreviation for it being a COrona VIrus Disease 2019, SARS is the abbreviation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Might even be easier to just call it the Wuhan virus >_>.

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SARS-Cov-19 is one of the names for the COVID-19 virus. While "COVID-19" is an abbreviation for it being a COrona VIrus Disease 2019, SARS is the abbreviation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Might even be easier to just call it the Wuhan virus >_>.

Thank you for this. It's possible that most of us have already been exposed to this and our immunities did the job. Hopefully it's done it's worst. I hear Ohio, North Dakota, and Idaho have made the decision to reopen and will kick into "Phase 1" on May 1st. No surprise that only Red States are trying to open. Now that states are beginning to make a move, many more should follow.

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 SARS-Cov-19 is one of the names for the COVID-19 virus. While "COVID-19" is an abbreviation for it being a COrona VIrus Disease 2019, SARS is the abbreviation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Might even be easier to just call it the Wuhan virus >_>.


Yeah, there is alot of confusion with the nomenclature, so let's pin it down:


  • SARS-CoV-2 is the official name of the VIRUS that we are currently facing
  • The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes the COVID-19 DISEASE
  • Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses, and a varied bunch. In humans they tend to cause disease ranging from something barely noticeable to very very deadly. They include the  (original) SARS virus, the exceptionally nasty MERS virus and also this COVID-19 virus

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If we've been dealing with this crap for so long, why the hell don't we have a vaccine for it yet?

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Good question. In short:

1, Although they have a similar appearance and structure (ball of fatty membrane with expressed proteins and string of RNA inside) the proteins and RNA are diffferent. A vaccine against one would not help much against the other, and we’ve only just know about this particular bastard for a few months

2, Developing a vaccine is different than developing a cure and is much more difficult. A cure (if we cut throught the redtape) can be tested on actual sick patients and its effect can be measured that way. To conclusively prove that a vaccine works, HEALTHY people need to be purposefully infected with the virus, which means that 1) you better be damn sure your vaccine works in this stage and 2) there are all sorts of problems with control groups (who would receive a placebo, and still would need to be infected). Fortunately scientists are smart and there are low-risk workarounds, but they take time.

3, It’s economics. Developing a vaccice is expensive, so if you invest, you better make sure your product sells like hot cackes. In the case of SARS and MERS, their severity also meant that if a patient got it, he was flat on his back in a matter of hours, or 1-2 days at maximum. This also meant that there was a very limited timeframe the patient had to go around infecting others, hence quarantine measures worked, hence the number of patients were limited, hence not a huge effort was made to develop a vaccine. On the other end of the spectrum, with the other Coronavirii, people can treat them with some hot tea and Paracetamol, so a vaccine wouldn’t sell much. SARS-CoV-2 is in the “sweet spot” of being infectious enough due to a large amount of symptomless carriers, and deadly enough to be alarming. Thus a big market demand is created, thus every lab worth their salt is working on a vaccine, thus we will likely see one this year despite the scientific difficulties. Capitalism can achieve amazing things when proper and lucrative incentives are present :)

Now, anti-vexxers. Once we do get a vaccine governments better make fucking sure everyone gets it FOR FREE, at gunpoint if necessary. People are losing their livelihoods, their life savings, their residence due to the social distancing bullshit. We’re rapidly approaching the point where the costs of restrictions are outweighing the benefits, and one we do get a proper solution, we need to apply it, no questions asked.

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SARS-Cov-19 is one of the names for the COVID-19 virus. While "COVID-19" is an abbreviation for it being a COrona VIrus Disease 2019, SARS is the abbreviation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. Might even be easier to just call it the Wuhan virus >_>.

Thank you for this. It's possible that most of us have already been exposed to this and our immunities did the job. Hopefully it's done it's worst. I hear Ohio, North Dakota, and Idaho have made the decision to reopen and will kick into "Phase 1" on May 1st. No surprise that only Red States are trying to open. Now that states are beginning to make a move, many more should follow.



As ccabal's linked study show, herd immunity saddly isn't here yet. As for reopening, as this virus is a slumbering one we won't know the true effect the reopenings will have for up to a month.


If we've been dealing with this crap for so long, why the hell don't we have a vaccine for it yet?

Sadly the same reason you need a flushot each year, these things tend to change :(


Heck, corona virusses are known to invoke only short term immuno reaction, meaning it could be that your own bodies antibodies (or triggered by vaccine) only work for a year or so.

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Sadly the same reason you need a flushot each year

We never go to doctors unless we need to. Therefore we have never participated in the "flu shot" bandwagon. My mother worked in a hospital for 20 years, and the flu shots were required. She died in 1998, of you guessed it... the flu. I really don't trust them too much.


I hear Vermont is the first Blue State to make a move toward reopening. Bernieland.

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flushot is indeed more for the already weakend population, was more an indication that vaccines aren't always "lifelong" like with polio for example.

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there are many strains of the flu. each year the flu vaccine is only for the ones that they think will be peaking that year. The chinese controlled puppets at the World health organistion have decided these will be bad this year


  • A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus; (strain change)
  • A/South Australia/34/2019 (H3N2)-like virus; (strain change)
  • B/Washington/02/2019-like (B/Victoria lineage) virus; (strain change) and
  • B/Phuket/3073/2013-like (B/Yamagata lineage) viru

Personally i use to get the flu ever even year and a cold ever odd (especially when i used to work at a gas station fucking people) but haven't since i changed jobs and had a flu vaccine each year.


In other news NZ is going to be in lockdown until the end of the long weekend and will be back at Level 3 next tuesday for 2 weeks

<p class='bbc_center'><img src='https://i.imgur.com/fKMMvyH.png?2' alt='Posted Image' class='bbc_img' /></p>
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Now, anti-vexxers. Once we do get a vaccine governments better make fucking sure everyone gets it FOR FREE, at gunpoint if necessary.

I'm not an anti-vexxer. I don't get the flu shots because I have never got a flu shot, so if I don't have to get a flu shot, I will choose not to get a flu shot.


This is much different. People are losing life and livelihood, no matter that it's not as bad as they said it would be... if everyone is doing it, I will too. Even if it doesn't work, it will make people believe it does, and we can get back to normal. It still surprises me just how many extremely stupid people there are in the world. In my controlled environment, I forget sometimes... then my sister-in-law called tonight and it all comes back how bat shit nuts people can be.

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Now, anti-vexxers. Once we do get a vaccine governments better make fucking sure everyone gets it FOR FREE, at gunpoint if necessary.

I'm not an anti-vexxer. I don't get the flu shots because I have never got a flu shot, so if I don't have to get a flu shot, I will choose not to get a flu shot.


This is much different. People are losing life and livelihood, no matter that it's not as bad as they said it would be... if everyone is doing it, I will too. Even if it doesn't work, it will make people believe it does, and we can get back to normal. It still surprises me just how many extremely stupid people there are in the world. In my controlled environment, I forget sometimes... then my sister-in-law called tonight and it all comes back how bat shit nuts people can be.


Sorry, maybe you misunderstood. I know you're not an anti-vexxer, and just to be clear: I haven't gotten a flu shot in my life either. Simply because I rarely get sick (like once every 3 years), and even then I stay home for a week at maximum and drink tea, play videogames. I don't feel very bad either, I stay indoors mostly as a precaution, not becuase it feel THAT bad.


But yes, this virus is different, for the devastating economic effects alone. Although I like him, it's easy for Bill Gates to say "well we just need to sit at home until a cure/vaccine is developed", but the average joe doesn't have a mansion and a multi-billion dollar fortune that makes it possible.

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Sorry, maybe you misunderstood. I know you're not an anti-vexxer, and just to be clear: I haven't gotten a flu shot in my life either. Simply because I rarely get sick (like once every 3 years), and even then I stay home for a week at maximum and drink tea, play videogames. I don't feel very bad either, I stay indoors mostly as a precaution, not becuase it feel THAT bad.

I didn't misunderstand... I was bored and just making conversation. I am exactly the same way, and when I'm sick, I'll get in a hot water bath and stay there for hours. It works for me :)

But yes, this virus is different, for the devastating economic effects alone. Although I like him, it's easy for Bill Gates to say "well we just need to sit at home until a cure/vaccine is developed", but the average joe doesn't have a mansion and a multi-billion dollar fortune that makes it possible.

I'm not a social butterfly. I am home most of the time anyway. It's easy for me personally to endure this. I can even afford it.


To others, it's much different. My wife and I are caregivers to a 92 year old Air Force Veteran. He is an amazing man. His entire life is restaurants, bowling, and playing at the casinos. Now his life is reduced to sitting around, watching TV, and waiting to die. He knows his days are numbered, and he can't do anything about this... because everyone else is scared to death that they're gonna get sick.

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Governor Brian Kemp of the great state of Georgia is opening large sections of his state Friday April 24. Savannah Georgia is well known to be one of the most beautiful cities in the USA. Toward the end of the Civil War in December 1864, local authorities negotiated a peaceful surrender of Savannah to W.T. Sherman, to save it from the torch. My wife and I always take a trip for our Anniversary in late October. Because Gov. Kemp is taking this action for our country... Savannah just jumped to the top of our list. *Toasting Georgia*

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On the bizarre side today... oil crashed to negative 37 bucks per barrel. This is pretty much equal to going to the gas station for a fill up, and they pay you $40 for taking the gas off their hands. We are living in very strange times.

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You're telling me.  I saw the story about gas prices on the BBC https://www.bbc.com/news/business-52350082

and the CBC, https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/oil-price-monday-1.5538048

Not good for Alberta.  The main industry here is oil and gas.  It was already being hammered before the Covid plague.

To put it all in perspective.  I was out earlier today, and I saw the prices at the Esso station across the road.  57.9 cents/litre.  I started driving in '93.  I don't remember gas prices this low.  I do remember in 2015, gas in Quebec (where I was living at the time), was $1.52 per litre.


We are doing well, hope all of you are too.  Going a bit nuts with my enforced confinement.  I've gotten back into model railroading.  Bought a lovely set early this week, unfortunately the motor in the engine was burned out.  The shop I bought it from returned it to Bachmann for repair with no charge.  Glad on one hand that my train will be repaired.  Peeved off that I can't run it now!

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