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The Elections 2020 Thread

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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yeah I am largly reactionary here, mostly cause I am terrible at striking a conversation or finding a topic people would like here. Me replying mostly to you just so happens cause you mostly reply to me (or post in general). And it isn't like I disagree on you with everything.


and also, who's trolling now? :D

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yeah I am largly reactionary here, mostly cause I am terrible at striking a conversation or finding a topic people would like here. Me replying mostly to you just so happens cause you mostly reply to me (or post in general). And it isn't like I disagree on you with everything.


and also, who's trolling now? :D

Okay, I'm just gonna say it... I really enjoy our conversations. Without you, I fear my time here would be a lot less entertaining.

You challenge my mind, and I love that about you. So yeah... I'm the troll this time.


P.S.: I've had a really good night at the casino, and too many drinks... LOL!


P.S.S.: But Amazon delivered the CD I ordered to my next door neighbor, and they won't hand it over... my guess is they are Progressives.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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or they really like your music choice? :D

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This is really rare... I'm proud of a Democrat today.


Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona pulled a John McCain move against the Progressives today, with a giant thumb down sign. It was the most memorable "No" vote against the disastrous socialist $15 dollar per hour minimum wage proposal. It went down easily with a 42-58 vote in the Senate, but she looks like one of my daughters casting that vote. I'm impressed!

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema Votes Against $15 Minimum Wage Effort - YouTube

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    IRON Rose

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I have a guess, but let me ask why you oppose the minimum wage.

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I have a guess, but let me ask why you oppose the minimum wage.

I'm a Capitalist, so I'm against any limitations on wages. If I run a business and need something done, and I can afford to pay someone to do it for $7.00 an hour, and someone is willing to do it for $7.00 an hour, then they should be able to take my money.


But, things being the way they are... every state has their own minimum wage already. Every state has a different economy. It costs more to live in San Francisco California than it does in Fargo North Dakota. We don't need a Federal minimum wage, but we have one anyway. So, in my opinion, it should be the lowest common denominator. There are many things that our Federal Government should stay out of, and this is one of them.


I have had my own business for over 20 years, and I have never employed anyone... even though I could. I absolutely refuse to involve myself in anything regulated by government, any more than I already have to. So yes... minimum wages hurt people.

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    IRON Rose

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Well, $15 an hour is pretty meager no matter where in the country. And the tax code can be tweaked so that businesses are compensated properly in the end.

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Well, $15 an hour is pretty meager no matter where in the country.

There are many jobs that could be done that are not worth paying someone $15 an hour to do. There are many people that need the money, that because of a $15 an hour mandate, will never have the opportunity to have that job. Raising the Federal minimum wage always results in destroying the jobs available to the lowest income bracket... because it's not worth it to employ them.

And the tax code can be tweaked so that businesses are compensated properly in the end.

Are you kidding me? There is nothing that the Federal Government can offer me, that I as an employer, would trust that they would keep their word. Ask anyone who has ever trusted the US Government with anything.


The only thing we can ever hope for is that they don't make it worse.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Lets ignore the rest of the Western World's economy doing fine with higher minimum wage and stricter labor laws.


heck even ignore that, the very notion that "if someone wants to take that 7$/h job, they should be able to do so" is a massive falacy when you know those jobs are either filled by (illegal) immigrants or by people doing multiple 7$/h jobs.


Did the US economy keel over and die the last few times the minimum wage was increased?

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I don't want to start a new thread about China, so I'll use this one.


I even have a favorite Progressive. Favorite because he sometimes makes a lot of sense. Sometimes he makes such a good argument that it makes me angry, because he's very effective at times. This is one of those times.


New Rule: Losing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Well yeah, thats what an Authoritarian regime does. You do recall the few examples of not-so-nice-China he mentioned at the start right? And while americans are chained to their credit score, chinese are chained to their social credit score. Enjoy neither but feel the burndens they give.


PS. Yen is Japan...

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PS. Yen is Japan...

I always Yuan-na correct them too.

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Had to fix that YouTube link... it was going directly to the end of the video instead of the beginning. Sorry about that.

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    IRON Rose

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I don't want to start a new thread about China, so I'll use this one.


I even have a favorite Progressive. Favorite because he sometimes makes a lot of sense. Sometimes he makes such a good argument that it makes me angry, because he's very effective at times. This is one of those times.


New Rule: Losing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) - YouTube

I love Bill Maher, one of the few sane voices left...


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Thanks for that! I needed a good healthy laugh.

Yesterdays good laugh was Joe trying to walk up the stairs.

When that laugh ended, you realize that he's the President.

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Another good Maher video... had to share this one.

Bill Maher on millennials and Gen-Z: “Abolish the police? Border patrol? Capitalism? cancel Lincoln - YouTube

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LOL!  That's so funny.  I always laugh at those bloody idiots.  Last February 14, I had a med appointment downtown and wandered into  the middle of an Extinction Rebellion "Protest", or as I like to call it Temper Tantrum.  I don't know what the hell they were screaming about, something about oil, water rights, environmental protection, capitalism, or the police.  Whatever was pissing them off at that particular second.

Yet, iPhones were ubiquitous.

I like what Rex Murphy said, to loosely quote "have they ever bothered to research how resource intensive the manufacture of those things are?"


Lys, you might enjoy this guy:  JoeyBToonz.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMG2fvCyTd8

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Thanks for the laugh Hack... here's the new one today, and the reason I left California 24 years ago.

YouTube will probably kill this video soon because it doesn't fit their agenda.


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She can't be racist though, she's not white!

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Sweet Jesus!  

Hope she loses her job.

Kudos to that cop.  I don't know how he maintained his sense of professionalism.


Oh, I got my first dose of the Moderna vaccine two days ago.   In case you're curious, the 5G reception is amazing!

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