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The Elections 2020 Thread

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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So bad things might have happended, but nothing will be done about it?


Sounds like a dud. This a Mueller 2.0? :D

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Sounds like a dud. This a Mueller 2.0?

Mueller was part of the scam... none of this was in his "purview".

The entire Justice Department is claiming they were all too stupid to know. 

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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The Mueller scam found more actual Russians interfering thou.


Well seeing as the DOJ also seems to stupid to find that massive voter fraud that happended in 2016 and 2020, perhaps you should get rid of it in its entirety :D

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The Mueller scam found more actual Russians interfering thou.

That's not hard... you can't swing a dead cat in DC without hitting a Russian.

Well seeing as the DOJ also seems to stupid to find that massive voter fraud that happended

We can all be certain that after the 2024 election the same mistake will not be made. This time they will all be immediately fired.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Sure they might be alot of Russians, but I don't think many tried imbedding themselfes into a presidential campaign and have ties to the Kremlin...


how very authoritarian of you.

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I don't understand why they allow morons like this to be published without checking the facts.


This dude just published a call for people to demand their cable providers charge a premium fee to get Fox News. Little does this dimwit understand, but I already pay a premium fee to my cable provider to get Fox News. The unfortunate part of the premium fee I pay to get Fox News is that the premium fee I already pay must include CNN and MSNBC... and MSNBC doesn't even allow anyone to comment for a correction on this obvious attempt to improve their failing channel. I would gladly pay an additional premium fee to get Fox News, if at all possible, I could eliminate my unwanted support of CNN and MSNBC. Complete idiots.

Tucker Carlson's Fox News host salary is bankrolled by you (msnbc.com)

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Does anyone believe they will listen?

New Rule: Bill Maher the Messaging Czar | Real Time (HBO) - YouTube

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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If 1/3rd wants to be government by the same bunch that wants less government by breaking said government, messaging seems to be the least issue.


Or to put it more clearly, the masses that applaud the ACA but despise Obamacare, they need reading and comprehension lessons first. >_>

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Or to put it more clearly, the masses that applaud the ACA but despise Obamacare, they need reading and comprehension lessons first.

Yes... another European that thinks Americans are too stupid to make their own choices. You're not helping your team here. 

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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You can make all the decisions on your own all you'd like, when you can actually comprehend them. You don't even need to be stupid to be gullible, it can happen to anyone when critical thinking gets a back-seat on the table. Then again I heared Republicans are now affraid of the word "critical" and what words might be strung after it, so who knows...


Otherwise, might aswell get an octopus and some jars with legislation and let it decide. Alteast it would be good TV for some.

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You can make all the decisions on your own all you'd like, when you can actually comprehend them.

Another European Elitist declaration. I'll continue to make all my own decisions... I don't care if you approve of them or not.

Then again I heared Republicans are now affraid of the word "critical" and what words might be strung after it, so who knows...

You heard wrong... My wife just came in to tell me about a car that just plowed into a Christmas Parade in Wisconsin... it appears Democrats are afraid of critical losses... this is not good.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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For fucks sake, I don't even care nor desire to approve of them, I just hope they are cast with understanding. bad decisions are one thing, misinformed ones are perhaps even worse. Maligned decisions just to spite a portion of your citizens is probably the worst, the need to tease some faction just cause you like it is grade school thinking.


And why "Democrats" need to be invoked over the tragedy with 5 deaths just adds to my line before: If you need to use tragedies to further define your political opponents, you aren't doing politics, you are being a demagogue.

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I'm a huge Guinness fan... my wife has never liked it. Too dark, too strong.

I made her a "Black and Brown" tonight, which is half Guinness and half A&W Root Beer... she drank the entire pitcher.

I had to make another pitcher. A new hot tub staple, and it's awesome!

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Fredo has been fired.

BREAKING: CNN fires Chris Cuomo | The Post Millennial

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More lies...

Global CO2 emissions have been flat for a decade, new data reveals - Carbon Brief

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Did you read more then the initial, wrongly assumed, "gotcha" you think you found?


1) The title states that total excess CO2 emisions from "Land Use Change" (aka destroying CO2 capturing forrest to make CO2 releasing agricuture) have been steadily declining over the past decade. We are finally seeing a net emission below 4 Gton of CO2 per annum. Otherwise said, protecting and rebuilding forrests is finally keeping pace with deforrestation and slightly outpacing it. We still run a net surplus of CO2 emmisions on LUC, which is BAD!


2) CO2 emmisions have already rebound from the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns and industrial standstill which made out net output of fossil fuel related CO2 drop from 37 Gton CO2 per annum in 2019 to 35 Gton in 2020 to estimated 36.5 Gton in 2021. This once again is a NET SURPLUS number.


3) All numbers are NET SURPLUSS EMMISIONS. Meaning it speaks about the CO2 produced that is NOT captivated by human or natural activity and thus continues to up the CO2 concentration in the air.



Basically, good news that we stopped deforrestation from being a negative influence on out total CO2 output. Sadly this total is about 10% of the total human CO2 output which relies heavily on fossil fuel burning.


We are still churning more CO2 out then ever before, and are thus increasingly still polluting our enviroment with it. You are happy you stopped further opening your kitchen sink's faucet (it is still open btw) while totally ignoring all the faucets in the bathroom continueing to open further. gratz?

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Did you read more then the initial, wrongly assumed, "gotcha" you think you found?

Like I said... more lies.

We are still churning more CO2 out then ever before

Which means "we" can't do anything about it... except maybe a few more pandemics... that'll do the trick.

More people dying means less people breathing... that's what you really want... am I right?

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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What lies? I gave numbers that your own linked report gave and noted what they mean. It aint really my issue if you singular person doesn't believe we are disrupting the biosphere with our technological prowess.



We are actually pretty efficient in our CO2 production while living. Coal power plants on te other hand...


We sure can do things about it, cause we are the first who actually made it happen. Are you a fatalist perhaps?

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What lies? I gave numbers that your own linked report gave and noted what they mean.

I was not saying you were lying at all... I'm saying they are lying. Whenever anyone offers up their own statistics to support their own doomsday theory, and then demands an ultimatum to either support their bullshit, or we all die... experience compels me to say no.


Once again... I'm not giving up my freedom because you're afraid of something.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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Your libertarian notion of "liberty" does not excist. You give up liberties left and right for usually good cause. You just don't like this particulary set of restrictions.


And this is not a doomsday theory nor reality, nothing is. You just want to make it out like one so you can respond with "meh, if it is that bad, why should I care?". And I was asking which lies you found out about with that article, not to what I said.

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