I was okay putting pressure on Imran before a hammer vote could potentially be applied because at the time he did seem scummy to me. I placed that vote originally based on a random vote, but as I said in my several apparently non-existant posts, he was behaving scummy. I wanted to have a discussion, when people start voting and putting him at L-1 thats a line that has been crossed. When he was at L-2 that meant 2 new people had to make up their minds to vote to lynch him when I was saying that we should continue to discuss. This idea was ignored and Xarastier put him at L-1, at this point anyone could change their vote to him and end the day, and even if you withdraw your vote, you have already shown that you think we should lynch him. I don't know you as a player Matino so I have no idea if you will think ahead and not end the day early when we have so much more to discuss.
I see now that removing my vote was a sound decision because you are perfectly content ending the day early before we have used our full time to discuss who is the best candidate. That, by the way, is just a bit scummy.
Killgor I understand you don't like my response considering that it puts you in question, but that is what happens when you try and lynch someone so early in the day without any real evidence. You have inadvertantly made yourself appear scummy, whether you are or not.
I have explained my stance and my actions. I find it hilarious Martino that you now are changing your accussation because you saw clearly that you were wrong in the first place with my post about Imran, and instead of admiting a mistake (and asking about why I un-voted when I did in a civil manner rather than with a noose around my neck) you choose to push on and try to lynch me with your non-existant evidence.
Now, Killgor you are right about one thing. I was wrong when I said you were all trying so hard to lynch me. Yourself, EM, and Xarastier are bandwagoning with little to no input on the situation (which is funny cause I was accussed of not posting as a reason to lynch me) and Martino is trying to lynch me. So I'd venture a guess closer to 1 scum is voting for me and the other is at large, which would suggest that killgor EM and xarastier are sadly mistaken townies who are trying ever so hard to lynch early for no reason...... and that Martino is trying ever so desperately to lynch a townie early in the day with no evidence.
So since you want me to cast my real vote now rather than waiting till we can get back to some actual fruitful discussion, I can only assume that you are scum Martino. You have shut down all scum hunting that does not involve lynching me, you are leading a band-wagon to end the day early on a lynch that has no evidence. I cannot see how any townie in their right mind would agree with you and vote to lynch me based on your non-existant evidence. Perhaps before I got a chance to respond when you painted the situation how you saw fit to try and rush a quick lynch, but now that I have retorted your supposed reason's for lynching me..... I can't see how anyone would follow you at this point.
I therefore cast my vote for the most scummy looking any of us.
Vote: Martino (omgus, but not really)