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[OP-03] Dino Mafia End : 2of4 ~ Dinosaur Mafia

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i have no problem with not reaching a consensus and lynching someone
today. i however have a problem with people not voting d1. it does not
force scum to have to cast a vote. anyway, usually i have some kind of
feeling about who might be scum and who might not but this game i'm
drawing a blank...

so i'm gonna try to put some pressure on someone.


vote: CoD



cause having 3 people with 2 votes on them makes for a better game.





it's not a random vote preston. it's a vote designed to make others move.


I interpreted your nonspecific "put some pressure on someone" as meaning your vote on CoD was random - or at least without any other justification behind it, per your post about drawing a blank.


At this point it seems like CoD is going to end up the day's lynch target; he's currently at L-1 unless I miscounted (mod vote count not yet updated at time of writing). We technicallly have til the end of the week to finish this game day, but it looks like we have several people agreeing to just lynch someone now (that someone being CoD) and move on.


CoD isnt my first choice for scum, per my earlier posts - but his unvoting and associated comments have drawn peoples' attention, and it's entirely possible he IS scum. Let's see how this plays out.



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Votecount 1.06

KevinH (1) - Rafay
Electric Mango (0) -
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Imran Ehsan (1) - KevinH
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (4) - Martino, killgor, Xarastier, Electric Mango

Not Voting (3) - Preston, Chaplain of death, Imran Ehsan

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Chaplain of death is the current wagon leader at L-1
Deadline is Saturday, March 23rd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT

Edited by Kaziocore, 22 March 2013 - 03:54 AM.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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However, the power roles can alter the course.  Either a night kill is stopped or a scum is identified if a townie role player is successful.
If that happens, then we would rather have the extra townie on Day 3 because then we can make it to Day 4.
In the words of Clint Eastwood, "Do you feel lucky, punk?"

I'm feeling lucky.

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i'm not. but i want to hear from a few people now.

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However, the power roles can alter the course.  Either a night kill is stopped or a scum is identified if a townie role player is successful.
If that happens, then we would rather have the extra townie on Day 3 because then we can make it to Day 4.
In the words of Clint Eastwood, "Do you feel lucky, punk?"

I'm feeling lucky.

Lucky as in you think we are about to lynch the right target? or lucky as in you expect our power roles to be lucky tonight?


i'm not. but i want to hear from a few people now.

Yes, there are indeed a few people that need to speak up. For one, it would be nice if CoD speaks up before he gets himself lynched. Is there anyone else in particular you were thinking about? 


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Chaplain of death

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For 1, I haven't been inactive until this weekend because I happened to be house sitting and did not have access to the internet.


2, I didn't have as much of a problem with Imran being L-2 until he had gone L-1 and then come back down to L-1. That obviously means that there are enough people who actually believe that he is scum that my random vote needs to come off and I need to cast an actual vote. That is the reason my vote came off.


I find it odd that I would appear the most scummy to so many people considering the non-existant evidence. I withdrew a vote because I don't want to make a pre-mature lynch..... and yet now I'm at L-1 because there are 4 people trying very hard to lynch me before I could even make a case for myself. Funny that my desire to not end the discussion so early on day 1 should be the reason for 4 people to vote to lynch me. Because of that ironic occurence I would tend to think that both of the scum are in the 4 people trying to lynch me, because no smart townie would be trying to end day 1 so early when there are another 5 days for discussion? Maybe if we had reasonable evidence against a scum I could understand ending the day earlier, but with the total lack of evidence against me I can't help but believe that the scum are trying to end the discussion early to keep us in the dark as long as possible.


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If a power role role is successful in either of the first two nights, we will wish we hadn't lynched a townie on Day 1. I'm feeling lucky in that there are 2 nights and possibly 2 power roles in which to get lucky. I don't feel lucky enough to hope that 5 of the 6 other townies are going to find 1 of the 2 scum and lynch them.

Does Chaplain of Death really need to be lynched and proven townie to cast suspicion on those that are voting for him?

If he is lynched and proven townie, will there be any suspicion at all placed on those that lynched him?

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For 1, I haven't been inactive until this weekend because I happened to be house sitting and did not have access to the internet.


2, I didn't have as much of a problem with Imran being L-2 until he had gone L-1 and then come back down to L-1. That obviously means that there are enough people who actually believe that he is scum that my random vote needs to come off and I need to cast an actual vote. That is the reason my vote came off.


I find it odd that I would appear the most scummy to so many people considering the non-existant evidence. I withdrew a vote because I don't want to make a pre-mature lynch..... and yet now I'm at L-1 because there are 4 people trying very hard to lynch me before I could even make a case for myself. Funny that my desire to not end the discussion so early on day 1 should be the reason for 4 people to vote to lynch me. Because of that ironic occurence I would tend to think that both of the scum are in the 4 people trying to lynch me, because no smart townie would be trying to end day 1 so early when there are another 5 days for discussion? Maybe if we had reasonable evidence against a scum I could understand ending the day earlier, but with the total lack of evidence against me I can't help but believe that the scum are trying to end the discussion early to keep us in the dark as long as possible.


Ok, to be honest I was mainly waiting for your defense so that I could unvote. However, that post did not help at all. I'll admit that I was a little surprised at the speed at which you were put at L-1, but there are most definitely not "4 people trying very hard" to lynch you. In fact, both Killgor and EM voted mainly to put some pressure on someone, rather than trying hard to get you lynched.
The interesting thing is that the only other contributing post you have made was one where you blamed Imran for putting KevinH at L-2. You thought it was too early to risk lynching someone with 10 days to go until the deadline. So on the one hand your attitude to putting someone close to a lynch was consistent throughout. On the other hand, you did keep your vote on Imran until you could "bandwagon" unvote together with me. And that is the part that is suspicious. 
If you are a townie, then why did you not unvote Imran when I put him at L-2? My main question is not why did you unvote Imran, my main question is why did you not unvote Imran before? You were clearly opposed to someone being close to a lynch, so why wait? Now in your latest post you basically claim that at the first L-2 there were not enough people that actually believed Imran was scum, so it was okay for you to keep your vote on him. Interestingly enough, you attacked Imran for putting someone at L-2 when his vote was the only non random vote. So why was it okay for you to keep your random vote on Imran when he was at 3 votes but why was it not okay for Imran to put a third vote on someone who had two random votes?
In addition you mention that you had to remove your random vote and cast an actual vote. However, that last part never happened. Your voting record is one random vote on Imran and one unvote. So it seems like this was not really a concern at the time, just something you came up with now. Therefore, I will confirm my vote for CoD. It would be good if he was given the chance to reply before we lynch him, but at this point I am comfortable with lynching him. It would, however, be good if first EM and killgor could let us know if they are also in favor of lynching CoD. I don't want anyone claiming tomorrow that they were just putting one some pressure and did not really want to lynch CoD.


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when i saw that 2 people quickly voted for him after me i was surprised to say the least. i decided to wait though until you replied before unvoting you. and i was also planning on voting for Xarastier because, well, he's been vote hopping like mad, which is both scummy and not helpful for townies.


your response is however unsatisfactory to say the least. it keeps in line though with the same habbits you showed during the prefious games so i'll have to ponder on what i'll do with the vote during the next few hours.


also, i have a pretty good idea what Xarastier will do however i want to see what EM does now. and it will also be interesting to see if anyone places the hammer vote.

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I am definitely ok with lynching CoD.  Someone needs to get lynched and there is no one else with a better case against them.  

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not even xarastier? i mean, compared to the previous 2 games when he was like "vote for him everyone, don't ask questions just vote for him", this is somewhat of a  interesting change of style.

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Chaplain of death

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I was okay putting pressure on Imran before a hammer vote could potentially be applied because at the time he did seem scummy to me. I placed that vote originally based on a random vote, but as I said in my several apparently non-existant posts, he was behaving scummy. I wanted to have a discussion, when people start voting and putting him at L-1 thats a line that has been crossed. When he was at L-2 that meant 2 new people had to make up their minds to vote to lynch him when I was saying that we should continue to discuss. This idea was ignored and Xarastier put him at L-1, at this point anyone could change their vote to him and end the day, and even if you withdraw your vote, you have already shown that you think we should lynch him. I don't know you as a player Matino so I have no idea if you will think ahead and not end the day early when we have so much more to discuss.


I see now that removing my vote was a sound decision because you are perfectly content ending the day early before we have used our full time to discuss who is the best candidate. That, by the way, is just a bit scummy.


Killgor I understand you don't like my response considering that it puts you in question, but that is what happens when you try and lynch someone so early in the day without any real evidence. You have inadvertantly made yourself appear scummy, whether you are or not.


I have explained my stance and my actions. I find it hilarious Martino that you now are changing your accussation because you saw clearly that you were wrong in the first place with my post about Imran, and instead of admiting a mistake (and asking about why I un-voted when I did in a civil manner rather than with a noose around my neck) you choose to push on and try to lynch me with your non-existant evidence.


Now, Killgor you are right about one thing. I was wrong when I said you were all trying so hard to lynch me. Yourself, EM, and Xarastier are bandwagoning with little to no input on the situation (which is funny cause I was accussed of not posting as a reason to lynch me) and Martino is trying to lynch me. So I'd venture a guess closer to 1 scum is voting for me and the other is at large, which would suggest that killgor EM and xarastier are sadly mistaken townies who are trying ever so hard to lynch early for no reason...... and that Martino is trying ever so desperately to lynch a townie early in the day with no evidence.


So since you want me to cast my real vote now rather than waiting till we can get back to some actual fruitful discussion, I can only assume that you are scum Martino. You have shut down all scum hunting that does not involve lynching me, you are leading a band-wagon to end the day early on a lynch that has no evidence. I cannot see how any townie in their right mind would agree with you and vote to lynch me based on your non-existant evidence. Perhaps before I got a chance to respond when you painted the situation how you saw fit to try and rush a quick lynch, but now that I have retorted your supposed reason's for lynching me..... I can't see how anyone would follow you at this point.


I therefore cast my vote for the most scummy looking any of us.


Vote: Martino (omgus, but not really)


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Votecount 1.07

KevinH (1) - Rafay
Electric Mango (0) -
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (1) - Chaplain of death
Imran Ehsan (1) - KevinH
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (4) - Martino, killgor, Xarastier, Electric Mango

Not Voting (2) - Preston, Imran Ehsan

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Chaplain of death is the current wagon leader at L-1
Deadline is Saturday, March 23rd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT

Edited by Kaziocore, 22 March 2013 - 03:54 AM.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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I was okay putting pressure on Imran before a hammer vote could potentially be applied because at the time he did seem scummy to me. I placed that vote originally based on a random vote, but as I said in my several apparently non-existant posts, he was behaving scummy. I wanted to have a discussion, when people start voting and putting him at L-1 thats a line that has been crossed. When he was at L-2 that meant 2 new people had to make up their minds to vote to lynch him when I was saying that we should continue to discuss. This idea was ignored and Xarastier put him at L-1, at this point anyone could change their vote to him and end the day, and even if you withdraw your vote, you have already shown that you think we should lynch him. I don't know you as a player Matino so I have no idea if you will think ahead and not end the day early when we have so much more to discuss.
Well I did explicitely say that I was unvoting because I did not yet want to end the day. Do you really think I could have gotten away with hammering Imran as soon as someone put him back at L-1? 

I see now that removing my vote was a sound decision because you are perfectly content ending the day early before we have used our full time to discuss who is the best candidate. That, by the way, is just a bit scummy.


At this point it is not that early anymore. We have a few more days and there is no half majority rule. In addition, I think we have a fairly strong case against you. So yes, at this point I would rather lynch a few days before deadline than risk ending the day without a lynch.  Besides, I did add that I wanted to give you another chance to defend yourself before anyone should hammer you.

Killgor I understand you don't like my response considering that it puts you in question, but that is what happens when you try and lynch someone so early in the day without any real evidence. You have inadvertantly made yourself appear scummy, whether you are or not.
I have explained my stance and my actions. I find it hilarious Martino that you now are changing your accussation because you saw clearly that you were wrong in the first place with my post about Imran, and instead of admiting a mistake (and asking about why I un-voted when I did in a civil manner rather than with a noose around my neck) you choose to push on and try to lynch me with your non-existant evidence.


I did not change my accusations at all. In fact, in post #52, which was the first time I accused you, I already asked you why you were okay with him being at L-2 before and not now. That is still the case I am making. I merely added evidence that indicates that the unvote makes sense but the not unvoting before did not.

Now, Killgor you are right about one thing. I was wrong when I said you were all trying so hard to lynch me. Yourself, EM, and Xarastier are bandwagoning with little to no input on the situation (which is funny cause I was accussed of not posting as a reason to lynch me) and Martino is trying to lynch me. So I'd venture a guess closer to 1 scum is voting for me and the other is at large, which would suggest that killgor EM and xarastier are sadly mistaken townies who are trying ever so hard to lynch early for no reason...... and that Martino is trying ever so desperately to lynch a townie early in the day with no evidence.


What is actually funny is that when you agree with a point I make, you pretend like it was a point Killgor made. Now, if I were scum, why would I be “pushing this hard” for your lynch? I could have just sat back and watched Imran get lynched when he was put at L-1. Why would I unvote there and then start pushing for your lynch a little later? I could have just put in a little bit of effort to try and get another vote on Imran instead. That would not have put me nearly as much in the spotlight.

So since you want me to cast my real vote now rather than waiting till we can get back to some actual fruitful discussion, I can only assume that you are scum Martino. You have shut down all scum hunting that does not involve lynching me, you are leading a band-wagon to end the day early on a lynch that has no evidence. I cannot see how any townie in their right mind would agree with you and vote to lynch me based on your non-existant evidence. Perhaps before I got a chance to respond when you painted the situation how you saw fit to try and rush a quick lynch, but now that I have retorted your supposed reason's for lynching me..... I can't see how anyone would follow you at this point. 
I therefore cast my vote for the most scummy looking any of us.
Vote: Martino (omgus, but not really)


I have shut down any scum hunting that does not involve lynching you? Could you please direct me to my post where I say that we should not be discussing the possibility of anyone else being scum?  I have been putting some pressure on you to see if you are scum. Your answers make me believe that you are, so I have indicated that I would be in favor of lynching you. But at no point have I shut down any discussion regarding other possible scum.  Also, I most definitely did not try to get you lynched before you could reply. In fact, I even said that it would be good if you would defend yourself before you got lynched.  You can joke about it all you want but that was indeed an OMGUS.


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If it was an OMGUS I would have cast it immediately. It was an informed descision based on your behavior. By flooding the thread with accusations against me you have made me the only wagon, effectively ending any real scum hunting. And please, asking people to wait for me to respond is a hollow gesture. You could have un-voted to keep me at L-2 which would follow your pattern in the past, but this time you chose to put me at L-1 and "request" that nobody vote to lynch me before I could respond when you have no control or say in what they do. The fact that nobody did lynch me is probably due more in fact to your lack or reason for lynching me than your request.


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I'll leave the OMGUS part of the discussion for the others to decide. But I am kind of curious how you would have liked me to play this as a townie? I had some suspicions about you, so I asked you to explain your inconsistent behaviour. Your answer was unsatisfactory, so I asked again. Then your answer made me more suspicious and we got into this discussion. Why do you think me following up on my suspicions is bad for the town? In fact, how effective do you think any scumhunting would be if a townie is not allowed to put some pressure on someone by posting? You keep going on about how I killed any scumhunting, but I think that a good part of the scumhunting on day one has come from me. You on the other hand have done nothing but putting up a random vote and an OMGUS vote. 


Asking people to wait for you to respond is most definitely not a hollow gesture. If I did not, a scum could come in, put down the hammer and claim ignorance the next day. However, I took that option away by stating that we should wait for you to respond. Sure they could have still come in and put in the final vote, but they would have been extremely suspicious in doing so. As to me unvoting when you reached L-1, as I said I did find it remarkable that you got that many votes that quickly. Nevertheless, I felt like we had a decent case against you and we were considerably closer to the deadline than before. In addition, it would be weird for me, the main driver behind the case, to unvote. That is why I put in the request to hold off on lynching until we heard back from you.


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Vote: Martino


Just to keep it interesting...


I don't think Chaplain of Death is scum. 


Martino doesn't seem so bad either but my one vote on Imran Ehsan isn't doing much and maybe two on Martino could inspire some discussion.


As always, "Nobody knows nothin'" and I'm going to say "I told you so!"

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Chaplain of death

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Thats because scum hunting and voting are very lossly related. I dont scum hunt with my vote other than the random vote at the start. I scum hunt by paying attention to behavior and what people are saying. Which is why you are suspicious to me.


What you say and how you behave are fairly opposite. You claim to be scum hunting when you know that your reason for trying to lynch me is pathetic. If you were really scum hunting you would have backed down or challenged what I said, you did niether. You simply said that I am still scummy somehow so your keeping your vote on me. By focusing so hard on me regardless of the evidence, you hurt the town. You make it impossible for this day to end in any other way than either you or I being lynched. Discussion on anyone else like the 2 previous wagons has been completely ended. Nobody ever gave a reason why Imran was innocent, but here we are, nobody voting for him anymore.


By the way, Rafay hasn't been active in awhile, still voting for KevinH. But hey, I am the most inactive of us all right? I only explained why KevinH wasn't scummy, indicated why Imran was scummy, and now delt with all of your accusations. You are right Martino, I haven't done any scum hunting. Are you playing the same game as us? or does your browser filter out anything that isn't posted by you? Because you sure love to see your own text and not listen to the evidence.


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what ever makes you happy kevin. anyway, i'll switch my vote to Xarastier because i think lynching him now is the best way to increase the town's chances of winning. and on top of that, CoD did this game what he did during the previous game. he went into victim mode and accused all those that voted for him as probable scum.



vote: xarastier

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at first because the pile on was scummy. but I corrected that in my saying that you must have just been mis-led townies? You were right when I mispoke and labeled more than just martino as trying hard to get my lynched, but the speed with which I was put at L-1 was quite uncanny nonetheless.


Also, the reason that my reaction has been much the same (short of attempting to rage quit) is because the accusation is much the same. "CoD is somehow scum because I say so regardless of the facts." The tunnel vision has once again appeared, however, it is not from the same person this time.


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