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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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No we won't take your...

The only thing worth commenting on... Strange how many declarations of "we won't take your" you have in your reply.

Socialists, Globalists, Progressives, Democrats, and Liberals are so arrogant.


"We" will never give "you" the ability to ever have a say in what "we" will keep.

"We" will never allow "you" to take anything away from "us".


If "you" ever try to take anything from "us"... "we" will demonstrate why "we" have firearms.

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No we won't take your...

All these doorknobs stood up on national television and confirmed their intent to ban everything.

The real "existential threat" is these bozos having any legislative power over the lives of anyone.



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This from the nation that has banned Kinder Surprise, don't talk about your guys total freedom.


As you just made what I thought to be a +30min exercise to reply into me typing 5 seconds for 1 line, I shall add this hilarious twitter thread. Please tell me once again how brilliant your leader is with economics.

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This from the nation that has banned Kinder Surprise, don't talk about your guys total freedom.

We don't really like junk inside our candy, so you guys can choke on it all you want.

As you just made what I thought to be a +30min exercise to reply into me typing 5 seconds for 1 line

The Unstoppable Force meets The Immoveable Object. I'm not changing your mind, and you can't change mine. You are a European Socialist, and I am an American Capitalist. Our conversations will go nowhere... empty... and completely meaningless.

Please tell me once again how brilliant your leader is with economics.

The brilliant leader only wishes to have the same economic advantage from the Federal Reserve that was given to his predecessor, that he didn't even have to ask for.

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Junk? If eve under 100% observation your <3y kids still can't manage to eat a Kinder Surprise provided by their parents, you guys might want to extend kindergarten to newborns.


I am not here to change your mind, I am here to understand yours and to hope you see mine.


Your brilliant leader is asking rising interest rates from the Federale Reserve while obligations are at an all time low, do you understand what that would entail?

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Junk? If eve under 100% observation your <3y kids still can't manage to eat a Kinder Surprise provided by their parents, you guys might want to extend kindergarten to newborns.

My kids are all in their 30's, and they all went through their entire lives without "Kinder Surprise". Though they were the last generation to experience Lawn Darts, BB Guns, Vinyl Records, and Mini Bikes... very sad.

I am not here to change your mind, I am here to understand yours and to hope you see mine.

I already know what socialism brings, and what it does to people. It's already happening, so I just hope I don't live long enough to see what it will do to the USA.

Your brilliant leader is asking rising interest rates from the Federale Reserve while obligations are at an all time low, do you understand what that would entail?

Wrong... the brilliant leader wants the Federal Reserve to lower the rates back down to zero... where they were for the entire 8 years of Obama... but Obama had a really bad economy, therefore he really needed the help. A low rate brings inflation, and with a strong economy like we have now... a low rate would bring much higher inflation. The brilliant leader wants the rate lower to help him fight China... and he believes a short time with higher inflation would be better than a long trade war with China.

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We are miles closer to the truth today. Former FBI acting Director, Andrew McCabe, has exhausted his last appeal to avoid prosecution, and the long awaited Horowitz Report has landed on the desk of Attorney General Bill Barr.


After the report makes the routine rounds through government agencies for the normal redaction process to protect sources and methods... we will get to the truth on the cause, origins, and conduct of the government officials, that created a counterintelligence investigation on a Presidential Candidate, and the subsequent Special Council investigation on a sitting President of the United States.


I have no idea what to expect. No one was held accountable for the crimes of Hillary Clinton. No one was held accountable for falsely accusing Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sex crimes. No one has yet to be held accountable for framing, and falsely accusing, President Trump of treason. I don't know if anything will be any different this time.


Look for U.S. Attorney John Durham to empanel a Grand Jury. Look for an indictment of Andrew McCabe... he's already guilty. I believe Rod Rosenstein has already cut a deal to save his own ass... he finalized and signed off on the Mueller investigation, and stood behind Bill Barr during public announcements that exonerated Trump. As soon as these maggots start getting charged, they will start singing about everyone else involved. I don't really care if anyone serves prison time... I only want the truth.



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Junk? If eve under 100% observation your <3y kids still can't manage to eat a Kinder Surprise provided by their parents, you guys might want to extend kindergarten to newborns.

My kids are all in their 30's, and they all went through their entire lives without "Kinder Surprise". Though they were the last generation to experience Lawn Darts, BB Guns, Vinyl Records, and Mini Bikes... very sad.


Well you guys do seem to enjoy the "contract with hell" type of safety guidelines to anything you purchase, coupled with a ludricous amount of "we are not responsible for ..." added to it.

Lawn darts can be filed under the same thing, unfortunate accidents of the few that envoke a society wide reaction. If it was/is for the good, unclear.
BB guns is kinda self explanatory imo, guess the tendency to model them after actual guns didn't help.
Vinyl records are still present and even rising, doesn't even apple have a player for it?
Mini bikes, what the story there?


I am not here to change your mind, I am here to understand yours and to hope you see mine.

I already know what socialism brings, and what it does to people. It's already happening, so I just hope I don't live long enough to see what it will do to the USA.


You know what authoritarians with a story of socialism bring to their people.


Your brilliant leader is asking rising interest rates from the Federale Reserve while obligations are at an all time low, do you understand what that would entail?

Wrong... the brilliant leader wants the Federal Reserve to lower the rates back down to zero... where they were for the entire 8 years of Obama... but Obama had a really bad economy, therefore he really needed the help. A low rate brings inflation, and with a strong economy like we have now... a low rate would bring much higher inflation. The brilliant leader wants the rate lower to help him fight China... and he believes a short time with higher inflation would be better than a long trade war with China.


Ignoring calling Obama's economy bad while it is the same trend currently in the USA under Trump. He wants borrowing rates low (and somehow thinks that obligations can be re-issued under those lower rates) while interest rates stay high (so it looks like the economy is doing well), those 2 don't mix at all.

Actually your monetary actions have been going well so far, it is just whenever Trump opens twitter that the markets go swinging wildly in either direction (but usuall end up downwards). The issue lies with Trump either backstabbing the Fed guys or his Treasury lackeys blindly following what they themselfes know is a backwards idea.

Look for U.S. Attorney John Durham to empanel a Grand Jury. Look for an indictment of Andrew McCabe... he's already guilty.

Word on the grapevine is that they already did hold a grand jury and no indictment stuck. Offcourse grapevines are notorious finicky.

Emperor of the Benelux
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Ignoring calling Obama's economy bad while it is the same trend currently in the USA under Trump.

Wrong. Obama had record numbers on welfare while Trump has record numbers in the workforce.

We have never been better than we are now.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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We have never been better than we are now.

I can attest to that. My investments have experienced phenomenal growth, it will end eventually but it still looks like we have at least until sometime next year (election years can be volatile). Last year my job gave my department the highest single raise I had gotten, and this year they beat that record again by giving us an even higher raise. Property values have been steadily increasing depending on region.


I have absolutely enjoyed reaping the benefits of Trump's Presidency :D

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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Mini bikes, what the story there?

Sorry, I forgot to answer this... mini bikes were like small motorcycles powered by lawnmower engines. I had 4 of them when I was around 12 years old. None the less... it made me the most popular kid on the block because everyone wanted to hit the hills. Fun times.

Woke (adj.)

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Overlord Lukey

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The American experiment was founded on the principal of reacting violently to a sudden change in governmental policy -- the Brits raised taxes on the colonies after an expensive war when heretofore they had been left alone.


A serious change in governmental policy WRT 2nd amendment rights would be an excellent way to see the country go,  up in flames. If a theoretical foreign power wanted to weaken the USA for a potential ground war -- something laughable throughout most of the nation's history -- why not stir up a civil war by, say, turning the armed populous against their local and federal authorities?


Of course, nuclear mutually assured destruction and all that makes a ground invasion on the US unlikely, but it's a fun thought experiment about the motivations of the people who are trying to legislate a cultural problem away (that is, willingness and desire to slaughter fellow Americans). America was founded on -- depending on the perspective -- a justified reaction to tyranny (taxation without representation?), or a bratty overreaction to something very logical (colonies need to pay up for their military protection). IMO attempts at gun confiscation in the USA any time soon would probably lead to riots or civil war.

It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
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IMO attempts at gun confiscation in the USA any time soon would probably lead to riots or civil war.

Thank you for speaking your mind! Gun confiscation is a Progressive talking point... it's red meat to the base. It would be insane to actually try to take the guns, because it's a constitutionally protected right. They want to try to get around it by saying it would be a "buy back" program, which you really have to be a very dim bulb to fall for that crap, because they can't "buy back" what they have never owned.


Progressives spend all their time trying to make the people believe that their "policies" are already common law, therefore not restricted by the Constitution... healthcare is a human right, it's illegal to be a racist, abortion is constitutionally protected as a matter of privacy, no human being is illegal, carbon dioxide is a poisonous gas... and on and on. It's all a pile of lies. This is why they want to take the guns. They cannot make their policies a reality because of the Constitution, and the 2nd Amendment is the part that protects all the rest of the Constitution from oblivion.


The Constitution was specifically written to limit the power of the Federal Government over the people. The only thing that can change these limitations is the amendment process. The best thing we could ever do for the health of the USA is to drive every single member of Congress that does not understand that, out of Washington DC... and that's why we have the 2nd Amendment.

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Overlord Lukey

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The only way to overthrow America with sheer military might is basically to divide the people who actually care about the country (check), import a large enough military force that isn't loyal to the locals or the Constitution (work in progress), then get law abiding citizens to willingly forfeit their right to defend themselves (also a work in progress). 

America ain't perfect, nowhere near, but we've got a good thing going and I surely hope that what little Constitutionality we have remaining can hold out for a few more generations before some power external or internal provides the push that tears the country apart for good.

It would be a fool's errand for me to expect to reach someone by means of an internet forum signature, but a personal encounter with Jesus Christ is the absolute best thing that ever happened in my life, and I'd be glad to discuss it with anyone in any capacity -- whether it be serious discussion, theological or intellectual discourse, morbid curiosity, or even open mockery -- I want to talk about Jesus, and if that interests you in some small way please send me a message or notify me in a forum thread.
Links to my old signature images: Penguin riding a tortoise War medals from Republic of Rebrek
RIP Republic of Rebrek, Nation ID 103246.

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The only way to overthrow America with sheer military might is basically to divide the people who actually care about the country (check), import a large enough military force that isn't loyal to the locals or the Constitution (work in progress), then get law abiding citizens to willingly forfeit their right to defend themselves (also a work in progress).

Quoted for truth. This is exactly why I have been fighting against Socialism my entire life.

America ain't perfect, nowhere near

It never will be, because the imperfections are what make us individuals. The Constitution is a promise that our imperfections will always be protected... and the reason we are not a nation of people, but a nation of laws.

Woke (adj.)

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Had some RL stuff crop up so as to not gravedig too poorly I am not going to continue the post from weeks ago, unless I get bored and have time.


Wrong. Obama had record numbers on welfare while Trump has record numbers in the workforce. We have never been better than we are now.


Record numbers in the workforce yet lower salaries across the board, many people are working two jobs to just survive. I would not call 60-70 hour weeks to just survive being better than even 5 years ago let alone during the economic booms of the 80s and 90s. 


Quoted for truth. This is exactly why I have been fighting against Socialism my entire life.


People who seek to control you say "anything socialist is bad". Unless of course you are one of those billionaires who gain from poverty wages and for profit healthcare. I would like to remind you that we had many socialist policies and our economy boomed and benefited your generation immensely, it wasn't until that many protections and policies were removed that our economy started to get worse. 


The mega rich are saying the scary socialists are going to destroy the country all the while laughing at you for believing them. 


The only way to overthrow America with sheer military might is basically to divide the people who actually care about the country (check), import a large enough military force that isn't loyal to the locals or the Constitution (work in progress), then get law abiding citizens to willingly forfeit their right to defend themselves (also a work in progress).  America ain't perfect, nowhere near, but we've got a good thing going and I surely hope that what little Constitutionality we have remaining can hold out for a few more generations before some power external or internal provides the push that tears the country apart for good.


That can literally be said about any country. You also know what will kill us? Being afraid to do anything we should be doing because some jackass said it removes our freedoms, when all it does is limit his profits. Gun regulation works in every 1st world country, same with every country that has universal healthcare. Too many people romanticize the idea of "freedom" in America without actually knowing what it is. Actual freedom in America is limited limited to people with money, those who can afford to go to the doctor, those who can afford to live in nice areas. Personally I would prefer everyone having the freedom to live in nice places and be able to go to the doctor, not just me.

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Ignoring calling Obama's economy bad while it is the same trend currently in the USA under Trump.

Wrong. Obama had record numbers on welfare while Trump has record numbers in the workforce.

We have never been better than we are now.



Trump eco is straight continuation of Obama's eco numbers and graphs, heck nobody is calling todays economy worse then the one of 2y ago, just the foresights. And about workforce, 53 and 69 want a word. Graph seems to be leveling out, which is actually normal as you can't have 0% unemployement (unless you buy into that scary soviet "we will get you a job" myth).


And about "welfare", I have heared that the car bailouts were around 12 billion. Current number on farmers bailout: 26 billion. Yeah, record numbers of welfare under Obama...



Mini bikes, what the story there?

Sorry, I forgot to answer this... mini bikes were like small motorcycles powered by lawnmower engines. I had 4 of them when I was around 12 years old. None the less... it made me the most popular kid on the block because everyone wanted to hit the hills. Fun times.



Was more wondering why you put it into your list of something the current generation "lacks". No worries, your kids can nudge their kids about not needing a smartphone 24/7, times change...




Anyway, a comment about the Ukraine story. Seeing your indignation about Obama using "his intelligence service" to attack Republicans, how do you feel about Trump using a foreign government to attack Democrats?

Emperor of the Benelux
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And about "welfare"

Government subsidies to support business is not welfare. I'm not in favor of any of it. Welfare is taxpayer money given to people that do nothing to earn it. Unemployment benefits are not welfare... Unemployment benefits are an insurance program paid for by those that are working and earning a paycheck. Welfare is the safety net to help people that are so poor that they cannot afford basic housing, healthcare, or any means to feed their families. That is welfare.

Record numbers in the workforce yet lower salaries across the board, many people are working two jobs to just survive. I would not call 60-70 hour weeks to just survive being better than even 5 years ago let alone during the economic booms of the 80s and 90s.

Minimum wage is launching into the stratosphere in Democrat controlled counties... I guess you don't live in one of those. Sorry to hear that you are working 2 jobs for 60-70 hours per week just to survive... maybe taking education and work experience seriously could help a little. If I'm wrong about your situation, then you're just repeating the same bullshit story from the fake news.

People who seek to control you say "anything socialist is bad". Unless of course you are one of those billionaires who gain from poverty wages and for profit healthcare. I would like to remind you that we had many socialist policies and our economy boomed and benefited your generation immensely, it wasn't until that many protections and policies were removed that our economy started to get worse. The mega rich are saying the scary socialists are going to destroy the country all the while laughing at you for believing them.

Nothing you have said here is true, but you can believe what you want... so my guess for you is Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. See you after election day! You said you have been busy... did I see you on TV wearing an alien outfit outside Area 51?

Anyway, a comment about the Ukraine story. Seeing your indignation about Obama using "his intelligence service" to attack Republicans, how do you feel about Trump using a foreign government to attack Democrats?

The fake news fell for it again. Let's take a look at how things are going down.


They absolutely refuse to report that Joe Biden, as Vice-President, blackmailed the Ukrainian government by denying them their billion dollar US taxpayer loan until their lead prosecutor, that was investigating his son, is fired. Well they fired the prosecutor, and Joe gave them their money. Trump wanted this reported, but since it would harm Joe Biden, the fake news refuse to cover the story.


Trump is talking with the President of Ukraine on a well monitored phone call. Trump brings up several times an issue that someone believes to be inappropriate. This moron reports it through "whistleblower" procedures, and the fake news media goes crazy. What was it that Trump was talking about? The entire nation is blasted with the news that Trump said something to a world leader that was deemed inappropriate by some dimwit that heard the conversation.


The entire nation now wants to know what was talked about... and now everyone knows the story that Trump wanted everyone to know... and the idiot fake news outlets didn't want to report. So, is Trump a genius at manipulating the media? Yep.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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And about "welfare"

Government subsidies to support business is not welfare. I'm not in favor of any of it. Welfare is taxpayer money given to people that do nothing to earn it. Unemployment benefits are not welfare... Unemployment benefits are an insurance program paid for by those that are working and earning a paycheck. Welfare is the safety net to help people that are so poor that they cannot afford basic housing, healthcare, or any means to feed their families. That is welfare.


Guess this is more a translation/terminology mismatch then, welfare in Europe has a broader sense besides just strictly aiding the poor. Also this sure looks to be going up with Trump aswell...


Anyway, a comment about the Ukraine story. Seeing your indignation about Obama using "his intelligence service" to attack Republicans, how do you feel about Trump using a foreign government to attack Democrats?

The fake news fell for it again. Let's take a look at how things are going down.

They absolutely refuse to report that Joe Biden, as Vice-President, blackmailed the Ukrainian government by denying them their billion dollar US taxpayer loan until their lead prosecutor, that was investigating his son, is fired. Well they fired the prosecutor, and Joe gave them their money. Trump wanted this reported, but since it would harm Joe Biden, the fake news refuse to cover the story.

Trump is talking with the President of Ukraine on a well monitored phone call. Trump brings up several times an issue that someone believes to be inappropriate. This moron reports it through "whistleblower" procedures, and the fake news media goes crazy. What was it that Trump was talking about? The entire nation is blasted with the news that Trump said something to a world leader that was deemed inappropriate by some dimwit that heard the conversation.

The entire nation now wants to know what was talked about... and now everyone knows the story that Trump wanted everyone to know... and the idiot fake news outlets didn't want to report. So, is Trump a genius at manipulating the media? Yep.


1) Cry fake news all you want, it didn't stop even Trump from acknowledging the reports about his actions. Let alone the "story" he himself puts up being unsubstantiated.
2) If Biden did indeed do such things, go thruw actual proper channels like the actual DOJ (heck tack on Interpol if you want) instead of "sending" Giuliani into that mess that makes it stink the same way Trump portrays anything "Deep State".
3) Manipulator above rule of law, gotcha.
4) This all comes down to Victor Shokin, the guy Biden got kicked from his office of "General Prosecutor" for his Russia ties and shut-eye complacency to Russian tied corruption. His story is being contradicted not only by his past second in command but also by independant parties which were on the "lawfull" side of the corruptions Shokin let pass.

And heck, if the entire thing you take from this is that nepotism is bad (aka Biden doing stuff for his son), I would love your input on the Trump dynasty in the WH currently...

Emperor of the Benelux
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    Minister of Defense

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Minimum wage is launching into the stratosphere in Democrat controlled counties... I guess you don't live in one of those. Sorry to hear that you are working 2 jobs for 60-70 hours per week just to survive... maybe taking education and work experience seriously could help a little. If I'm wrong about your situation, then you're just repeating the same bullshit story from the fake news.



Why is it every time I point out fact you assume I am a wronged party? Like I told you in our last minimum wage discussion I make a hell of a lot more than minimum wage. I can once again point to all the economic studies and statistics that we had during that conversation but I believe it would be an act of futility. But lets make it super simple, buying power for the dollar is less than it was in the past and minimum wage has not matched the increase, our economy is only good for established/lucky people like myself and I assume you. 





Nothing you have said here is true, but you can believe what you want... so my guess for you is Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren. See you after election day! You said you have been busy... did I see you on TV wearing an alien outfit outside Area 51?



Literally everything I said is fact and can be backed up by studies and just looking at history. I am sorry that you were told otherwise by rich people and you believed them.




The fake news fell for it again. Let's take a look at how things are going down.



I see farmers going bankrupt and the few American industries on a steady decline.




They absolutely refuse to report that Joe Biden, as Vice-President, blackmailed the Ukrainian government by denying them their billion dollar US taxpayer loan until their lead prosecutor, that was investigating his son, is fired. Well they fired the prosecutor, and Joe gave them their money. Trump wanted this reported, but since it would harm Joe Biden, the fake news refuse to cover the story.



Trump got another government to investigate the son of a political opponent, which is illegal. The investigation did not bear fruit and instead proved the Bidens innocence. 




Trump is talking with the President of Ukraine on a well monitored phone call. Trump brings up several times an issue that someone believes to be inappropriate. This moron reports it through "whistleblower" procedures, and the fake news media goes crazy. What was it that Trump was talking about? The entire nation is blasted with the news that Trump said something to a world leader that was deemed inappropriate by some dimwit that heard the conversation.



For someone who cares so much about the Steele Dossier I am surprised that you don't want to see the whistle blower report before commenting.




The entire nation now wants to know what was talked about... and now everyone knows the story that Trump wanted everyone to know... and the idiot fake news outlets didn't want to report. So, is Trump a genius at manipulating the media? Yep.



I am really tired of hearing Trump and his supports say everything that is reported against him is fake news. Many dictators came into power and kept it by attacking/suppressing news outlets that didn't support them. At this point I wonder if Trump did shoot a guy if you would ask if the guy was a Democrat before saying if it were a crime or not.

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