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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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By that logic Trump should have full control of the FBI during almost the entirety of the investigation and would be responsible for it.

I guess you didn't read the part about Comey meeting with Obama, Biden, Rice, Johnson, and Clapper about how to bait Trump with portions of the Steele Dossier, and lying to him about the investigation. Yes... Trump has full control of his cabinet and can fire any of them, at any time, without cause or reason... including a Special Council. They serve at the pleasure of the President.

ICE is acting illegally with the support of the President and the current admin.

ICE is acting with the support of the President, the current Administration, and everyone that voted for him. Arrest warrants are issued by Judges, and executed by officers. We have courts to decide this, not reporters or activists.

Selective service I can see but any of those really matter?

None of it mattered to me. Obama was elected President twice. I fully opposed his policies, and I'm overjoyed that most of it is gone.

our bumbling asshole of a president

Your bias is showing again.

but could totally get stuff passed through compromise which the GOP is less likely to do, mainly because they control the senate

I don't see anything important that will get done through compromise... those days are gone for the foreseeable future. I doubt the Democrats will even pass the NAFTA replacement in the House, because it's a Trump deal. Immigration will not happen because we will not open the borders, or relax our already lame policies that Democrats won't even enforce now... they must be stronger. Climate Change is a nonstarter as long as it includes strangling liberty and destroying our economy. There is not enough interest to cut spending or slash entitlements, because half the country is banging drums to increase them or create a bunch of new ones.


What might do some good is a Constitutional Convention... not that anything will get done, or anything will get the support of two-thirds of the states to ratify... but it would expose how useless it is to keep arguing over the same issues that will never change. After that... it would be a great time for states to decide if they really want to remain within our Constitution. I believe California would have no problem at all gaining two-thirds support from the states for them to just leave.

Dude, I love that we can watch the same thing and have different opinions on it.

Mueller couldn't remember who appointed him to US Attorney. Mueller didn't know what Fusion GPS is. Mueller didn't know that the Andrew Weissman Report specifically stated that "collusion" and "conspiracy" are the same thing. The Democrats spent 5 hours trying to get Mueller to say "Trump obstructed justice and Congress should file Articles of Impeachment"... but it never happened.


I really wish Democrats would try impeachment again, so Trump can get another crushing win.

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Mueller couldn't remember who appointed him to US Attorney. Mueller didn't know what Fusion GPS is. Mueller didn't know that the Andrew Weissman Report specifically stated that "collusion" and "conspiracy" are the same thing. The Democrats spent 5 hours trying to get Mueller to say "Trump obstructed justice and Congress should file Articles of Impeachment"... but it never happened.


I really wish Democrats would try impeachment again, so Trump can get another crushing win.


They've tried that... Three times... They just kept it quiet the first two to try and save face with a public that's losing care for the drama.


Lys says it all right here though. At the end of the day we learned just how much bias went into that report. It was so bad to the degree that the entire report was wrote AGAINST one of the oldest rights granted in our justice system; that someone is innocent until proven guilty.


To quote my favorite part of yesterday: "The one who learned the most about the Mueller Report today was Bob Mueller."

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Get your people to file for impeachment again... we love every time they fail.


The Trump campaign was framed by the Obama CIA and FBI... Horowitz report is due early September, and Durham indictments will follow shortly after. There was no crime to obstruct justice from. Draw those pistols :)

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Krystal Ball just called out the fake news. I have seen this woman around since she ran for Congress back in 2010, she lost, but continued on as a competent liberal pundit. She landed at MSNBC for 5 years, where I would never see her again, until now.


I'm glad to see that some lefties still have individual thought.

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What has he accomplished.

The Supreme Court, in a 5 and a half to 3 and a half decision, just overturned a lower court injunction that had a freeze on tapped Pentagon funds for the southern border wall. This will help, but thanks to our obstructionists, it's largely too late. It does green light the project, and fulfills a campaign promise. So, scratch that one off your list. It's a big one.


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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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ICE is acting with the support of the President, the current Administration, and everyone that voted for him. Arrest warrants are issued by Judges, and executed by officers. We have courts to decide this, not reporters or activists.


So its okay to ignore the constitution because the guy who got voted in with less than half the population said so? You dislike/hate Obama for much less.


Your bias is showing again.


And yours hasnt been? Also I have actual evidence that Trump is an asshole so even if I am bias does not change the fact.


I don't see anything important that will get done through compromise... those days are gone for the foreseeable future. I doubt the Democrats will even pass the NAFTA replacement in the House, because it's a Trump deal. Immigration will not happen because we will not open the borders, or relax our already lame policies that Democrats won't even enforce now... they must be stronger. Climate Change is a nonstarter as long as it includes strangling liberty and destroying our economy. There is not enough interest to cut spending or slash entitlements, because half the country is banging drums to increase them or create a bunch of new ones.   What might do some good is a Constitutional Convention... not that anything will get done, or anything will get the support of two-thirds of the states to ratify... but it would expose how useless it is to keep arguing over the same issues that will never change. After that... it would be a great time for states to decide if they really want to remain within our Constitution. I believe California would have no problem at all gaining two-thirds support from the states for them to just leave.


Most of those issues you are bringing up were inflamed by the GOP. Illegal immigration got worse under Trump when it was trending at an all time low, Climate change was agreed upon by almost every major government in the world and suddenly when money flows to the GOP its a conspiracy. Your party has been bought bro, and they keep screaming the evil democrats and California to try and distract from that fact, and use the scary left as a boogeyman so people don't ask why no one is fixing the things they should be.


I really wish Democrats would try impeachment again, so Trump can get another crushing win.


Another crushing win? Limping across the finish line isnt a crushing win, and with his current approval rating I doubt he will win unless the Democrats shoot themselves in the foot like they did with Clinton.

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So its okay to ignore the constitution because the guy who got voted in with less than half the population said so? You dislike/hate Obama for much less.

Ignoring the Constitution? Are you saying that border security is unconstitutional? So, our Constitution says we have no authority to limit, monitor, or restrict immigration into the USA? I don't think so... and the guy that was voted in sets the policy, and enforces the law.

And yours hasnt been? Also I have actual evidence that Trump is an asshole so even if I am bias does not change the fact.

I am an extremely proud, very patriotic, American Republican... It's not a secret. If being an "asshole", and having evidence of "abundant assholery" was grounds for impeachment, then no one would ever be able to hold the office.

Illegal immigration got worse under Trump

Because he is the first President to seriously take on the problem... and it's awesome to see you actually use the word "illegal".

Climate change was agreed upon by almost every major government in the world

I have absolutely no trust in any government, including the US Government. I don't give a shit what they "agree" on, and I prefer a President that protects me against Global Agreements of every kind.

Your party has been bought bro

I certainly hope so… I have a lifetime of investment in the Republican Party.

and with his current approval rating I doubt he will win

Actually Donald Trump has a better approval rating than Obama had at this time of his presidency... like 3-5 points better.




Nadler came out today squeaking fake news and talking all badass about subpoenas and impeachment today... just before they go on vacation for 6 weeks. You know what else happens in about 6 weeks? … The Michael Horowitz IG Report. It's gonna be fun!

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For all the uproar consistently occurring regarding President Trump, Lys makes one massive point that I want to reiterate as well. A person's personality in my opinion holds little weight compared to the actions they take while in office.


Now after it has been clearly shown that he is not guilty (and therefore innocent) of any crimes, it is simply his personality that Congressional Democrats are attempting to use as grounds for impeachment. Personally, I like to look at the things he's done:


- Since the beginning of the trade war China has had its two lowest GDP growths since such statistics were recorded... Meanwhile the US Economy continues to chug along. Sure it may be nothing spectacular but last I checked the world wasn't collapsing around us as a result, and we definitely haven't had record low GDP statistics.


- Although there hasn't been much progress, I have seen our President attempt no less than 3 different times to have negotiations with North Korea in an attempt to get peace in a very hostile region and avoid a nuclear standoff situation.


- Our immigration system being consistently worked towards improvement (despite every last idea he has being blocked by a Lower Court that somehow is always California or New York). In fact Guatemala even signed an agreement that any asylum-seekers must do so there instead of just trekking straight to our border. Further, those who don't? We get to ship them off to Guatemala so they can!


Of course there's a bunch of other things that the administration has done or attempted to do, but these three stick out because they were what I was most interested in. Overall, what I see when I look at this is a President who has received the most atrocious and consistent hate from almost an entire party, as well as most every news outlet in the country... All because of his name and the fact that he posts his thoughts on Twitter. In reality he isn't bending to their agenda and for that they try to paint this picture of some ruthless dictator trying to destroy the country.


Let's just recap though that it has been 2 1/2 years since he's taken office... And I have yet to see anything but policies attempting to strengthen America.



It still shocks me that there are people buying into this Far-Left BS that continues to be spewed...

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Ignoring the Constitution? Are you saying that border security is unconstitutional? So, our Constitution says we have no authority to limit, monitor, or restrict immigration into the USA? I don't think so... and the guy that was voted in sets the policy, and enforces the law.


ICE does a lot more than "border security". Like I stated before they have been detaining national born citizens saying that they came across the border, they have been opening new detention centers despite congress saying no and invading homes without warrants while lying about it. Also if the person voted in has so much sway with you then why do you always harp on Obama?


I am an extremely proud, very patriotic, American Republican... It's not a secret. If being an "asshole", and having evidence of "abundant assholery" was grounds for impeachment, then no one would ever be able to hold the office.


I never said being an asshole was grounds for impeachment, honestly I feel like you have to be one in order to do the job properly. However if they act in such a manner it should be for the American people, not to stroke their ego. 


Because he is the first President to seriously take on the problem... and it's awesome to see you actually use the word "illegal".


No, his harsher policies and us fucking with South America for so long are the cause of it. The last time there was a major crackdown albeit with less cruelty there was a surge of illegal immigration. The trends are if its easier to get work visas/citizenship there is a huge drop in illegal immigration not only because they are allowed in legally but because those who are considering it don't see it as a now or never.


I have absolutely no trust in any government, including the US Government. I don't give a shit what they "agree" on, and I prefer a President that protects me against Global Agreements of every kind.


Well I hope one day in our life times we get a president like the one you are describing here.  


I certainly hope so… I have a lifetime of investment in the Republican Party.


Wait... Does your last name rhyme with pudding? I kid, the GOP is mostly owned by massive corporations if there voting for the past 3 years is any indication.


Actually Donald Trump has a better approval rating than Obama had at this time of his presidency... like 3-5 points better. http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/trump_approval_index_history http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history  



From the polls I have been looking at it is the opposite




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You were claiming that Varter Page was a FBI/CIA/... agent, a claim he is using as his defence in his trials.

Carter Page has not been charged with anything.


Okay, unsure where I got that "trials" from, still doesn't stop him from invoking that defence, you parroting it while it hasn't been proven.


Nunes tried to stick that claim on her but failed to produce any evidence

Oh I see... a sitting Congressman is lying about a former Ambassador to the United Nations. That makes a lot of sense.


From the author of that memo? sure!


Thats nice phrasing you used there, now why would all the rest not be released then?

To protect the innocent, Grand Jury testimony cannot be released to the public.


Just protection of the innocent (hence we know "Individual-1" :D) indeed. Please then also tell this to Trump as he publicly advocated for releasing them on multiple occasions.


He singled out specificaly 4 woman of non-white ethnicity.

They singled themselves out... they call themselves "The Squad". They believe the color of their skin will shield them from criticism... they're wrong.


He may critique them all he likes, throwing the "get back to your own country" retort is something completely different.


Get a third or fourth or ... party for fucks sake

We have many parties... Green, Reform, Constitution, Libertarian, and many others. Voting for them means nothing.


And thus you keep running into the issue of a black vs. white policy making government that is devolving into either deconstructing the previous administrations achievements OR passing things to piss of the opposition.

Neither is governing, neither is society building, neither is the USA worthy. Both your major parties are sick in the same bed with this!


What "worst conditions"? GOP has the trifecta the first 2y and besides breaking stuff did diddely squad

Under a bogus investigation, relentless harassment, and 90% negative media coverage. Still presiding over the strongest economy ever, and we got two new Supremes so far... patiently waiting for the notorious RBG to cash in. Life is really good right now.


Democrats can't trample on your USA values, but you just wished a SCOTUS dead. Gratz?


Interests are at all time low

Wrong. The Federal Reserve locked rates at zero for all 8 years of Obama... because the economy sucked.


It locked rates that low cause you guys were coming from a recession coupled with a housing bubble. If the economy is so good now, why is it still so far down?


and deficit is skyrocketing

Because spending has increased, and nothing has been cut. Stupid Democrats spend first and then go hunting for scalps. They can't get it through their thick skulls that it's not their money.

Kind of strange that the Belgian is answering once again for DarkFox… but I'm an equal opportunity debater.


Deficit is skyrocketing in the last 2 years, and you wish to blame Democrats? Okay...

PS. just replying to select few remarks you gave, don't see why we should campartimalize our discussions here.


What things? The major complaint people had was the birth certificate which he released.

I have never believed that Obama is not an American Citizen, like many others. His Mother was born in Kansas, and that alone makes him an American to me. The birth certificate that they released after Trump hammered him so hard was a fake. It was a seven layer Photoshop document... and I know this because I saw it myself when it first hit the press. I believe he never wanted the original released because it probably showed his religion as Islam... I do not know that as factual... just the most logical explanation.


The layers were found to be possibly made due to scanning of the original to distrubute them or copy en-masse. And you "saw it myself" how? You got the pdf directly?

Religion is not a line on an Hawaiian birt certificate, nether of the child nor of either parents. Claiming it was removed or edited is thus idiotic at best.


We all know whats on their and it is only bad for him to release it.

I agree. Making lots of money and using every loophole possible to pay the least amount of tax. You're stupid if you don't.


Not stupid, just morally questionable.

Many keep hammering on that if everyone paid their taxes with no fancy loopholes (nearly exclusive for the wealthy who don't even need it) we would all be paying less.


What has he accomplished.

Gorsuch and Kavanaugh alone are worth the price of admission. He's not done yet.


The like 10-month empty seat filler and the guy who gets mad when asked about his drinking habits in college.

Also fills right into the "deconstructing the previous administrations achievements OR passing things to piss of the opposition" part that is destroying your nations democracy.


The money wasn't just for anyone who dies in New York but first responders that have health complications due to the 9/11 attacks.

You may think that, but once that money is earmarked, it can go everywhere, and there's no way to stop it.


The money will fund an already excisting program which is already well looked after in case of fraud. Has fraud happended yet? Yes, and we know this cause it was found and brought before court. Can we make it fraud-proof? No, good luck with that utopia.


We can spend millions caging kids in cages

You mean those cages that Obama built and used himself? Of course... Trump was the first and only one. A few thousand dollars spent on ammunition would be the cheapest, and most effective way to end the problem... but we have to be suckers.


Indeed build and used under Obama, with strict guidelines and regulations especially about underage persons being held in them. To then aggrevate the issue and throw the regulations out the window all hapended under Trumps administration, you are blaming the arsonist for burning down your house after you yourself added petrol tanks next to his kindlings.

Last sentence, and people wonder where the analogy to concentration camps comes from...

I just finished watching the entire Mueller testimony... and my face feels like it's full of novocaine.

A total embarrassment for Democrats. Key takeaway is Robert Mueller did not write his own report. He fumbled all the way through, utterly failed to roleplay intelligence, while not saying anything of value.

I expect to see a new bumper sticker on the market soon... "It's not in my purview".

Michael Horowitz and John Durham are gonna blow their faces off.

-- link --


our bumbling asshole of a president

Your bias is showing again.


This week he fumbled possible Pakistan - India talks about Kashmir, Taliban and other tensions. So, yeah, not bumbling at all...


What has he accomplished.

The Supreme Court, in a 5 and a half to 3 and a half decision, just overturned a lower court injunction that had a freeze on tapped Pentagon funds for the southern border wall. This will help, but thanks to our obstructionists, it's largely too late. It does green light the project, and fulfills a campaign promise. So, scratch that one off your list. It's a big one.


Which they will have to dispense before octobre cause it was "marked" as a national emergency. Atleast now he would be actually building new walls instead of just claiming renovations as his own.


And yours hasnt been? Also I have actual evidence that Trump is an asshole so even if I am bias does not change the fact.

I am an extremely proud, very patriotic, American Republican... It's not a secret. If being an "asshole", and having evidence of "abundant assholery" was grounds for impeachment, then no one would ever be able to hold the office.


// echo
"deconstructing the previous administrations achievements OR passing things to piss of the opposition"


Climate change was agreed upon by almost every major government in the world

I have absolutely no trust in any government, including the US Government. I don't give a shit what they "agree" on, and I prefer a President that protects me against Global Agreements of every kind.


Excellent, Belgium hereby confiscates your nukes stockpiled on our land.

Also, no more "freedom of navigation" bullcrap, okay?

- Since the beginning of the trade war China has had its two lowest GDP growths since such statistics were recorded... Meanwhile the US Economy continues to chug along. Sure it may be nothing spectacular but last I checked the world wasn't collapsing around us as a result, and we definitely haven't had record low GDP statistics.

The one thats been steadily declining since 2010, that China GDP growth? Heck the last 4 years they stayed level at 6,6-6,9%.

- Although there hasn't been much progress, I have seen our President attempt no less than 3 different times to have negotiations with North Korea in an attempt to get peace in a very hostile region and avoid a nuclear standoff situation.

The state of flux that is USA-NK relations hasn't been this big since the Korean War, with lows the same as when Bush II put them in the "Axis of Evil" and highs not even close to the Six Party Talks (also Bush II). The "high" being a photo-op of Trump being led into North Korea... Lets ignore the "nice letters" hilarity that ensues every couple months. Current "low" being 2 rockets tested and fired in the direction of Japan.

And lets not forget, when Obama had his go the Republicans were on their hind legs

- Our immigration system being consistently worked towards improvement (despite every last idea he has being blocked by a Lower Court that somehow is always California or New York). In fact Guatemala even signed an agreement that any asylum-seekers must do so there instead of just trekking straight to our border. Further, those who don't? We get to ship them off to Guatemala so they can!

Yeah, that agreement is trash cause Guatemala'n supreme court struck it down (2 weeks ago!).

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Jesus Christ... I have to reply to both of you.


ICE does a lot more than "border security".

I hope so.

Like I stated before they have been detaining national born citizens saying that they came across the border

I'm sure there's more to the story than what you're hearing. I'll trust ICE and the courts to sort it out. They're trained for it.

they have been opening new detention centers despite congress saying no

I really have no idea if they're opening new detention centers. I don't care. They should open as many as they need to deal with the problem. What do you want them to do? If you want to let thousands of people to just walk into the USA... you're insane. It's like 9/11/01 didn't happen in your world. Also, a welfare state cannot have an open border policy... we won't have a country anymore. I think we should close the border until Mexico ends the migration... it would take about 3 minutes for Mexico to shut it all down.

Also if the person voted in has so much sway with you then why do you always harp on Obama?

I don't harp on Obama... he's not the President. Trump is the President, and you harp on him.

Wait... Does your last name rhyme with pudding? I kid, the GOP is mostly owned by massive corporations if there voting for the past 3 years is any indication.

I don't get the "pudding" thing. The GOP does not benefit from Apple, Google, Facebook, or Amazon. We do benefit from all Americans that refuse to bend over to Socialists.

From the polls I have been looking at it is the opposite

It's best to put your faith in a single polling company that has a history of accurate polling, but go ahead and do what you're doing.

It's gonna be so hysterical to watch when Trump is reelected.

From the author of that memo? sure!

There must be something seriously wrong with you. Devin Nunes didn't just make it up. Samantha Power unmasked hundreds of Americans tied to the Trump campaign. She claims that she didn't do it, that her subordinates used her name. She's lying.


And thus you keep running into the issue of a black vs. white policy making government that is devolving into either deconstructing the previous administrations achievements OR passing things to piss of the opposition.

Belgian opinion noted. We will take care of things here in the USA.

but you just wished a SCOTUS dead. Gratz?

She can retire... or die... I don't care. Those are the ways the Supremes vacate their seats. Reminds me of all those kind words from the left when Antonin Scalia died. I feel exactly the same about RBG. It will be so sweet to replace her.

If the economy is so good now, why is it still so far down?

Higher rates slow down economic growth, but they also slow down inflation. I myself would like to see higher rates with strong growth, because I like to see our dollar worth something... but right now I'll settle for growth. It's been a long time coming.

Deficit is skyrocketing in the last 2 years, and you wish to blame Democrats? Okay...

There is no appetite for spending cuts in Washington right now. No one wants another shut down.

And you "saw it myself" how? You got the pdf directly?

They posted the document as soon as they received it... it was a seven layer Photoshop document. I'm not kidding.

Religion is not a line on an Hawaiian birt certificate

Do you know what was on a birth certificate in 1960? I know what is on my birth certificate from 1959... my religion is listed as "Protestant". I have no problem with Obama... anymore. I don't care, I'm just telling you what I know.

Also fills right into the "deconstructing the previous administrations achievements OR passing things to piss of the opposition" part that is destroying your nations democracy.

Belgian opinion noted.

Excellent, Belgium hereby confiscates your nukes stockpiled on our land.

Nope... we would set them off to keep them from falling into the wrong hands.

Also, no more "freedom of navigation" bullcrap, okay?

Sure... we have much bigger guns.

I hate >100F weather

That's why none of my children live in Las Vegas.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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I hope so.


Since a lot of it is super scummy, I would argue that you shouldn't hope that. 


I'm sure there's more to the story than what you're hearing. I'll trust ICE and the courts to sort it out. They're trained for it.


save for the anti-drug division of ICE they are nothing more than bullies with guns. I will also reiterate that they have been wrongfully detaining American citizens


I really have no idea if they're opening new detention centers. I don't care. They should open as many as they need to deal with the problem. What do you want them to do? If you want to let thousands of people to just walk into the USA... you're insane. It's like 9/11/01 didn't happen in your world. Also, a welfare state cannot have an open border policy... we won't have a country anymore. I think we should close the border until Mexico ends the migration... it would take about 3 minutes for Mexico to shut it all down.


A massive land border like that would be impossible to close. Most illegal immigration comes via airplane, and all the 9/11 attackers came via airplane. It would literally cost us more money to build, maintain and guard a closed border than just making all these people citizens. 


I don't harp on Obama... he's not the President. Trump is the President, and you harp on him.

It is every American's duty to question their leadership, that is the core principle set forth by our Founding Fathers.


I don't get the "pudding" thing. The GOP does not benefit from Apple, Google, Facebook, or Amazon. We do benefit from all Americans that refuse to bend over to Socialists.


Oil, telcom, coal, medical, to name a few. You and I don't benefit at all by having private healthcare, internet or education, so maybe just maybe the socialists have one or two things correct.


It's best to put your faith in a single polling company that has a history of accurate polling, but go ahead and do what you're doing.


so looking at multiple locations that cover more people is worse than going towards one that might have bias but since they are old its okay?



It's gonna be so hysterical to watch when Trump is reelected.


If that happens I am certain we are some sort of bad reality TV show for aliens.

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It is every American's duty to question their leadership, that is the core principle set forth by our Founding Fathers.

The core principle set forth by our Founding Fathers is the duty of every American to question our leadership?

That's it? That's your core principle? That's the phrase burned into the wood sign on your wall?


What god awful idiot told you that? The USA has a history, and it's an amazing story of dreams, despair, and achievement. Our history must be preserved and passed down to our sons and daughters. The USA is the single greatest, most successful, most wealthy nation ever to grace the planet Earth... and it has been bought and paid for in blood. It is not yours to give away.


It is the duty of every American to preserve and protect the Republic. That's the core principle set forth by our Founding Fathers.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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The hits keep on coming...


George Papadopoulos is on his way to Greece to pick up the $10,000 cash that was "dropped in his lap" from Charles Tawil back in the summer of 2017. Tawil was a known CIA and State Department asset in South Africa. He left the cash with his attorney in a safe in Greece because the payment was way too suspicious. When George arrived back home, seven or eight FBI agents were tearing apart his luggage looking for that money. Investigators want to see that cash... they believe the bills are marked.



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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Advance look at Horowitz Report regarding James Comey…



Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution — a decision that’s likely to upset Comey's conservative critics.


This really bums me out because I want to see that pompous ass dragged out in handcuffs.


There's still hope for this guy...


But Comey and others inside the FBI and the DOJ during his tenure still face legal jeopardy in ongoing probes by the IG and Barr-appointed special prosecutor John Durham. Those investigations are focused on the origins of the Russia investigation that included a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign at the end of the 2016 election, the source said.

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The core principle set forth by our Founding Fathers is the duty of every American to question our leadership? That's it? That's your core principle? That's the phrase burned into the wood sign on your wall?   What god awful idiot told you that? The USA has a history, and it's an amazing story of dreams, despair, and achievement. Our history must be preserved and passed down to our sons and daughters. The USA is the single greatest, most successful, most wealthy nation ever to grace the planet Earth... and it has been bought and paid for in blood. It is not yours to give away.   It is the duty of every American to preserve and protect the Republic. That's the core principle set forth by our Founding Fathers.


The nation was founded because of taxation without representation which is in fact questioning ones leader's. Nearly every founding father said that we should not blindly follow leaders but rather we should think for ourselves which is why we had presidents not a monarch. We question our leaders so that we are always doing better, always pushing ourselves. All the accolades that you are so proud about stem from free thinking and not just doing as we are told.

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The nation was founded because of taxation without representation which is in fact questioning ones leader's. Nearly every founding father said that we should not blindly follow leaders but rather we should think for ourselves which is why we had presidents not a monarch. We question our leaders so that we are always doing better, always pushing ourselves. All the accolades that you are so proud about stem from free thinking and not just doing as we are told.

The nation was not founded because of taxation without representation. The taxation issue was one cause of an open rebellion against an English King that treated the American colonies as a lesser class. There was no such thing as "questioning" the King. There were numerous attempts to appeal to King George for leniency, this was not "questioning" his leadership. There were only two choices for them... bow down and obey, or fight them. If it were not for French support, the colonies would have eventually endured unimaginable hardship, fire, murder, and execution. Not once did George Washington ever say to the Colonial Army that "Your core principle is your duty to question my leadership". He was appointed to lead, and there was no questioning his leadership.


After independence was achieved, everyone expected to crown a King, and create a Monarchy. They had better ideas... form a Constitutional Republic with elections, and term limits. Question those that will become our leaders, and then elect them to lead. If bad choices are made, they will not be reelected. The problem we have after all these years is there are too many people that no longer wish to abide by this system. We need a Constitutional Convention to hammer out our differences, and reaffirm the states obligation to abide by it. If an agreement cannot be reached, then those states can leave the Republic and form their own union. We need a reconciliation, or a divorce... without it, I believe there will be violence. It's more probable than that 12 year climate prophesy.

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    Minister of Defense

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The nation was not founded because of taxation without representation. The taxation issue was one cause of an open rebellion against an English King that treated the American colonies as a lesser class. There was no such thing as "questioning" the King. There were numerous attempts to appeal to King George for leniency, this was not "questioning" his leadership. There were only two choices for them...


There was never open rebellion, most the citizens didn't care or supported England. By definition appealing is questioning another's judgement.



Not once did George Washington ever say to the Colonial Army that "Your core principle is your duty to question my leadership". He was appointed to lead, and there was no questioning his leadership.



To the army... That is a really shitty counter argument. I said citizens and you bring up people under his direct command, which is completely different than what I was talking about.



There were only two choices for them... bow down and obey, or fight them. If it were not for French support, the colonies would have eventually endured unimaginable hardship, fire, murder, and execution.


Not really. Where would you get that idea? What most likely would have happened is those who rebelled would have been imprisoned or executed, the majority of the population would have been fine.


After independence was achieved, everyone expected to crown a King, and create a Monarchy. They had better ideas..



Many people tried for a Monarchy with Washington as King, he said no and insisted upon another route.



Question those that will become our leaders, and then elect them to lead. If bad choices are made, they will not be reelected.


In theory yes but they did not expect things like gerrymandering and other forms of election rigging, if they did then all government positions would have tight term limits. 


We need a Constitutional Convention to hammer out our differences, and reaffirm the states obligation to abide by it. If an agreement cannot be reached, then those states can leave the Republic and form their own union. We need a reconciliation, or a divorce... without it, I believe there will be violence. It's more probable than that 12 year climate prophesy.



I agree we should fix the constitution but everything else I disagree with. If say the West coast decided to make a new country with Alaska Washington, Oregon, Hawaii and California then there would be a huge drop in the GDP for the USA since those states alone take up 19.2% of the Nation's GDP. The coastal states have a huge advantage over landlocked states if there was a split, but anyway that is just nonsense where as climate change that you scoff at is actually happening despite people saying it isn't.

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