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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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Why is it every time I point out fact you assume I am a wronged party?

Because you're not pointing out fact... you're parroting Democrat talking points. If your not experiencing this misery yourself, then you really don't know what your talking about. It's like the gun control issue... these people have no idea what they are talking about. They don't know the difference between automatic and semi-automatic, or that a shot gun can be made to look like a machine gun. They're just stupid people, and it's disgusting that so many more much stupider people listen to them.

our economy is only good for established/lucky people like myself and I assume you.

I don't know about you, but with me it was blood, sweat, tears, grace, brains, and years of trial and error before I got it right... the only part that luck had a hand in it was bad luck that I had to overcome. No one is immune to it, and the most miserable people I have ever met have been filthy rich.


Trump is releasing the complete unredacted transcript of the phone call tomorrow. We shall see.

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Well... the transcript has been released, and I was watching Fox when it came out. There was no mention of withholding anything on any condition. Trump talks about the Biden issue, but it was in conjunction with a wider conversation about the whole Russian hacking problem, and he declares he will have Rudy and Barr call him to help. No ultimatums, not "numerous" times.


Then I flip over to CNN... and they are talking about the appointment of a second special council, and Bill Barr must recuse himself because he was mentioned during the phone call. I'm at a loss for reasonable reaction on the insanity of these people.

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Well... the transcript has been released, and I was watching Fox when it came out. There was no mention of withholding anything on any condition. Trump talks about the Biden issue, but it was in conjunction with a wider conversation about the whole Russian hacking problem, and he declares he will have Rudy and Barr call him to help. No ultimatums, not "numerous" times.
Then I flip over to CNN... and they are talking about the appointment of a second special council, and Bill Barr must recuse himself because he was mentioned during the phone call. I'm at a loss for reasonable reaction on the insanity of these people.

Only thing I could come up with is Democrats got tired of being involved in our government?

Launching an impeachment inquiry was delayed for so long because Pelosi knew that it would be party suicide. Now they can’t it back. Yesterday they handed Trump 4 more years in office. Today they handed Republicans all 3 branches of government.

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I believe this issue will destroy Biden, and anyone that seeks to ban fracking will lose all the energy producing states like Pennsylvania.


This just handed Trump his second term. It's all just going through the motions from now on. Cheers.

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Sorry for being so late with this, but I was stuck on a very long, very boring book for months. So I am now just catching up on things I missed.


I found this podcast on the Mueller Report incredibly useful, so if you have the time, it's worth a listen: https://samharris.org/podcasts/157-mueller-report-really-say


Lys, you shouldn't even bother ;)

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I found this podcast on the Mueller Report incredibly useful, so if you have the time, it's worth a listen:

Really? Sam Harris again? and even worse... the Mueller Report again? That's so... last year. After everyone has been beat to death with the Mueller report, Sam Harris is stepping in to tell us what it really says.


We're actually treading on the same ground. Recent events have shown that the President is still under "investigation". Still under "surveillance" by the deep state. Establishment government vermin scrutinizing everything he says, everything he does, and leaking anything that can be twisted into villainous behavior to create the next "scandal". Anything to try to erode his support.


It will not work.


After Pelosi spoke… 5 million dollars flooded into Trump's campaign the same day. Everything they try to do... backfires, and makes him stronger. They can't get over the fact that he was elected without their blessing. He was elected by the people, and all this does is drown out all hope of any opposition candidates from gaining any attention whatsoever. So, bring it on... we're ready.

Lys, you shouldn't even bother

I shouldn't bother with what?

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Update: I just heard that over 13 million dollars have been donated to the Trump campaign since the announcement of the impeachment inquiry by Nancy Pelosi... cha-ching!

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Well, I admit the podcast itself is from May, it’s not the most recent. I only now just got to it, because of another focus, that’s on me. But the Mueller Report won’t just go away, you can bet there will be a continuation. It’s a slow burning thing.

Sam Harris is just the host, the guest is legal journalist Benjamin Wittes, he does most of the talking.

And you shouldn’t even bother listening, because I doubt you’d take any value from it, and you’d just be wasting your time. For everyone else, I highly recommend it, especially if - like me - you haven’t been following this as closely as you’d liked

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But the Mueller Report won’t just go away, you can bet there will be a continuation. It’s a slow burning thing.

It's already gone. Nadler tried to keep it alive, but Schiff has stolen the spotlight for fresher fiction. The timing of all this is obvious... they know the Horowitz Report will be released to the public soon, and they needed to create a new scandal to grab headlines so no one notices that all these Obama people are in so much trouble. Hard to believe they are sacrificing Joe Biden for this.

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Well... the transcript has been released, and I was watching Fox when it came out. There was no mention of withholding anything on any condition. Trump talks about the Biden issue, but it was in conjunction with a wider conversation about the whole Russian hacking problem, and he declares he will have Rudy and Barr call him to help. No ultimatums, not "numerous" times.


Then I flip over to CNN... and they are talking about the appointment of a second special council, and Bill Barr must recuse himself because he was mentioned during the phone call. I'm at a loss for reasonable reaction on the insanity of these people.


You seen the Don Corleono/Godfather impression they made of the transcript? Shows that tone is everything, especially knowing Trump had already blocked the 400M aid prior to that* phonecall. // *that => there have been more phonecalls, as the whistleblower report mentioned (it mentions other things aswell, for example Guilliani's actions).


Meanwhile Guilliani just keeps digging himself new holes to crawl out from, all together with throwing other people/agency's into this mess. Indeed Barr gets thrown in (which would be a given if it was actually handled "professionaly"), the State department gets thrown in against their wishes, couple ambassadors (of which 1 already resigned) get added to the pile, who knows who/what else he is going to implicate. Atleast he was so smart to cancel his RE-appearance to a Kremlin/Putin talk night, something about "optics" I guess. :D



Anyway, where is this sudden "Dems throwing Biden to the wolves" coming from? You guys love a good conspiracy...


Update: I just heard that over 13 million dollars have been donated to the Trump campaign since the announcement of the impeachment inquiry by Nancy Pelosi... cha-ching!


Wonder how much will land into Brad Parscale's bankaccount... Heared trump doesn't like that happening either, seeing as it isn't his bankaccount >_>

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Anyway, where is this sudden "Dems throwing Biden to the wolves" coming from? You guys love a good conspiracy...

It's no joke. Wherever Joe Biden went, his son went with him. When Joe left, his son left with another multi-million dollar deal. When Joe Biden was placed in charge of Ukraine affairs by Obama, Hunter Biden landed a seat on the board of an energy company with a $50,000 per month payoff. How does a man with no experience in energy... no experience with Ukraine... and was kicked out of the US Navy because he's a drug addict, land a no-show job like that? Give you the answer... he doesn't. This company was shrouded in corruption, and was under investigation. Joe Biden withheld a billion dollar US taxpayer loan from the Ukraine until the prosecutor that was investigating this company, was fired.


This impeachment inquiry will force this issue to be investigated, which will lead to other instances where, curiously, Hunter Biden receives huge amounts of money through the work of his father. The China instance was over a billion dollars. This issue will destroy Joe Biden as a candidate, and it's entirely the fault of the Democrats that set this in motion.


Just imagine the shoe on the other foot. If this was Don Jr. making millions of dollars from foreign countries... what do you think the Democrats and the media would do to Trump?

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I'm totally bummed right now... I was horribly wrong, and I must correct the record.


I'm so sorry.


I was wrong about how much Hunter Biden was paid by the Ukraine energy company. He wasn't receiving anywhere near $50,000 per month, which is a rediculous amount of money for doing nothing.


Instead he was receiving the much more rediculous amount of $83,000 per month. I was way off.


Everyone here has my deepest apology.

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Biden is dropping like a stone since everyone found out he became a billionaire while he was Vice-President. Warren is climbing up out of the pack and will gain more support from the Sanders zombies because he won't be able to continue by just saying "Hey, everything's cool! ... It's just a couple stints!". So, Democrats are gonna run a woman that didn't realize she's white until she was in her 60's... cool.


It's looking more like the "whistleblower" is really a group of Deep State Never Trumpers and Democrats led by Adam Schiff just trying to re-invent the Mueller Investigation. It's not gonna work, and I bet it's really starting to piss off Bill Barr. This tactic of just accusing people, with nothing but noise to back it up, is really making these cry babies that can't accept the results of an election... well wait a second... yeah just keep on doing exactly what you're doing.

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This is what happens when you elect complete lunatics to higher office.


Edit: Well this is good news. Now it comes out that this woman was a LaRouche plant. Lyndon LaRouche actually ran for President 8 times... once for his own U.S. Labor Party, and 7 times as a Democtrat. He died in February.


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The John Durham investigation into FISA abuse has been expanded. More agents, resources, and the scope has been extended to when Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Council. Leaves Mueller open to prosecution for perjury for testifying to Congress that he did not seek appointment to FBI Director after Comey was fired. Fully explains why Democrats in DC are currently in total panic.



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Happy Day! I'm shaking up a Baybreeze and toasting this monumental breaking news!




Shepard Smith has left Fox News. Now I don't have to shut off my television at noon every day. It's about time.

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Well it has been 2 weeks now, perhaps in the future I can break that record to 3 weeks of non-reply :D

Then again, this whole deal is better discussed in a weekly trend, cause a 24/7 sniping of headlines which get expanded or adjusted the day later make this entire thing a giant headache to keep track. Especially about whats what. :D



Anyway, where is this sudden "Dems throwing Biden to the wolves" coming from? You guys love a good conspiracy...

It's no joke. Wherever Joe Biden went, his son went with him. When Joe left, his son left with another multi-million dollar deal. When Joe Biden was placed in charge of Ukraine affairs by Obama, Hunter Biden landed a seat on the board of an energy company with a $50,000 per month payoff. How does a man with no experience in energy... no experience with Ukraine... and was kicked out of the US Navy because he's a drug addict, land a no-show job like that? Give you the answer... he doesn't. This company was shrouded in corruption, and was under investigation. Joe Biden withheld a billion dollar US taxpayer loan from the Ukraine until the prosecutor that was investigating this company, was fired.


Again, Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General got kicked out cause he was BLOCKING corruption investigations. Heck the actual corruption investigation of Hunter Biden's Ukrainian firm was handled PRIOR to Victor Shokin even being in that position! Heck², he icewalled that investigation the moment he became prosecutor general.

This entire thing is even just a powerplay between the USA and Russia about who gets to "control" Ukraine and its vital gaspipeline infrastructure. A powerplay being won by Russia in part by Giulliani efforts to put some russian backed US based businessman, which are actions not unlike the things Biden gets accused of, *le gasp*

This impeachment inquiry will force this issue to be investigated, which will lead to other instances where, curiously, Hunter Biden receives huge amounts of money through the work of his father. The China instance was over a billion dollars. This issue will destroy Joe Biden as a candidate, and it's entirely the fault of the Democrats that set this in motion.

So you blame Democrats for finding possible illegal activities from within their own party? You do know what oversight means right? Then again, you vote Republican, so I doubt you do...

Just imagine the shoe on the other foot. If this was Don Jr. making millions of dollars from foreign countries... what do you think the Democrats and the media would do to Trump?

Isn't just Don Jr., the entire clique is getting it, wide in the open even. Then again such things don't get reported on Fox News so, like, you don't care anyway...

It's looking more like the "whistleblower" is really a group of Deep State Never Trumpers and Democrats led by Adam Schiff just trying to re-invent the Mueller Investigation. It's not gonna work, and I bet it's really starting to piss off Bill Barr. This tactic of just accusing people, with nothing but noise to back it up, is really making these cry babies that can't accept the results of an election... well wait a second... yeah just keep on doing exactly what you're doing.

I refer you to the top of my post, let it sink in for a bit and you see all such lovelyness sprout forward. Those phone messages were nice, the US ambassador to the EU possibly throwing Trump under the bus a nice touch. I really implore you to sit back and let it play out, cause from where I am stading it is only 1 side that immedeatly envokes a reponce but has to keep altering the goalpost of that responce cause they keep getting sideswiped by their own history.

aaaah the "this investigation is to negate the election" crap, like that even matters or somehow makes Trump a literal GOD who can't be impeached cause of reasons.

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Again, Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General got kicked out cause he was BLOCKING corruption investigations.

I know nothing about Ukrainian politics or Russian activities within the Ukraine... don't care. What I do know is Joe Biden withheld US aid to the Ukraine until a prosecutor that was investigating an energy company was fired... an energy company that his son sat on the board and received millions of dollars from. This is chicken feed compared to what he receives from China still to this day. Hunter Biden has now come out of the shadows enough to say he will resign his foreign positions if his father is elected... well that's reassuring.


Joe Biden is a dead candidate walking.

So you blame Democrats for finding possible illegal activities from within their own party? You do know what oversight means right? Then again, you vote Republican, so I doubt you do...

I don't "blame" Democrats at all. The Democrats hate Trump so much they destroyed their own best chance to defeat Trump for one more chance to remove him from office. It will not work... Republicans hold the Senate and will kill it as soon as it comes. I have no problem with Congressional oversite... what the House Democrats are attempting to do is not oversite, they are attempting to change our system to require the President to hold office at the pleasure of Congress. Never gonna happen.

I really implore you to sit back and let it play out

It's already played out. Trump did something they never thought he would do... he released the phone call. The stupid thing about it is the Democrats didn't change their game after it was released... they stayed their course. They opened with a "whistleblower", and Trump released the phone call. This kind of blew up their plan. They wanted to create their own version of a phone call that they were sure would never be made public. Then they come up with another "whistleblower" when it's pretty damn stupid to have another one when everyone already knows what was said during the phone call. So now the Democrats are left standing there with their dick in their hand and nothing left to do. Nothing left to do but wait for it to play out.

aaaah the "this investigation is to negate the election" crap, like that even matters or somehow makes Trump a literal GOD who can't be impeached cause of reasons.

It takes more than not liking his policies... but Andrew Johnson was impeached because Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and Johnson was not a slave abolitionist... but after the Civil War was already over, it didn't make much sense to have him as President.


The Democrats are desperate... and it's 3 words they don't like talking about. Those 3 words are Ruth Bader Ginsberg.

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Erdogan, don’t be a fool! :’D


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