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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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Erdogan, don’t be a fool! :’D


Has already been claimed to have been tossed in the garbage, also note that this is a brief //allegedly// send BEFORE Turkey actually going into Syria.


Again, Victor Shokin, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General got kicked out cause he was BLOCKING corruption investigations.

I know nothing about Ukrainian politics or Russian activities within the Ukraine... don't care. What I do know is Joe Biden withheld US aid to the Ukraine until a prosecutor that was investigating an energy company was fired... an energy company that his son sat on the board and received millions of dollars from. This is chicken feed compared to what he receives from China still to this day. Hunter Biden has now come out of the shadows enough to say he will resign his foreign positions if his father is elected... well that's reassuring.

Joe Biden is a dead candidate walking.


And again, the guy got haggled (and by not just the USA) cause he WAS NOT investigating corruption!

And why would you even care about foreign positions held by family of a POTUS? >_>


So you blame Democrats for finding possible illegal activities from within their own party? You do know what oversight means right? Then again, you vote Republican, so I doubt you do...

I don't "blame" Democrats at all. The Democrats hate Trump so much they destroyed their own best chance to defeat Trump for one more chance to remove him from office. It will not work... Republicans hold the Senate and will kill it as soon as it comes. I have no problem with Congressional oversite... what the House Democrats are attempting to do is not oversite, they are attempting to change our system to require the President to hold office at the pleasure of Congress. Never gonna happen.


Well I already said you wouldn't be swayed, doubt the attempt for the G7 summit swayed you even a tad. Also Mulvaney had some fun on the WH press stage...


I really implore you to sit back and let it play out

It's already played out. Trump did something they never thought he would do... he released the phone call. The stupid thing about it is the Democrats didn't change their game after it was released... they stayed their course. They opened with a "whistleblower", and Trump released the phone call. This kind of blew up their plan. They wanted to create their own version of a phone call that they were sure would never be made public. Then they come up with another "whistleblower" when it's pretty damn stupid to have another one when everyone already knows what was said during the phone call. So now the Democrats are left standing there with their dick in their hand and nothing left to do. Nothing left to do but wait for it to play out.


He released a memo, a recollection of the entire thing, a non-verbatism record! Heck the entire call is mentioned to be 30 min, that record is NOT 30min worth of talking. The entire call is still shrouded in mystery, like for instance Pompeo being on/off on his presence to it, about the reason why it got its own hush-hush subfolder on a WH PC, ...

And even apart from that, the record released still smells of a quid pro quo coupled with Giuliani endouvors. Who as I stated, if you let it play out a tad you would have seen his now cuffed associates (and possible $$-rollers) whom some tried to flee the USA. Those 4 even seem yet another Russia connection to Trump *le gasp*. Added hilarity, atleast 2 of those 4 are tied to a Dmitry Firtash, someone Giuliani knows about making this all smell even worse!

Also stop trying to make this once again a "deep state" affair, those whistleblowers are not directly linked nor manipulated by the DNC, that is a fantasy coming just from 1 man: Trump.


aaaah the "this investigation is to negate the election" crap, like that even matters or somehow makes Trump a literal GOD who can't be impeached cause of reasons.

It takes more than not liking his policies... but Andrew Johnson was impeached because Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and Johnson was not a slave abolitionist... but after the Civil War was already over, it didn't make much sense to have him as President.

The Democrats are desperate... and it's 3 words they don't like talking about. Those 3 words are Ruth Bader Ginsberg.


Did you read the articles of impeachement towards Andrew Johnson, cause they read like it was the Senate being huffy about him usurping their power to designate cabinet members. Heck his actions (the president's) were later approved by SCOTUS!

Also, you guys are "dangerously" close to not being able to invoke RBG you know, cause you can't vote for a SCOTUS judge in an electon year >_>

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Also, you guys are "dangerously" close to not being able to invoke RBG you know, cause you can't vote for a SCOTUS judge in an electon year >_>

Nothing we believe, think, or say matters. Every single day brings another created "scandal" entirely designed to damage Trump because they can't win... he has to be removed by a hostel and deranged Congress. It appears there really isn't, and never was, a "whistleblower". Just another created scandal.


Regarding RBG... I don't know what you're talking about. The SCOTUS judges are not elected. They are nominated by the President. If RBG died today, Trump would nominate a replacement tomorrow... and Mitch would push the nominee through to the court before the election. Why? Because Republicans control the Senate. Period. If Trump is reelected... the exact same thing will happen as long as Republicans control the Senate. Period. This is why Democrats are desperate to win at any cost.

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So more thoughts but no substance, got it. Meanwhile I guess the only reason Trump isn't going down with Ukraine will be cause he can't actually pronounce "quid pro quo" and will use that inhability as his defense...


And the SCOTUS remark was about Merrick Garland's debacle, also something you might classify into the "hostile congress" topic >_>

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he can't actually pronounce "quid pro quo" and will use that inhability as his defense...

It's pronounced "inability"... not "inhability"

And the SCOTUS remark was about Merrick Garland's debacle

Merrick Garland was not confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice because Republicans controlled the Senate. If Harry Reid was still Majority Leader when Antonin Scalia died, Merrick Garland would have been confirmed in record time before the election of Donald Trump. There comes a time when we must ignore the excuses and just tell it like it is. We do these things because the law says we can.

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Bye Bye Master Beto!


Spends 70 million dollars losing to Cruz, then he runs for President and can't even beat Pocahontas... epic loser.

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he can't actually pronounce "quid pro quo" and will use that inhability as his defense...

It's pronounced "inability"... not "inhability"


Curse my non-native tongue!


And the SCOTUS remark was about Merrick Garland's debacle

Merrick Garland was not confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice because Republicans controlled the Senate. If Harry Reid was still Majority Leader when Antonin Scalia died, Merrick Garland would have been confirmed in record time before the election of Donald Trump. There comes a time when we must ignore the excuses and just tell it like it is. We do these things because the law says we can.


The Senate did NOTHING for 7 months straight! Nada, zilch, nothing. Not even acknowledging his candidancy, let alone a hearing, NOTHING!

Then again, McConnell is known to snooze on the appointing task, how many judges slots have been left vacant these past years? I hear people complaining that the House isn't doing it's job, but I'd guess the Senate isn't doing it's job either >_>

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Curse my non-native tongue!

Same as Latin is not the native tongue of Donald Trump.

The Senate did NOTHING for 7 months straight! Nada, zilch, nothing. Not even acknowledging his candidancy, let alone a hearing, NOTHING!

Republicans controlled the Senate in 2016, and they didn't want Merrick Garland on the court, so they didn't confirm him. If Democrats want a SCOTUS judge or two to bend the Constitution to their interpretation, then they better win more seats in the Senate and make it so. Complaining about it for years doesn't change anything. It's our Supreme Court, so we'll take care of it.

Then again, McConnell is known to snooze on the appointing task, how many judges slots have been left vacant these past years? I hear people complaining that the House isn't doing it's job, but I'd guess the Senate isn't doing it's job either >_>

Mitch is doing just fine getting our judges confirmed. He still must abide by Senate procedure that allows Democrats to drag it out.

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My daughter just sent this to me... had to share!

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The notorious RBG missed work today. We're told it's a "stomach bug". Yeah... it's inoperable pancreatic cancer. That's a pretty big bug. Nobody is talking about it, but the Democrat desperation is so loud I can see the blood dripping from their ears. They know they have no chance for impeachment. The House will have a majority vote to impeach... that's easy. To actually remove Trump from office, they will have to flip 20 Republican Senators to vote to remove Trump from office. Never gonna happen.


So, the entire clown show is a futile Hail Mary designed to alter public opinion against Trump seating another Supreme Court Justice before he's reelected. Look for the Dems to attempt to fake it with a hologram of her just sleeping up there after the zombie lady takes her last breath. God bless America... this is all too damn entertaining. My money is on Amy Coney Barrett.



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Again a long break, but I am enjoying Trump suddenly forgetting the entire State Department he helped/nominated/got money from/signed off on be either coffee boys or deep state operatives...



Curse my non-native tongue!

Same as Latin is not the native tongue of Donald Trump.


So? I didn't state that he could or couldn't say it, or that he even knows what it means. I was stating that he would proclaim innocence BECAUSE he doesn't know it. Kinda like a pedophile stating he didn't do it cause he doesn't know what the word means...

Then again, the far-out-right is probably barking on about it being LATIN as in from LATIN AMERICA, so automitically it is evil and then thank Trump that the wall is build to keep it out. >_>


The Senate did NOTHING for 7 months straight! Nada, zilch, nothing. Not even acknowledging his candidancy, let alone a hearing, NOTHING!

Republicans controlled the Senate in 2016, and they didn't want Merrick Garland on the court, so they didn't confirm him. If Democrats want a SCOTUS judge or two to bend the Constitution to their interpretation, then they better win more seats in the Senate and make it so. Complaining about it for years doesn't change anything. It's our Supreme Court, so we'll take care of it.


You quoted my line, you obviously didn't read it. If they didn't wanted to confirm him they could have VOTED on that. They didn't, they just let his nomination lapse. Usually such a "silence it to death" strategy is employed when you got no actual arguments to support yourself. Only argument they had was about it being an election year. (which is funny as you guys have elections every 2 years for the Senate).


Then again, McConnell is known to snooze on the appointing task, how many judges slots have been left vacant these past years? I hear people complaining that the House isn't doing it's job, but I'd guess the Senate isn't doing it's job either >_>

Mitch is doing just fine getting our judges confirmed. He still must abide by Senate procedure that allows Democrats to drag it out.


McConnell has the easiest time in the world to appoint judicial nominations, especially after both parties nuked the voting process into a simple 50+ majority deal. He is still way down on the actual free spots.


The notorious RBG missed work today. We're told it's a "stomach bug". Yeah... it's inoperable pancreatic cancer. That's a pretty big bug. Nobody is talking about it, but the Democrat desperation is so loud I can see the blood dripping from their ears. They know they have no chance for impeachment. The House will have a majority vote to impeach... that's easy. To actually remove Trump from office, they will have to flip 20 Republican Senators to vote to remove Trump from office. Never gonna happen.

So, the entire clown show is a futile Hail Mary designed to alter public opinion against Trump seating another Supreme Court Justice before he's reelected. Look for the Dems to attempt to fake it with a hologram of her just sleeping up there after the zombie lady takes her last breath. God bless America... this is all too damn entertaining. My money is on Amy Coney Barrett.



Funny you mention her, that wiki link has some interesting info on it. Mainly about McConnell's shenanigans with the blue slips costum surrounding judicial nominations in the Senate.

Also let the damn woman life, she got a life-appointment.

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Inspector General Michael Horowitz is now scheduled to testify in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee on December 11th. This was asked for by Republican Chairman Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. This means the long awaited report on how U.S. Government agencies conducted themselves throughout the bogus investigations on the Trump Campaign, will be released by then... and Senator Graham already knows what it says. The entire Executive Branch under Barack Obama, Barack Obama himself, and everyone tied to Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and her entire campaign... are all holding their breath right about now.


Bob Dylan once said... Whoa The Times They Are A-Changin'


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Oh my god... you gotta be kidding me... I didn't see this coming at all...


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CNN breaks the story in a miserable effort to get ahead of it since they have most to lose. Fox News has much more, and it looks like the FBI lawyer in question is none other than the notorious Lisa Page. I bet she's singing like a canary right about now, and I still believe Rod Rosenstein has already made a deal. Horowitz report will land on December 9th... I expect many more stories like this will drizzle out over the next couple weeks. Bob Dylan keeps going through my head... it's just wonderful being right all the time.



Edit: The Daily Caller has discovered that the lawyer in question is not Lisa Page, but is in fact an FBI FISA lawyer by the name of Kevin Clinesmith. All kinds of spin coming out in all directions on this. Too much fun.

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A lot of history made in the last few years. It's only just begun. Donald Trump has virtually been under investigation and relentless attacks for 4 solid years. It hasn't even slowed him down. There have been 3 Presidents in our history that have faced impeachment, and because of that small piece, these presidents are in the history books. No one knows Zachary Taylor, but everyone knows Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Bill Clinton... and now Trump will be on that list as well... thanks to the galactically stupid House Democrats.


2020 will be the most crazy year ever. Trump will do things that were impossible to do by previous presidents. Trump has already defeated one round with the Russia ordeal, now he will win this round as well. Then he'll seat another Supreme Court Justice, and to top it all off he'll get reelected in a landslide because they don't have anyone that can beat him. Progressive heads will once again, explode.


Tick Tock Tick Tock...


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So lets ignore party X's wrongdoings cause we found party Y's shifty dealings? Also unsure how a possibly illegal drafted FISA document suddenly negates the illegalities it uncovered, sure it would negate findings and the evidence's standing in a courtroom, but it doesn't change what actually was found. Couple this with an impeachment being aside/besides of the law, you are shouting into the wind.


Just see more conspiracy theory lines being drawn up tbh, coupled with an increasing zealotry on either side.

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So lets ignore party X's wrongdoings cause we found party Y's shifty dealings?

The problem is party X didn't do anything wrong. Party Y did all the shifty dealings and framed party X for the things that party Y actually did. The most disturbing thing about all of this is if party X didn't win the election, then none of us would have known what party Y did.

Also unsure how a possibly illegal drafted FISA document suddenly negates the illegalities it uncovered, sure it would negate findings and the evidence's standing in a courtroom, but it doesn't change what actually was found.

The FISA warrant would not have been issued if it was not for the fraudulent FISA application. No FISA warrant, you would not have had George Pappy and General Flynn framed for lying. No FISA warrant, you would not have had Trump making moves to protect himself from being framed... therefore no bogus obstruction claims. No evidence has been found that any American colluded, or conspired, with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election... but everyone knows that Hillary Clinton and the DNC hired Fusion GPS to create bogus dirt on Trump, and the Obama Administration used it to spy on, and frame, the Trump Campaign. That's what happened.


Things are leaking out about Horowitz reporting there was no "political bias". I believe it's more about "no hard evidence"... very similar to what he came up with on the whole Hillary investigation. Political bias is a way of thinking, and there is no way to prove how anyone "feels" about anything when they are not confessing their "feelings". But no one believes that, so it makes no difference.

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So lets ignore party X's wrongdoings cause we found party Y's shifty dealings?

The problem is party X didn't do anything wrong. Party Y did all the shifty dealings and framed party X for the things that party Y actually did. The most disturbing thing about all of this is if party X didn't win the election, then none of us would have known what party Y did.


Meanwhile time is making your post look more and more like projection. The pals of Giulliani are singing all their wrongdoings, and not just to Trump personal/not-personal/coffee boy lawyer. Today we even get the lovely tidings that Nunes is involved in this all from as far back as april!

The Ukraine connection is still square on the Republicans, the only notion of conspiracy on part of the Democrats magically manifested itself AFTER the need arrose to have an alternative fact to try and keep the mindless zealots of Trump rallied. Heck just the narritive that Ukraine is both corrupt and in cahoots with the Democrats AND they are the sole nation who could investigate Biden&co is ludricous from the getgo. Coupled with the 2-year trifecta Republican Congress twiddling their fingers on these alleged bomb-shells.


Also unsure how a possibly illegal drafted FISA document suddenly negates the illegalities it uncovered, sure it would negate findings and the evidence's standing in a courtroom, but it doesn't change what actually was found.

The FISA warrant would not have been issued if it was not for the fraudulent FISA application. No FISA warrant, you would not have had George Pappy and General Flynn framed for lying. No FISA warrant, you would not have had Trump making moves to protect himself from being framed... therefore no bogus obstruction claims. No evidence has been found that any American colluded, or conspired, with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election... but everyone knows that Hillary Clinton and the DNC hired Fusion GPS to create bogus dirt on Trump, and the Obama Administration used it to spy on, and frame, the Trump Campaign. That's what happened.



No issues have been found with any and all of the FISA documents, even the grapevine of Horowitz muzes as such. Also no reason why Trump is even concerned about those FISA warrents cause they ran out months prior to Page joining Trumps team (not that it is a shocker about all the crooks he seems to hire).

Aaaah, framed for perjury. Is that like being framed for driving thruw a red light on a traffic camera? Same with bogus obstruction, like you can accidently obstruct something you didn't even have anything to do with. Trump & co stonewalled from day 1 while maintaining their innocence in public. They could go for the 5th or just be silent, but no, obstructing it is. I guess your parents just loved you not being silent about stealing from the cookie jar but actually attesting that that the cookie jar got feet on its own and your prints would definatly not be on the jar's lid.

Again the Steele Dossier started before Democrats even knew about it. It was dumped cause Republicans found themselfes with the candidate they didn't wanted and could miss all the dirt already found. Then it was an easy switch for Steele to go to the FBI and others with his findings. Findings that are either still disputed or have been proven! Some might even state this to be patriotic :o. A trait seemingly devout nowadays from a certain party of Putin bootlickers.

Also once again, I personally don't believe Russia had working ties with Trump's team pre-2016 elections, mostly due to incompetance of the later tbh. But they sure got info out of them idiots like when they hacked the Republican servers (yeah, they hacked those to, remember...)

Things are leaking out about Horowitz reporting there was no "political bias". I believe it's more about "no hard evidence"... very similar to what he came up with on the whole Hillary investigation. Political bias is a way of thinking, and there is no way to prove how anyone "feels" about anything when they are not confessing their "feelings". But no one believes that, so it makes no difference.

Grapevine is whispering that it is even Horowitz's camp that is leaking some of this stuff, you know, to pre-empt Barr from again misrepresenting a report that lands on his desk. Historians are already researching the past to look for when a IG report finds the DOJ did a "by the book" investigation" that the AG tried to silence it, pro-tip: it normally only happens when the IG finds bad stuff...

Yeah some FBI agents could have personal biases, they are human. But if the grapevine is correct and they managed to investigate without such biases interacting with their decisions, kuudos to them!

Also, goalsposts, moving, to Siberia...

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the mindless zealots of Trump rallied.

Do you honestly believe I'm a mindless zealot of Trump? Or are you just playing your strongest Belgian Socialist card, in an attempt to pound out some edgy phrases, that most of the time, impress the millennials at your local coffee house? Never mind, it really matters not. Our Democrats are completely insane about anything considered to be foreign interference... so you're wasting your time.


It sounds like you're getting a little ahead of your skies, but that's okay. The New York Times and the Washington Post are working overtime with their best Trump hating staff to get any possible leak about the Horowitz Report so they can spin it to their favor ahead of the release on Monday, but the only people that really care have their minds made up already. I'm just glad we have John Durham in there actually doing something about it this time. The American people are resilient enough to handle the truth about how corrupt the Obama Administration was, and if it turns out they were all a bunch of saints just doing their job... then that's okay too.

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And Horowitz just blew all the Trump/Barr talking points out of the water, both with his report and with his remarks before the Senate, not that it stopped Barr from mis-characterizing his findings, again. Next stop friday and SCOTUS deciding if they want to hear Trumps pity pleading of not following Congressional subpoena's surrounding his finances. Meanwhile Senate GOP is loudly considering making the entire impeachement trial a farce by not actually hearing any witnesses, probably cause even the few they did found willing to come end up painting the same bad stuff the rest have testified about.


You aren't completly mindless, but you sure like to keep supporting Trump, ignoring that you even stopped actually finding rebukes to my point. Which is a universal thing nowadays, GOPers talking besides the facts laid out just to shout wacky conspiracies and fanthom hoaxes. Speaking about people already having their minds made up, both sides have them but increasinly 1 side seems to be slipping into outright denial on their alternative facts being debunked. Meanwhile lets start with Lindsey Graham debating current Lindsey Graham.


And yes I am probably a dirty socialist by your standards (and US's in general), but I thought I noted before that I am not an actual belgian socialist. Let alone me going to a millenial coffee house (those the ones Trumpers keep finding imaginary angered liberals in?).

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And Horowitz just blew all the Trump/Barr talking points out of the water, both with his report and with his remarks before the Senate, not that it stopped Barr from mis-characterizing his findings, again.

You must be watching CNN... oh wait a second... CNN didn't even cover the Horowitz testimony. So you are only hearing what they have to say about it. You must have only heard that there is no "evidence" of political bias in their actions, while forgetting that there is no evidence that there was not political bias either. You can't prove how anyone "feels" about anything, unless they come out and say it under oath. But that's the shiny object to distract from the fact that the Nunes memo has been proven correct, the FBI used the Steele Dossier to obtain FISA warrants, and they altered, and completely left out, all the information that would have killed their operation.


Michael Horowitz is very limited because he cannot compel anyone to interview that no longer works for the government... no such limitation exists for the criminal investigation of John Durham. We got everything we wanted from Horowitz. I'm extremely pleased.

Next stop friday and SCOTUS deciding if they want to hear Trumps pity pleading of not following Congressional subpoena's surrounding his finances.

There is no reason to release anything other than a fishing expedition.

Meanwhile Senate GOP is loudly considering making the entire impeachement trial a farce by not actually hearing any witnesses, probably cause even the few they did found willing to come end up painting the same bad stuff the rest have testified about.

Bullshit. I actually want a trial in the Senate because I want to see this "whistleblower". My bet is "he" doesn't exist, and this entire ordeal was crafted by Adam Schiff and the Never Trumpers they put up on display. There is no crime, no evidence of a crime, and is only a Hail Mary because they know they have no one that can beat him in an election. But McConnell will probably take a motion to dismiss, call a vote, and the whole thing goes down that fast.

you even stopped actually finding rebukes to my point.

I get tired of repeating myself.

GOPers talking besides the facts laid out just to shout wacky conspiracies and fanthom hoaxes.

I don't know what you're talking about... everything I have been talking about for 3 years is true.

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