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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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And Horowitz just blew all the Trump/Barr talking points out of the water, both with his report and with his remarks before the Senate, not that it stopped Barr from mis-characterizing his findings, again.

You must be watching CNN... oh wait a second... CNN didn't even cover the Horowitz testimony. So you are only hearing what they have to say about it. You must have only heard that there is no "evidence" of political bias in their actions, while forgetting that there is no evidence that there was not political bias either. You can't prove how anyone "feels" about anything, unless they come out and say it under oath. But that's the shiny object to distract from the fact that the Nunes memo has been proven correct, the FBI used the Steele Dossier to obtain FISA warrants, and they altered, and completely left out, all the information that would have killed their operation.

Michael Horowitz is very limited because he cannot compel anyone to interview that no longer works for the government... no such limitation exists for the criminal investigation of John Durham. We got everything we wanted from Horowitz. I'm extremely pleased.


Moving a goalpost into the unknown it seems. Trying to prove a negative is a fools errand and overall bad philosophical. Btw I get my info from our national news agency, we no need no american agency to read or understand english, so we do fine making our own newsreports.

Nunes memo spoke about the Steele Dossier being the sole origin of the FISA, let me debunk you with some actual findigns from Horowitz. Please read on page II, left side. Yes Steele Dossier helped sourcing the need for a FISA application, in part cause the FBI credits Steele as a credible human source (or CHS). No it wasn't the sole source nor was it the known prior to the actual investigation starting.


Next stop friday and SCOTUS deciding if they want to hear Trumps pity pleading of not following Congressional subpoena's surrounding his finances.

There is no reason to release anything other than a fishing expedition.


They can fish all they want cause that is exactly what they are empowered to do. Kinda like how Starr kept fishing after Whitewater and eventually found Lewinsky.

Heck it is a straight lawfull request between Congress and the IRS. You can pull "executive priviledge" to it like Trump did, but then I want to throw back your notion to prove a negative. We can't prove anything bad is in it before we have seen it as much as Trump can prove it is all on the level without releasing it.


Meanwhile Senate GOP is loudly considering making the entire impeachement trial a farce by not actually hearing any witnesses, probably cause even the few they did found willing to come end up painting the same bad stuff the rest have testified about.

Bullshit. I actually want a trial in the Senate because I want to see this "whistleblower". My bet is "he" doesn't exist, and this entire ordeal was crafted by Adam Schiff and the Never Trumpers they put up on display. There is no crime, no evidence of a crime, and is only a Hail Mary because they know they have no one that can beat him in an election. But McConnell will probably take a motion to dismiss, call a vote, and the whole thing goes down that fast.


I said GOP want to play like that, and also made the jury confir with the defendant, but lets ignore that due to difference between impeachment and an actual court of law procedure. Democrats don't even need the whistleblower anyway cause several first-line witnesses already gave testimony of the extortion coupled with what perhaps is the most crucial but still undisclosed smoking gun: the actual call (in transcript or not). Kinda like Nixon't tapes...

Also, (s)he is protected, exactly to stop being clearly intimidated by Trump like he already did. That adds to the abuse of power and reeks of witness intimidation.


you even stopped actually finding rebukes to my point.

I get tired of repeating myself.


I don't get tired of repeating myself, I just lose faith in you as a rational person.


GOPers talking besides the facts laid out just to shout wacky conspiracies and fanthom hoaxes.

I don't know what you're talking about... everything I have been talking about for 3 years is true.


You =/ all GOPers. I aint putting you on the stance here, I am nailing congressional republicans to it cause of their actions.

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We got what we wanted from the Horowitz Report. This never would have happened without the Steele Dossier, and this never would have happened without the FBI lying about Carter Page. We don't care about "proving" their motivation... we only care that they broke the law doing what they did. Now we need to prove how high it went... we already know it goes all the way up to Obama, we just have to prove it. That's what John Durham is doing.


What I find the most humorous is all these people talking about "The Durham Report". John Durham isn't writing a report... he's a Prosecutor. His "report" will be sending people to prison.


I'm on my second bottle of champagne today... celebrating Boris Johnson, the Conservative Party, and finalizing Brexit.

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So just more hoaxes and denials, gotcha.


Meanwhile you did get a win, seems SCOTUS is taking a hearing on Congress's subpoena's.



extra: Brexit will be entering stage 2 at februari, namely the negotiations on future agreements between UK and EU. Now that the conservatives have a very leading majority, we shall see how drastic he desires to be.

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So just more hoaxes and denials, gotcha.

There are still way too many people that continue to deny that the Obama Administration and the Hillary Clinton Campaign colluded with foreign agents and diplomats to frame an elected President... and they tried to make it all look legal.

Meanwhile you did get a win, seems SCOTUS is taking a hearing on Congress's subpoena's.

You think that's a win? The President of the USA has a thing called "Executive Privilege". The President can use this at his discretion, and it can be overruled by the Judicial Branch. That's the standard procedure, and the House Democrats think they are above the law.

Brexit will be entering stage 2 at februari

Oh... Stage 2, okay. Whatever makes the loony left in Europe feel better about it. Back to Bob Dylan... the times they are a-changin'.

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Well this is significant, and to my knowledge, has never happened. The chief judge on the FISA Court... the most secretive court on the planet... has issued an order to the FBI to publicly slam their behavior. They have until January 10 to come up with solutions.




Further proof that the FBI leadership stepped way over the line to destroy many lives, and a long list of names for John Durham.

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extra: Brexit will be entering stage 2 at februari, namely the negotiations on future agreements between UK and EU. Now that the conservatives have a very leading majority, we shall see how drastic he desires to be.

Now I really wonder how that will play out. Disregarding the myriad of trade questions, there are 2 major political hotspots that need to be dealt with: Scotland and Northern Ireland. Scotland might be the smaller problem, although still pretty difficult, but Northern Ireland has a violent recent history, and people there are not going to be happy with a reestablished border, wherever that may be.

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So just more hoaxes and denials, gotcha.

There are still way too many people that continue to deny that the Obama Administration and the Hillary Clinton Campaign colluded with foreign agents and diplomats to frame an elected President... and they tried to make it all look legal.


No inkling of such a plot has been found, unless you want to talk to Hollywood and pitch your idea (then again, you and Hollywood don't mix...).

Meanwhile Rudy, personal attorney to Trump/employee of State Department/lawyer menace at large, is openly stating all the obstructions he concocted together with Trump and the State Department. Yesterday it was about how the former US embassador to Ukraine kept 4 people from getting a visa to come to the USA to offer their evidence against Biden. Several issues: embassadors don't approve/deny visa (State Dep does, which Giuliani is on/off representing somewhow but can't make them approve his witnesses?), the 4 are currently unnamed but are bound to be russian tied and clearly Giuliani hasn't heared about the modern marvels of technology like video and the internet... Then again if you get paid half a million, you might tend to forget certain things...

The plot from the Democrats side keeps its line and gets verified whenever (like how Horowitz agrees the investigation into Trumps campaign was just) while your (and GOPs) defence keeps backtracking and moving goalposts. Almost like the Democrats are writing a Scandinavian crimi (the horror, its socialist Scandinavia!) while the Republicans are trying to outdo even Lost in meaningless and increasingly unfathomable revelations.


Meanwhile you did get a win, seems SCOTUS is taking a hearing on Congress's subpoena's.

You think that's a win? The President of the USA has a thing called "Executive Privilege". The President can use this at his discretion, and it can be overruled by the Judicial Branch. That's the standard procedure, and the House Democrats think they are above the law.


They are financial records hold by either the IRS or a third accounting firm based on his PRE-PRESIDENTIAL time. Heck, Trump started obstructing it with "executive privilege" with the anecdote that they would make him look bad. Thats right, he is fighting their release CAUSE THEY WOULD MAKE HIM LOOK BAD. And we know he is all about image, HIS image. He doesn't care about being president for America, he cares about it to put himself on a pedestal. Same reason he dislikes impeachement, not cause of the grounds, but cause they would make him look bad.

Like a murderer not wanting the police to dig up his backgarden, cause you know, skeletons and all.

Well this is significant, and to my knowledge, has never happened. The chief judge on the FISA Court... the most secretive court on the planet... has issued an order to the FBI to publicly slam their behavior. They have until January 10 to come up with solutions.


Further proof that the FBI leadership stepped way over the line to destroy many lives, and a long list of names for John Durham.

*reads link*

Says stuff about procedure and government witholding all info in FISA applications. I am not reading anything specific about Page, thats something Fox News added to it.

Remind me, which governmental agency is witholding critical info regarding possible bribery, extortion and related charges? The FISA guys can shake the tree all they want (the entire thing is exactly like Snowden showed the world, a massive US-spy-US type deal, do you approve of Snowden now?) but the inferred issues seem alot like kettles blaming pots being black.

Also found this gem , Trump is just the guy that keeps on giving...



Brexit will be entering stage 2 at februari

Oh... Stage 2, okay. Whatever makes the loony left in Europe feel better about it. Back to Bob Dylan... the times they are a-changin'.


Yeah, stage 2, kinda like stage 1 being the divorce and stage 2 being what to do with the kids. Also kind of the clean-up part of brexit, looking for what the actual future relationship will be.


extra: Brexit will be entering stage 2 at februari, namely the negotiations on future agreements between UK and EU. Now that the conservatives have a very leading majority, we shall see how drastic he desires to be.

Now I really wonder how that will play out. Disregarding the myriad of trade questions, there are 2 major political hotspots that need to be dealt with: Scotland and Northern Ireland. Scotland might be the smaller problem, although still pretty difficult, but Northern Ireland has a violent recent history, and people there are not going to be happy with a reestablished border, wherever that may be.


Northern Ireland is actually already cleared, especially now that the DUP isn't required for a majority (that had May in a bind). NI will be outside the future UK trading zone, basically attaching them to Ireland proper and putting the costums border in the Irish Sea. This arrangement will be a 4-year, easy renewal/easy removal, type deal.

Now Scotland, thats another can of worms. Boris doesn't want another referendum, something about a "once in a generation vote" type deal, and basically already veto'd it over the phone. Issue being that the last one was BEFORE the entire brexit debacle, as such some of the people do consider it needed for a re-run. Easiest would be a referendum (whetever endorsed by England or not) in 2-ish years when Scotland has local elections.

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No inkling of such a plot has been found

Then you have not been paying attention. Horowitz couldn't nail down why the FBI left out exculpatory information, included bullshit information, and outright lied to get their warrant, and then did it all over and over again for several renewals. It's either gross incompetence, or it was done intentionally... which explanation is best when you're talking about the Federal Bureau of Investigation?

Meanwhile Rudy

Has nothing to do with what the FBI did. Trump will not be removed from office, and will be reelected unless things change.

They are financial records hold by either the IRS or a third accounting firm based on his PRE-PRESIDENTIAL time.

...and every American has the same right to privacy. Name the crime, present probable cause, and then prove the case.

Other than that... leave the guy alone.

Heck, Trump started obstructing it with "executive privilege"

Exectutive Privilege is not obstructing. Take it to court and get a ruling for him to turn it over... then if he refuses, it's then obstruction.

He doesn't care about being president for America, he cares about it to put himself on a pedestal.

That's your opinion. The USA has never been better than it is right now... it's not my opinion, that's fact.

Like a murderer not wanting the police to dig up his backgarden, cause you know, skeletons and all.

You still need a crime, probable cause, and a warrant.

No one can just come into my backyard and start digging because they don't like me.

I am not reading anything specific about Page, thats something Fox News added to it.

Are you losing your mind? The FISA warrant was issued against Carter Page.

Remind me, which governmental agency is witholding critical info regarding possible bribery, extortion and related charges?

False accusations. The evidence does not support those charges.

If it did, then Schiff and Nadler would have included them in the impeachment.

do you approve of Snowden now?

I always have. I disapproved of how he handled his situation. He should have gone to Rand Paul and testified on the Senate floor.

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No inkling of such a plot has been found

Then you have not been paying attention. Horowitz couldn't nail down why the FBI left out exculpatory information, included bullshit information, and outright lied to get their warrant, and then did it all over and over again for several renewals. It's either gross incompetence, or it was done intentionally... which explanation is best when you're talking about the Federal Bureau of Investigation?


I dunno, "cops being cops"? You fellows have a lofty history about such things >_>


Still nothing intentional nor bias was found.


Meanwhile Rudy

Has nothing to do with what the FBI did. Trump will not be removed from office, and will be reelected unless things change.


And I am not linking Rudy to the FBI/FISA shenanigans. It isn't cause YOUR hoax is 1 big web of lies that the actual wrongdoings of camp-Trump all fall under 1 order.


They are financial records hold by either the IRS or a third accounting firm based on his PRE-PRESIDENTIAL time.

...and every American has the same right to privacy. Name the crime, present probable cause, and then prove the case.
Other than that... leave the guy alone.


Congress can subpoena records and the IRS shall provide them. That is the law being fought over. And if besides that you still can't pinpoint the many financial discrepencies already noticed in Trumps inner-circle, you shall be nominated a lost cause. Guess the Trump Foundation fiasco is brand new info to you aswell...


Heck, Trump started obstructing it with "executive privilege"

Exectutive Privilege is not obstructing. Take it to court and get a ruling for him to turn it over... then if he refuses, it's then obstruction.


They took it to court, multiple times on multiple cases. ALL WENT IN FAVOUR OF CONGRESS!

Sure Trump may go thruw a higher court at every stage, but at some time you got to wonder if he isn't just running down the clock (like he has done multiple times in the past with his various failed dealings).


He doesn't care about being president for America, he cares about it to put himself on a pedestal.

That's your opinion. The USA has never been better than it is right now... it's not my opinion, that's fact.


Trump got laughed at in the UN. And while I understand you don't give a rats ass about the UN, it is the center of international cooperation and bonds. Trump and by extention the GOP has shown to be an unreliable partner on the world stage for over 2 years now.

Domestic you guys are slipping further and further into neo-liberalism (yeah, I mean the international definition) with more working poor every day. The American Dream has truely become a dream.


Like a murderer not wanting the police to dig up his backgarden, cause you know, skeletons and all.

You still need a crime, probable cause, and a warrant.
No one can just come into my backyard and start digging because they don't like me.


Not Congress, or did you forget the entire Benghazi fiasco's. All of them.


I am not reading anything specific about Page, thats something Fox News added to it.

Are you losing your mind? The FISA warrant was issued against Carter Page.


Yeah the FISA court doesn't mention a thing about Page. It is remarking about the entire procedure.


Remind me, which governmental agency is witholding critical info regarding possible bribery, extortion and related charges?

False accusations. The evidence does not support those charges.
If it did, then Schiff and Nadler would have included them in the impeachment.


All testimony thusfar brought forward has shown actions from Trump and consorts acting out attempted extortion and bribery to obtain illicit dirt on a future political adversary. Fuck even the memorandum of the call (not the transcript!) was damning and that has obviously been prettied up (Trump hasn't shown such level of speech in some years). Hence article 2 is about obstruction, the keeping of records and restricting the testimony's of other key figures to the actual call or related shenanigans

And parts were included, they are rounded up into the "Abuse of power" article. All the others are still dangling in limbo cause some subpoena's and legal challanges are still ongoing. If you think it will end with just 2 articles, I got another chemical plant to sell you.


do you approve of Snowden now?

I always have. I disapproved of how he handled his situation. He should have gone to Rand Paul and testified on the Senate floor.


Rand Paul he, the would-be libertarian turned into rabbid Trump supporter that eve goes to Russia to hand deliver his messages. Yeah that guy would have helped Snowden when he came out but current Paul is every bit the yes-man as the rest of the GOP has devolved in.

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Still nothing intentional nor bias was found.

Wrong. They found truckloads of bias. Horowitz just can't prove within his limited scope that anything was done because of bias. John Durham is not held to such limitations.

Congress can subpoena records and the IRS shall provide them.

Congress can subpoena records, and the IRS shall provide them, for purposes of legislation... which is their job. What law are they trying to craft that requires the signature of the President to become law?

They took it to court, multiple times on multiple cases. ALL WENT IN FAVOUR OF CONGRESS!

Wrong. They wanted members of Trumps cabinet to testify, and they wanted all the records. Trump gave them the finger and took it to the Supreme Court himself. They have agreed to hear the case, so the Obstruction of Congress charge does not exist.

Trump got laughed at in the UN.

Who has the loudest laugh?

Not Congress, or did you forget the entire Benghazi fiasco's. All of them.

So you're saying Congress is above the law? So you're saying "the entire Benghazi fiasco" was caused by a video?

Yeah the FISA court doesn't mention a thing about Page. It is remarking about the entire procedure.

The chief judge of the FISC ordered the FBI to submit solutions by January 10th because of the Horowitz investigation. Are you really trying to make a point because the judge didn't call out names? Plus it looks like the judge sent out another directive.


All testimony thusfar brought forward has shown actions from Trump and consorts acting out attempted extortion and bribery to obtain illicit dirt on a future political adversary.

That should say... "All testimony brought forward so far has been bias, opinion, or presumption". There is no chance Trump is removed from office. They know this already... that's why Nancy won't let that burning bag of shit go over to the Senate.


John Durham has hit pay dirt now.


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Still nothing intentional nor bias was found.

Wrong. They found truckloads of bias. Horowitz just can't prove within his limited scope that anything was done because of bias. John Durham is not held to such limitations.

Echo chamber is calling, it wants to know how you can keep repeating such lines without bursting to flames.


Congress can subpoena records and the IRS shall provide them.

Congress can subpoena records, and the IRS shall provide them, for purposes of legislation... which is their job. What law are they trying to craft that requires the signature of the President to become law?


I aint crafting anything, btw the "for purposes of legislation" was added by Mnuchin to be the sole reason why such a request would be furnished. HE IS WRONG! While I could link you to some evil CNN link, which you will dismiss, I shall also furnish you with other light reading, namely the actual law ((f)(1), about 1/5th of the page) as presently on the rolls AND the origin of said law, a law which was passed in 1924 (page 41) in part because of Teapot Dome scandal.

So yes, this is yet another stonewalling of congress which can be viewed as obstruction of congress.


They took it to court, multiple times on multiple cases. ALL WENT IN FAVOUR OF CONGRESS!

Wrong. They wanted members of Trumps cabinet to testify, and they wanted all the records. Trump gave them the finger and took it to the Supreme Court himself. They have agreed to hear the case, so the Obstruction of Congress charge does not exist.


They wanted relevant information, evidence of whatever has actually happended. You know, investigating something and looking up facts, that kind of deal. Thusfar every court has ruled in favour of Congress. Trump has not enacted the final straw he has, SCOTUS. This in no way throws out the impeachments he already has booked against him. Heck I find it hilarious that you don't mind Trump doing it but you would probably be up your high horse when Obama tried it.

Impeachement =/= criminal procedure. Heck they can trial someone for whatever made up rule if they even want, as long as they view it as being tied to treason for example.


Trump got laughed at in the UN.

Who has the loudest laugh?


I dunno, I don't know the +200 people representing nations that sit at such a UN gathering.

Atleast we can stll laugh, it is a good metod of digesting Trumps shenanigans. Like this tidbit that just screems competence... And yes that is what an actual transpcript looks like >_>


Not Congress, or did you forget the entire Benghazi fiasco's. All of them.

So you're saying Congress is above the law? So you're saying "the entire Benghazi fiasco" was caused by a video?


Congress is partially besides the law, I have no desire to even try and explain your nation's Constitution and how it deals with seperation of powers to you. Didn't you guys pride yourself in how much national history and constitutional knowledge you instill in your youth?

I was merely noting that Congress doesn't need alot to start an investigation, and following Benghazi seemingly nothing to keep revisiting it ad nauseam.


Yeah the FISA court doesn't mention a thing about Page. It is remarking about the entire procedure.

The chief judge of the FISC ordered the FBI to submit solutions by January 10th because of the Horowitz investigation. Are you really trying to make a point because the judge didn't call out names? Plus it looks like the judge sent out another directive.


Judiciary overview, okay.


All testimony thusfar brought forward has shown actions from Trump and consorts acting out attempted extortion and bribery to obtain illicit dirt on a future political adversary.

That should say... "All testimony brought forward so far has been bias, opinion, or presumption". There is no chance Trump is removed from office. They know this already... that's why Nancy won't let that burning bag of shit go over to the Senate.

John Durham has hit pay dirt now.


See first reply, echo chamber and such.

Yeah the senate probably won't remove Trump. If that is because of factual evidence currently and possibly found in the future OR cause they got their nose so far up eachothers assholes you can't make out who's who is another matter.

Further oversight is good, I am not complaining about that...

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The last thing I want to do on New Years Day is talk US politics with a European.


You don't like our President because he's not a Globalist. He doesn't toe the line with European leaders, or international organizations. He refuses to surrender the wealth of the USA for international interests. He recognizes Israel as a sovereign nation. He does not believe climate change is an "existential" threat, and is well aware that the issue is only an attempt by Globalists to control the entire planet. He understands borders, why they exist, and stops at nothing to protect the American people. He is in rock solid support with the British on their desire to leave the European Union. Donald J. Trump... President of the United States... is a Nationalist, and so am I.


This is why you hate him. There are many that actually live here that hate him as much as you do. They are hard at work, every minute, of every single day, to remove him from office. They will fail... and we will reelect him in November. Most of us here really love our country, and over time, usually correct our mistakes. Trump is one of those corrections. Sorry if you don't like it.

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Well we are roughly 3 weeks further, how's it going? :D


I once again see a couple of denominations that are both overblown AND used wrongly. And here I am supposedly against Trump cause I adhere to these "denominations" I guess...


Lets see if I can reply to them all:

globalists are capitalists, then again you guys are running a protectionistic front currently

american's never "toed the line" of europe, mainly cause it is the other way around >_>

he refuses to surrender his (supposed) wealth, and as for your nations wealth, well, hows that deficit...

climate change will not be the death of mankind, it will however severly change human society and life

"attempting to control the world", sounds imperialistic like USA...

Borders? Captain Sharpy? really? kay

He is mildly supportive towards Brexit and midly throwing them under the bus about a possible trade deal

You may be a nationalist, but he sure aint. Also unsure if you could call avid supporters nationalists, I more think along the line of authoritarians.


And lastly, I don't hate anyone. Heck at best Trump enlists a slight feeling of schadenfreude.

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Please, do not lie to me.


If Trump ran as a Democrat, raised taxes to 70%, supported a ban on "assault" rifles, refused to enforce immigration law, signed on to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, funded NATO, funded the UN and said "whatever you guys want to do", force Israel into a "two state solution", endorse the Paris Climate Accord and push us into a "cap and trade" scheme, refuse to enforce abortion law, carve out a spot for gays in affirmative action, enslave the US population into a disastrous universal healthcare system, nominate Barack Obama to the Supreme Court, and repealed the US Constitution... then you wouldn't care how many hotels he owns, how many lawyers he has, how many Russians he talks to, how many tweets he pokes out in a day, or how many porn stars he diddled back in the day.


You simply would not care... as a matter of fact... you would fully support him if that were the case.

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I do not support a 70% tax rate.

I would support a ban on "assault" rifles but acknowledge this should be gradual and step-wise.

Laws should be enforced.

Most trade pacts are sporadicly good for the larger party, usually disasterous for the smaller. You guys problem is less about trading and more about "CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP!!!"

everyone is funding NATO...

You guys are stll funding the UN...

well you guys are slipping on the soft-power side, which means more foreign deployed troops, shocker :o

I am personally more for sending Belgian governmental workers to install our way, no deaths due to political standstill :D, also hows Kushner? :D

yeah Paris Accords o/

"cap and trade" is largly bullshit, at best it should just aid the party who can "trade"

who isn't enforcing abortion laws? I am all for end-dates and such. Perhaps up flanking programs so the actual abortion doesn't come up in the first place

mostly meh on affirmative action, then again some scream about it when it is just anti-discrimination laws

same as with gun-control, only slow and step-wise. Also Trump/Republicans want to ditch pre-existing protection, Trump/twitter want to keep it. I would suggest psychiatric aid for the split-personality, hope it aint to expensive.

nope, nope and no. This a scary story told by Republicans to their kids before bedtime?

Says the guy who would want to sue anyone and so scrap the 1st amendment.



Heck I would be plenty critical about a democratic president. I just would be critical on the "american mentality" they would display. Currently I am more critical on the mindless zealotry displayed...

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What I meant about funding the UN and NATO, was funding them entirely. You wouldn't have a problem at all if we paid for it all... more likely because of the Socialist mentality, you probably believe it's our responsibility to pay for it all. If it were up to me, I would kick those self serving snowflake diplomats so far out of New York City they could wade ashore back where they came from. NATO needs to be dissolved because it's lost it's meaning, and forgotten why it was created.


Too many of our Presidents have tied us to horrible policies, agreements, and treaties, simply for the sake of adding an accomplishment into their vanity libraries. Long after they are dead, us, and our children, are the ones that have to pay for their stupidity. It all began when idiots started to create loopholes to get around our Constitution, and ignore the Bill of Rights.


You are in Belgium, which means I don't care how you run your country, or how you feel about how we run ours. You hate our President because he does not support the Globalist/Socialist agenda. If he did... you wouldn't have a problem with him at all.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Fired and escorted off White House grounds... Well... Bye.


Edit: Let's not forget Gordon Sondland. They're cleaning house. "You're Fired!"


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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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There is nothing more telling than a "new rule" that drops during an investigation.


Attorney General William Barr has now issued an order that requires the FBI to obtain written approval by the Attorney General before any inquiry or investigation is launched on a Presidential Candidate. This means that John Durham is running into Obama officials that are all pointing their fingers at others while crying that they didn't do it, they didn't know anything about it, and probably trying to lay the whole thing on James Comey. What a serious bunch of assholes. I hope they all go to jail.



Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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    IRON King/Queen of Spam!!!

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What I meant about funding the UN and NATO, was funding them entirely. You wouldn't have a problem at all if we paid for it all... more likely because of the Socialist mentality, you probably believe it's our responsibility to pay for it all. If it were up to me, I would kick those self serving snowflake diplomats so far out of New York City they could wade ashore back where they came from. NATO needs to be dissolved because it's lost it's meaning, and forgotten why it was created.

Actually it is a Capitalist mentallity to have someone else pay for it all.

Guess you seriously don't understand what UN or NATO are. They are the soft- en hard-power projections of the USA towards the world. You sound like you want to abolish the State Department. No wait, you probably want that...

Too many of our Presidents have tied us to horrible policies, agreements, and treaties, simply for the sake of adding an accomplishment into their vanity libraries. Long after they are dead, us, and our children, are the ones that have to pay for their stupidity. It all began when idiots started to create loopholes to get around our Constitution, and ignore the Bill of Rights.

This coming from the person approving of the President who tore up NAFTA only to have it basically carbon copied into the USMCA just so he could have his name on it (and he sold it by putting "US" first on the name...).

*basically: yeah, you could have easily just negotiated the tiny adjustments done, whom were mostly normal overhauls you'd expect for a treaty every X years.

You are in Belgium, which means I don't care how you run your country, or how you feel about how we run ours. You hate our President because he does not support the Globalist/Socialist agenda. If he did... you wouldn't have a problem with him at all.

You can't simultaneous shout about being the biggest, badest, most powerfull nation in the world and be expected that nobody else cares what happens in your nation.

Again basic mischaracterization and name-calling cause you think you need an enemy. No hate involved.

Fired and escorted off White House grounds... Well... Bye.

Edit: Let's not forget Gordon Sondland. They're cleaning house. "You're Fired!"

The guy wasn't even the whistleblower, he was subpoenad to come testify and did so honourably. Heck he hardly even incriminated Trump or his possy, his testimony was luke-warm at best.

What is your take on his broter getting thrown out aswell? Are WH staff scared of twins swabbing for eachother? Is this an Olsen movie?

Meh on Sondland, he was a donor ambassador. Funny note on Sondland, people be wondering if he would get his art back he loaned the White House >_>

There is nothing more telling than a "new rule" that drops during an investigation.

Attorney General William Barr has now issued an order that requires the FBI to obtain written approval by the Attorney General before any inquiry or investigation is launched on a Presidential Candidate. This means that John Durham is running into Obama officials that are all pointing their fingers at others while crying that they didn't do it, they didn't know anything about it, and probably trying to lay the whole thing on James Comey. What a serious bunch of assholes. I hope they all go to jail.


You do know that such an approval was already instated before right? How this absolves Trump in retrospect also mystifies me, he still is a co-conspirator on a couple of cases (some public, some black-lined) and only "protected" due to that OLC ruling.

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What is your take on his broter getting thrown out aswell? Are WH staff scared of twins swabbing for eachother? Is this an Olsen movie?

The real answer is they were working together to achieve the same goal... but I would like to think that it falls in line with an extremely famous American come back known as "Fuck you, and anybody who looks like you!"

Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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