You actualy need non-rabid Trump fans to sift thruw his affairs, its called acountability.
There were no rabid Trump fans on the Mueller team... that covers the accountability part. There was only Trump haters on the Mueller team... that amounts to a witch hunt. I would have accepted Jeff Sessions choosing the investigators... the one who recused himself.
And here I thougt Republicans didn't like POTUS overreach?
There was no overreach. Everything Trump did, he was constitutionally obliged to do.
Seems nobody is actualy a fan of Trump, or atleast not loyal enough to the man himself to commit obstructions or other illegalities on his behalf (and we know Trump has no spine to do it himself).
Trump had the spine to fire Comey. Trump had the spine to enforce de-regulations. Trump had the spine to leave the Paris Climate Accords. Trump had the spine to decimate ISIS. Trump had the spine to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Trump had the spine to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Trump had the spine to leave the Iran nuclear deal. Do I need to go on? Trump does not lack any degree of spine... and legally speaking, everything you reference is considered hearsay in a court of law. Uncorroborated testimony is only one persons version of events. In my opinion, he's been the best President in my lifetime at least.
Yes the FBI director is POTUS to assign (but not confirm, that is Senate) and is POTUS to dismiss.
Wow... you're a genius. Thank you for confirming that Comey, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and Barr, are all subject to Presidential termination, for any, or no reason, whatsoever.
Thing is the mere smell of obstructionism was firmly in place after Trump was praising himself for "getting rid of that Russia business".
The smell of obstructionism? So what? Big deal! The Mueller investigation is over. Done. Finished.
You guys went banana's when Clinton was on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch but this whole ordeal and proven (read Mueller report) obstruction attempts is fine?
Clinton committed provable crimes. Destruction of Federal evidence under subpoena was just one small piece. Trump was accused of treason... it was proven to be totally false. The only people that care about how he acted during this false investigation, are the people that wanted to use it to remove Trump from office. It didn't work... and it's over.
No Trump could not fire Mueller.
Wrong. Mueller worked under the Executive Branch, and Trump can fire anyone. That is why congressional Democrats were trying desperately to push through some kind of legislation to protect Mueller. It failed. Mueller was never fired, and it's over.
Heck, some theory even has it that Barr eventually caved in
Pretty sure Barr only wants to end the practice of politicians using the DOJ as a weapon against their political opponents.
(or rather tried scoring brownie points with Trump by becoming his Robert Bork)
Barr doesn't need "brownie points" from anyone. After his tenure he will go quietly back into retirement.
by actually shutting down the investigation. The investigation wasn't done yet and even some lines in the report show signs of a premature ending (lose ends, many case-loads that had to be shipped to DOJ, Roger Stone just indicted, ...). What is actually true of that I am not sure, but darn this whole ordeal is fishy and Barr isn't showing any signs of airing it out.
IT WAS A FALSE ACCUSATION! The investigation never should have taken place. It went on far too long, and did not end soon enough.
Sure defend, within the law.
If I was in his place, I would have fired everyone, and challenged Congress to impeach. Accuse me of treason? That carries the death penalty, if you didn't know. In my opinion, he didn't go far enough defending himself. "Within the law"... that cracks me up. It must have been all within the law to exonerate Clinton when everyone knows she broke a multitude of laws, and then launch a false investigation on the Trump Campaign based on opposition research, and attempt to frame them for conspiracy with a foreign government, and then try to charge Trump with obstruction for fighting back.
I'm tired of repeating myself. The Mueller investigation is over. No treason. No conspiracy. No collusion. No obstruction. Now we will investigate the investigators, and see what happens. You hate Trump... great... don't vote for him... oh wait a second... you can't even vote for someone else... you're in Belgium! Go figure.