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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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You actualy need non-rabid Trump fans to sift thruw his affairs, its called acountability.

There were no rabid Trump fans on the Mueller team... that covers the accountability part. There was only Trump haters on the Mueller team... that amounts to a witch hunt. I would have accepted Jeff Sessions choosing the investigators... the one who recused himself.

And here I thougt Republicans didn't like POTUS overreach?

There was no overreach. Everything Trump did, he was constitutionally obliged to do.

Seems nobody is actualy a fan of Trump, or atleast not loyal enough to the man himself to commit obstructions or other illegalities on his behalf (and we know Trump has no spine to do it himself).

Trump had the spine to fire Comey. Trump had the spine to enforce de-regulations. Trump had the spine to leave the Paris Climate Accords. Trump had the spine to decimate ISIS. Trump had the spine to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Trump had the spine to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Trump had the spine to leave the Iran nuclear deal. Do I need to go on? Trump does not lack any degree of spine... and legally speaking, everything you reference is considered hearsay in a court of law. Uncorroborated testimony is only one persons version of events. In my opinion, he's been the best President in my lifetime at least.

Yes the FBI director is POTUS to assign (but not confirm, that is Senate) and is POTUS to dismiss.

Wow... you're a genius. Thank you for confirming that Comey, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and Barr, are all subject to Presidential termination, for any, or no reason, whatsoever.

Thing is the mere smell of obstructionism was firmly in place after Trump was praising himself for "getting rid of that Russia business".

The smell of obstructionism? So what? Big deal! The Mueller investigation is over. Done. Finished.

You guys went banana's when Clinton was on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch but this whole ordeal and proven (read Mueller report) obstruction attempts is fine?

Clinton committed provable crimes. Destruction of Federal evidence under subpoena was just one small piece. Trump was accused of treason... it was proven to be totally false. The only people that care about how he acted during this false investigation, are the people that wanted to use it to remove Trump from office. It didn't work... and it's over.

No Trump could not fire Mueller.

Wrong. Mueller worked under the Executive Branch, and Trump can fire anyone. That is why congressional Democrats were trying desperately to push through some kind of legislation to protect Mueller. It failed. Mueller was never fired, and it's over.

Heck, some theory even has it that Barr eventually caved in

Pretty sure Barr only wants to end the practice of politicians using the DOJ as a weapon against their political opponents.

(or rather tried scoring brownie points with Trump by becoming his Robert Bork)

Barr doesn't need "brownie points" from anyone. After his tenure he will go quietly back into retirement.

by actually shutting down the investigation. The investigation wasn't done yet and even some lines in the report show signs of a premature ending (lose ends, many case-loads that had to be shipped to DOJ, Roger Stone just indicted, ...). What is actually true of that I am not sure, but darn this whole ordeal is fishy and Barr isn't showing any signs of airing it out.

IT WAS A FALSE ACCUSATION! The investigation never should have taken place. It went on far too long, and did not end soon enough.

Sure defend, within the law.

If I was in his place, I would have fired everyone, and challenged Congress to impeach. Accuse me of treason? That carries the death penalty, if you didn't know. In my opinion, he didn't go far enough defending himself. "Within the law"... that cracks me up. It must have been all within the law to exonerate Clinton when everyone knows she broke a multitude of laws, and then launch a false investigation on the Trump Campaign based on opposition research, and attempt to frame them for conspiracy with a foreign government, and then try to charge Trump with obstruction for fighting back.


I'm tired of repeating myself. The Mueller investigation is over. No treason. No conspiracy. No collusion. No obstruction. Now we will investigate the investigators, and see what happens. You hate Trump... great... don't vote for him... oh wait a second... you can't even vote for someone else... you're in Belgium! Go figure.

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Okay here it comes... the spin machine. The New York Times, posting their story on MSN... a big red flag right there... begins a spin campaign because they are obviously trying to help their side get ahead of what's coming. It's not gonna help... and it only confirms what we already know. I don't think the real investigators will look too kindly on this. Also, they are trying to spin when it started... it didn't start with Papadopoulos... it started with Carter Page.


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You actualy need non-rabid Trump fans to sift thruw his affairs, its called acountability.

There were no rabid Trump fans on the Mueller team... that covers the accountability part. There was only Trump haters on the Mueller team... that amounts to a witch hunt. I would have accepted Jeff Sessions choosing the investigators... the one who recused himself.

So now we are attacking Mueller and his team, likely the only people in this entire ordeal that worked not only by the book/law but also with complete integrity.


Yeah, lets throw some more FBI personel under the bus, I hear the "law & order" party just loves them law and order...


And here I thougt Republicans didn't like POTUS overreach?

There was no overreach. Everything Trump did, he was constitutionally obliged to do.


Constitution obliges a President to fire his FBI boss cause he hurt his ego? It obliges him from trying to obstruct a federal investigation which was legally started and maintained? It obliges him to be what he is?


And here I thought you guys thought highly off your Constitution.


Seems nobody is actualy a fan of Trump, or atleast not loyal enough to the man himself to commit obstructions or other illegalities on his behalf (and we know Trump has no spine to do it himself).

Trump had the spine to fire Comey. Trump had the spine to enforce de-regulations. Trump had the spine to leave the Paris Climate Accords. Trump had the spine to decimate ISIS. Trump had the spine to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Trump had the spine to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory. Trump had the spine to leave the Iran nuclear deal. Do I need to go on? Trump does not lack any degree of spine... and legally speaking, everything you reference is considered hearsay in a court of law. Uncorroborated testimony is only one persons version of events. In my opinion, he's been the best President in my lifetime at least.


- Fired Comey cause of the "Russia Hoax" and not bending to his will regarding investigations both surrounding Trump and Russia. Yeah, much spine, so much spine he had to fire him when he was across the nation.

- De-regulations and tariff's, a mixed bag, a financial pitfall aswell.

- You can only get out Aug 4 2020 at the earliest, so not only are you guys still "in" but that whole stunt was the first in a series of foreign office stunts that both blindsided the state department and the start of the downfall of international goodwill towards the US.

- Trump did nothing in regards to ISIS, no strategy change, no significant troop deployment/shift, nothing. At best he tomahawk'd some Syrian planes, and I don't think that counts (even if you get to smirk about it to the PM of Japan).

- And just made peace in the Middle East that much harder, or does he not want Kushner to succeed (apart from his dozen other duties...)

- Iran deal worked, is working, and shall keep working even without the US. Add this to the serie about making US a joke on the international stage.

-- Yes go on, please. Perhaps speak about that "clean coal" he so likes, ...


He has no spine, but he has an ego to stroke. Having a leader with some high self-esteem is pretty much mandated, but atleast most know they serve a common (in this case the US people) front, haven't seen Trump try that once. He can't even stop speaking about himself, neither in the first OR the third person.


You talk about my hearsay, while your own opinion is just that much aswell >_>


Yes the FBI director is POTUS to assign (but not confirm, that is Senate) and is POTUS to dismiss.

Wow... you're a genius. Thank you for confirming that Comey, Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller, and Barr, are all subject to Presidential termination, for any, or no reason, whatsoever.

And that is a no to Mueller in his capacity of Special Counsel. Reasons don't need to be given, but he sure likes to give his reasons that sound awfully obstructionistical.


Thing is the mere smell of obstructionism was firmly in place after Trump was praising himself for "getting rid of that Russia business".

The smell of obstructionism? So what? Big deal! The Mueller investigation is over. Done. Finished.

His rapport his out, his indictments and other still hidden procedures continue to roll on, both under DOJ care as in other levels of law enforcement.


His findings are out there and are being digested by your Congress, as envisioned by Mueller and so stated in his rapport.


You guys went banana's when Clinton was on the tarmac with Loretta Lynch but this whole ordeal and proven (read Mueller report) obstruction attempts is fine?

Clinton committed provable crimes. Destruction of Federal evidence under subpoena was just one small piece. Trump was accused of treason... it was proven to be totally false. The only people that care about how he acted during this false investigation, are the people that wanted to use it to remove Trump from office. It didn't work... and it's over.

Treason was and is still a GOP word used to diminish the evidence and crimes perpetrated under both the Trump campaign, transition and government. Stop yelling about their not being a dead baby while the entire pediatric ward is filled with dozens of seriously injured kids.


No Trump could not fire Mueller.

Wrong. Mueller worked under the Executive Branch, and Trump can fire anyone. That is why congressional Democrats were trying desperately to push through some kind of legislation to protect Mueller. It failed. Mueller was never fired, and it's over.

Keeping shouting that the Earth is flat doesn't make it so, even if at close inspection your spirit level might indicate it is. Once again, Mueller was protected from POTUS specifically cause a Secial Council is meant to be seperate from it.


I know the GOP likes to stick insiders on their key oversight positions (how many ex-lobbyst are currently in his gov?) but that doesn't mean it is the right thing.


Heck, some theory even has it that Barr eventually caved in

Pretty sure Barr only wants to end the practice of politicians using the DOJ as a weapon against their political opponents.

That would be nice of him then, if only the WH would follow such an idea aswell.


Also, get Devin to lay of his e-cow and e-mom then :D


(or rather tried scoring brownie points with Trump by becoming his Robert Bork)

Barr doesn't need "brownie points" from anyone. After his tenure he will go quietly back into retirement.

His audition speaks otherwise, let alone for instance the various lobby lawyers he is appointing internally in the DOJ to oversee the very sectors they previously lobbyed for.


by actually shutting down the investigation. The investigation wasn't done yet and even some lines in the report show signs of a premature ending (lose ends, many case-loads that had to be shipped to DOJ, Roger Stone just indicted, ...). What is actually true of that I am not sure, but darn this whole ordeal is fishy and Barr isn't showing any signs of airing it out.

IT WAS A FALSE ACCUSATION! The investigation never should have taken place. It went on far too long, and did not end soon enough.

No exhoneration.


Sure defend, within the law.

If I was in his place, I would have fired everyone, and challenged Congress to impeach. Accuse me of treason? That carries the death penalty, if you didn't know. In my opinion, he didn't go far enough defending himself. "Within the law"... that cracks me up. It must have been all within the law to exonerate Clinton when everyone knows she broke a multitude of laws, and then launch a false investigation on the Trump Campaign based on opposition research, and attempt to frame them for conspiracy with a foreign government, and then try to charge Trump with obstruction for fighting back.

I'm tired of repeating myself. The Mueller investigation is over. No treason. No conspiracy. No collusion. No obstruction. Now we will investigate the investigators, and see what happens. You hate Trump... great... don't vote for him... oh wait a second... you can't even vote for someone else... you're in Belgium! Go figure.


Treason was never laid down nor investigated, stop daggling it infront of your face so you can actually see everything else that happended.


No exhoneration.


Once again, the US is a world power, or is my mere voice of opinion about him suddenly hurting you? >_>

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Sounds like a bunch of sour grapes from a European Socialist. The Mueller investigation is over, and the only hope the Democrats have right now is make as much noise as they possibly can to discredit William Barr in the eyes of the American people. They are acting like a bunch of scared little girls. Still crying about redactions, when only 2 Congressmen have gone to read the entire report... and they were Republicans. So they are not interested in knowing, they are only interested in manufacturing more anger and confusion.


They have one more card to play... they can push for impeachment. Please... I really want them to do it because it would be so much fun to see them utterly crushed once again. They know what's coming, and we're all gonna be drowning in fake news about how spying on the Trump campaign was totally on the level, and absolutely necessary for our national security. What a bunch of bullshit.

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The deep state


I hope you have your tin foil hat on at all times.


The investigation was created, executed, and led by Trump haters. They bullied Sessions into recusing so they could control it.


Lets say it was led by Trump haters, that doesn't mean that it wasn't justified.


You mean more people in California voted for Hillary. That means our election system worked perfectly, and as intended.


When more people vote for one candidate and the other one wins that means the system is broken. 


t's funny because they badgered Trump to declare that he would accept the election results, and when he wouldn't submit to their bullying, they badgered him until election day... then when they lost, they wouldn't accept the election results. What is Trump gonna do to "fix" an election system that was created by the founders and enshrined in the Constitution? The only people that think it's broken are the ones who lost. I like the Electoral College... I don't want California electing the President. If you want it changed, put forth that amendment and see if you can get two-thirds of the states to ratify. Other than that... you're whining.


Yep I am whining that apparently people like you think that a system that was seen as flawed even back when it was made is still here with no improvements. When you can win the election by having less than 10% of the population voting for you and literally the other 90% voting against you then that is not Democracy.  



"If you like your healthcare plan... you can keep your healthcare plan" "I heard about it the same time you guys did... from the news reports" "I did not have sexual relations with that woman... Miss Lewinsky" "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" "Read my lips... No New Taxes" That's just a few off the top of my head. Some of their lies have been more damaging than others, but they all lie.   If you want to keep believing the collusion delusion, go right ahead. When the IG report comes out, and if Barr says they could not find any wrong doing, or anything improper, done by Federal agencies in the course of the investigation... I will be the first here to say I was wrong... but I don't think that's gonna happen. Impeachment would be a hysterical show. The first President to ever be impeached because he won an election... yeah that's rich.


I feel like I am watching Fox news. Are you just trolling me at this point? 

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Sounds like a bunch of sour grapes from an American Socialist.

I hope you have your tin foil hat on at all times.

LOL! Keep it up buddy, you still have plenty of room to look even more stupid. It's been the liberal media that's been lying to you for over two years now. We now have the Attorney General of the United States declaring in a public Congressional hearing that the Obama Administration was spying on the Trump campaign during an election. Nothing justifies that. We shall wait for the investigation to conclude, just like we waited for Mueller's shit show. Something tells me it's not gonna take as long.

When you can win the election by having less than 10% of the population voting for you and literally the other 90% voting against you then that is not Democracy.

I remember the first time I drank too much... you need to go back to school with proper teachers. I'll say it slow so you can understand.... we are not a Democracy... we are a Republic.

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aaaah, the "socialist" insult, how '40-50s. Also the "we are republic, not democracy" falacy. 1 is a system of governance, the other a system of elective enforcement. They are not mutually eclusive (for instance France is a democratic republic).


And yes, how dare the FBI run a counter-intelligence operation on a presidential candidate with many red flags about possible foreign influence.


Which brings me to the slightly funny thought I had: Democrats are hypocrites for being against foreign influence in an election seeing the US does that in spaces. Republicans just don't seem to care when it happens in their favour :D


Meanwhile POTUS is following the growing trend of (far)-right advocates to propogate "the truth" that facebook/twitter/... fall under the 1st amendment, while at the same time keep stating that his personal twitter is private and he can block people from viewing it.

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I remember the first time I drank too much... you need to go back to school with proper teachers. I'll say it slow so you can understand.... we are not a Democracy... we are a Republic.


We are both a Republic and a Democracy. Democratic republic


LOL! Keep it up buddy, you still have plenty of room to look even more stupid. It's been the liberal media that's been lying to you for over two years now. We now have the Attorney General of the United States declaring in a public Congressional hearing that the Obama Administration was spying on the Trump campaign during an election. Nothing justifies that. We shall wait for the investigation to conclude, just like we waited for Mueller's shit show. Something tells me it's not gonna take as long.


Dude you don't believe that Trump and Barr are liars despite video evidence and I am the one who is looking stupid? Seriously you aren't stupid but you are doing a damn good job pretending to be.

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Dude you don't believe that Trump and Barr are liars despite video evidence and I am the one who is looking stupid? Seriously you aren't stupid but you are doing a damn good job pretending to be.

You keep trying to spin the discussion from the closed Mueller investigation, that was based on the Obama Administration using the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and the State Department, to frame the Trump campaign for treason... instead you keep turning it around like it's some kind of honesty contest. The only honesty I care to see on this issue is the people that decided they were smarter, and more important, than the American voters, brought to justice, and the Department of Justice getting back to serving the country.


A Democracy rules by majority vote, which is 51% of the people stomping all over the rights of the other 49%. We are not a Democracy. Democratic means we actually cast votes to elect our leaders, local legislation, and sometimes to amend our Constitution. We have 50 separate states, all with their own Governors, their own Constitutions, their own legislatures, and their own Judiciaries... all creating their own laws. They are all tied together under one Constitution of the United States. We are a Republic.

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A Democracy rules by majority vote, which is 51% of the people stomping all over the rights of the other 49%. We are not a Democracy. Democratic means we actually cast votes to elect our leaders, local legislation, and sometimes to amend our Constitution. We have 50 separate states, all with their own Governors, their own Constitutions, their own legislatures, and their own Judiciaries... all creating their own laws. They are all tied together under one Constitution of the United States. We are a Republic.


By definition we are a Democratic Republic which I backed up with actual evidence, you can spin it as much as you want the fact remains.


You keep trying to spin the discussion from the closed Mueller investigation, that was based on the Obama Administration using the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, and the State Department, to frame the Trump campaign for treason... instead you keep turning it around like it's some kind of honesty contest. The only honesty I care to see on this issue is the people that decided they were smarter, and more important, than the American voters, brought to justice, and the Department of Justice getting back to serving the country.


There is no evidence of "frame the Trump campaign for treason", literally none. I have looked for evidence of that claim and cant find any, perhaps you can link some? There is evidence that there was wrong doing and the people going to jail and in jail now supports that. So how am I spinning anything when I am literally pointing out what is? Also I remind you the majority of American voters voted against Trump. Honestly it appears to me that you are the one trying to spin things, and I am saddened that you don't care about the honesty and integrity of elected officials. 


On a side note I am curious on who you feel is the Democrat that will give Trump the most trouble next election.

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There is no evidence of "frame the Trump campaign for treason", literally none. I have looked for evidence of that claim and cant find any, perhaps you can link some?

Just now.


I linked a New York Times report a few days ago... they are trying to get ahead of the story so they can say they are not total idiots and spin a few choice excuses for all the fake news for the past 2 years, but it ain't gonna work. Have you seen the absolute hysteria on the left? Desperately trying to discredit William Barr, relentlessly painting him as a liar... all because they know their golden boy is gonna be on the receiving end of some ugly tarnish. Which will bring all kinds of questions to Creepy Joe Biden about "What did he know, and When did he know it?" All I can say is... It's About Fucking Time!

By definition we are a Democratic Republic which I backed up with actual evidence, you can spin it as much as you want the fact remains.

Well if that were true, Hillary Clinton would be the President. California has two Senators... it's hysterical given the population difference, that Montana has two Senators as well... How does that happen in our "Democracy'? California has so many fucking people that they should have at least 75 Senators... damn Democracy isn't fair! We should amend that Constitution!

Also I remind you the majority of American voters voted against Trump.

I guess I should remind you that the majority of American voters voted against Bill Clinton as well... with 43% of the vote he captured enough Electoral Votes to become President... you didn't hear us complaining about the outcome. Not once did I ever hear George H.W. Bush say that William Jefferson Clinton stole the election from him. Democrats have turned into the Snowflake Party.

I am saddened that you don't care about the honesty and integrity of elected officials.

This is politics... they all lie... it's not an integrity contest. We vote for the biggest badass, and the one the rest of the world fears the most. We always do much better when we follow that plan. God dammit, watch some John Wayne movies, and grow up.

On a side note I am curious on who you feel is the Democrat that will give Trump the most trouble next election.

Never in our history has a President lost reelection with a smokin' hot economy. Start there.


Joe Biden is a moderate old-school Democrat. He's the classic politician... just smile, kiss the babies, hug the girls, and lie like a swap meet rug to make enough people believe you're some kind of leader. He hasn't done anything in 10 years, and he hasn't gotten any sharper with age. In the "woke" era, of the "Me Too" movement, the Progressive left will scratch his face off. If he makes it to the general... wherever Joe does a rally where 600 people show up and yawn, Trump will come to town and do 4 with 14,000 pounding patriots. Trump takes a breath, blows, and Biden will wisp away like a feather.


Bernie Sanders has a more loyal following, but if he had a time, his time was 2016. He'll have to explain why his audience is all white, and that's a problem when you're running on identity politics. He will run on Medicare for all, and free college. It's a loser from the starting gate because Medicare for all equals Medicare for none... it would completely destroy Medicare, because it's for Seniors, and would replace it with Medicaid for all. That means no one would receive quality healthcare. Everyone receives crap healthcare, and that comes with an evaluation if your life is worth the treatment. Free college would be a waste of billions. It effectively extends an optional 4 years to High School... and when you're 18 years old, you don't have to go anymore. They won't go. Elite paid colleges would still be the prize, and a 4 year college degree does not mean higher paychecks. Trump beats a Socialist 70-30.


Pete Buttigieg is a moderate. Pete Buttigieg is gay, and married to a man. Without going into details... he loses.


Robert O'Rourke, fondly known by his disciples as "Beto"... is an idiot with way too much of his wife's money. Please vote for this guy.


Everyone else is a pack of rabid self-aggrandizing Progressives searching for accolades from their followers. So far, I see no chance.


Running against Trump will not be easy. Remember how many of those "Top Shelf" Republicans were systematically sent to the abyss back in 2016... and then he beat the Queen of the Progressives, and now she can't get anyone to pay to see her. Justice.

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Just now. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/strzok-page-texts-intel-russa-senators I linked a New York Times report a few days ago... they are trying to get ahead of the story so they can say they are not total idiots and spin a few choice excuses for all the fake news for the past 2 years, but it ain't gonna work. Have you seen the absolute hysteria on the left? Desperately trying to discredit William Barr, relentlessly painting him as a liar... all because they know their golden boy is gonna be on the receiving end of some ugly tarnish. Which will bring all kinds of questions to Creepy Joe Biden about "What did he know, and When did he know it?" All I can say is... It's About Fucking Time!


I remind you that there is no need to try and discredit William Barr he did it himself on video. Also I am curious about those texts, I look forward to seeing what comes from an investigation.


Well if that were true, Hillary Clinton would be the President. California has two Senators... it's hysterical given the population difference, that Montana has two Senators as well... How does that happen in our "Democracy'? California has so many fucking people that they should have at least 75 Senators... damn Democracy isn't fair! We should amend that Constitution!


The very fact we have an electoral college proves that we are not a normal Republic but a Democratic Republic like I said and linked to said wiki page which uses the USA as the first example. Technically we are something a bit different but anyway considering how unique the US is we could be arguing about this for weeks and still not be at the exactly truth of the matter so as is the closest definition we can find is its both. Also I never said a Republic, Democracy or any combination is unfair. The Electoral college is poorly designed and should be either fixed or removed, and since it would just be easier to remove and tack on run off voting I don't see why we don't just do that.


quote name='Lysistrata' timestamp='1557184525' post='975357'] I guess I should remind you that the majority of American voters voted against Bill Clinton as well... with 43% of the vote he captured enough Electoral Votes to become President... you didn't hear us complaining about the outcome. Not once did I ever hear George H.W. Bush say that William Jefferson Clinton stole the election from him. Democrats have turned into the Snowflake Party. [/quote]   


Clinton was before my time as a voter so I really never looked into him. Though considering what he did in office he is a criminal and as you know I do not like presidents without moral fiber. 


This is politics... they all lie... it's not an integrity contest. We vote for the biggest badass, and the one the rest of the world fears the most. We always do much better when we follow that plan. God dammit, watch some John Wayne movies, and grow up.


If we voted for the biggest and badass I am super confused why we picked a lying coward who cant even stand up to anyone. He can throw shade from a safe distance but that isn't badass at all.


Never in our history has a President lost reelection with a smokin' hot economy. Start there.


I wonder how our economy will be doing during the election. Especially since the debt has been climbing and less companies are paying taxes. 


Thank you for your input on the other candidates, I feel like with what you said and my feelings on each beforehand that only Bernie Sanders will have a chance. This next election will hopefully be pretty exciting.[

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watch some John Wayne movies


I prefer Eastwood. 

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I prefer Eastwood.

Unforgiven... one of the best westerns ever made!

I wonder how our economy will be doing during the election. Especially since the debt has been climbing and less companies are paying taxes. Thank you for your input on the other candidates, I feel like with what you said and my feelings on each beforehand that only Bernie Sanders will have a chance. This next election will hopefully be pretty exciting.

I totally expect the debt to keep rising. Trump is not a Conservative, and he has done nothing but promise more spending. His new deal with Chuck and Nancy for infrastructure has many Conservatives very nervous, but you have to think that 2 trillion for infrastructure spending would be absolute rocket fuel for the economy... and it's the kind of economy boost that lasts. I don't know if they will get the full 2, but with bipartisan support like that, it can counter those that refuse to support any kind of new deficit spending. Plus, Chuck and Nancy will not have an easy time from some that just don't want Trump to look good at all... I mean look at what is happening at the border just because Democrats don't want Trump to win.


Joe Biden is lying about the tax cuts. Most everyone that pays taxes got a cut. I guess it's the states that have high State Taxes that got burned. They can't write off their State Taxes on their Federal returns anymore... which is really very good because it's been such a scam. These irresponsible states have been raising their taxes on their people, and then their people turn around and make the rest of us pay for it. I don't have that problem because Nevada has no State Taxes, and I never get a return... but I know I got a tax cut because I made more money this past year, but the check I sent to the IRS was less than the year before. I'm happy.


The Treasury is receiving record receipts, due to millions more citizens working. Cut corporations some slack, all their employees are paying personal taxes, and the more the corporations keep, the more investments they make and the more people they hire. I hear a lot about corporations like Amazon not paying any tax... even Jeff Bezos pays personal income tax... Corporations have expenses, and expenses are a tax write-off. Everyone that buys from Amazon gets free shipping, and all those shipping charges get written off as a business expense... it's a brilliant way to keep your customers happy, and not owe any Corporate Tax at the same time. So the next time Amazon sends you your stuff, and doesn't charge you to ship it to you... they just paid their taxes.


I don't know if all this talk belongs in a Mueller report thread, but it's just the way conversations go in Mole Stargazer's Bar and Grill. As a Conservative, I am always concerned about deficit spending, and the national debt, but I knew what Trump was when I voted for him, and I accept that. I would have voted for Carly Fiorina over Hillary Clinton... so I'm happy with the results. I hope we will all have a better time this election year, but I don't think that will happen. We will do our best as always, and live with our choices.

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I totally expect the debt to keep rising. Trump is not a Conservative, and he has done nothing but promise more spending. His new deal with Chuck and Nancy for infrastructure has many Conservatives very nervous, but you have to think that 2 trillion for infrastructure spending would be absolute rocket fuel for the economy... and it's the kind of economy boost that lasts. I don't know if they will get the full 2, but with bipartisan support like that, it can counter those that refuse to support any kind of new deficit spending. Plus, Chuck and Nancy will not have an easy time from some that just don't want Trump to look good at all... I mean look at what is happening at the border just because Democrats don't want Trump to win.


I am always up for infrastructure. Our bridges especially need to be redone.  

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A Democracy rules by majority vote, which is 51% of the people stomping all over the rights of the other 49%. We are not a Democracy. Democratic means we actually cast votes to elect our leaders, local legislation, and sometimes to amend our Constitution. We have 50 separate states, all with their own Governors, their own Constitutions, their own legislatures, and their own Judiciaries... all creating their own laws. They are all tied together under one Constitution of the United States. We are a Republic.


You are talking about a direct-democracy, something that no nation ever had! Only some that hold binding referendums come close (like Switzerland) but nobody does it completely, thus also indeed not the US.


And you admit to being "Democratic" but you aren't a "democracy"? You do know that #1 is an adjective pertaining to a noun (#2). You are basically claiming that you are "hairy" but you don't have "hair". >_>


That said, with all being so for state rights, I do enjoy the other snowflake party being annoyed that some states are using their laws to look into your POTUS :D.

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You are talking about a direct-democracy, something that no nation ever had! Only some that hold binding referendums come close (like Switzerland) but nobody does it completely, thus also indeed not the US. And you admit to being "Democratic" but you aren't a "democracy"? You do know that #1 is an adjective pertaining to a noun (#2). You are basically claiming that you are "hairy" but you don't have "hair". >_> That said, with all being so for state rights, I do enjoy the other snowflake party being annoyed that some states are using their laws to look into your POTUS .

Much like the Mueller investigation, this conversation was concluded... but you just can't help yourself.


If the USA was a Democracy, I would be able to vote against all the morons in Congress that don't belong there. I don't ever get to vote against Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Swalwell, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Chucky Schumer, Pocahontas Warren, Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, or any of the other idiots that actually create the legislation that affects my life directly.


I can't vote against them because they are not my elected representatives, they are the representatives of other idiots from other states that elected them to create legislation to affect my life directly. I can't help vote them out of office because the USA is a Republic, and in the USA, even the idiots have representation.


The Democrats in Congress will make as much noise about our POTUS as they possibly can to distract from the shitstorm that's coming. They must attempt to create the appearance of guilt and conspiracy around Trump and our Attorney General, because when the inevitable hammer of justice falls on the real criminals, they will scream and cry that it's all about politics.

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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Chucky Schumer


I can't vote against them because they are not my elected representatives, they are the representatives of other idiots from other states that elected them to create legislation to affect my life directly.

As a New York resident, I sincerely apologize to you (and the rest of my fellow Americans) that you must endure the embarrassment of those two Anti Americans.

The idea of war is not to die for your country, it's to make the enemy die for his.


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As a New York resident, I sincerely apologize to you (and the rest of my fellow Americans) that you must endure the embarrassment of those two Anti Americans.

Oh Buddy, forgive me as well... I live in the newer blue state of Nevada. My apologies.

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The Mueller investigation has ended... and is morphing into the Durham investigation.


US Attorney General William Barr has appointed US Attorney John Durham to lead the investigation of the Trump-Russia hoax.


Something tells me this isn't gonna be another Clinton style whitewash. US Attorneys are professional prosecutors. It's their job.


Read this with a Billy Joel kind of melody... I told you so.

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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