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On the Margins of the Mueller Report

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You said "they"... and they are Democrats. They spend their entire time in DC crafting ways to get around the Constitution, and packing the courts with Judges that will craft ways to rule in their favor. It would make America great again if we stop them.



Well in that case I counter argue that the GOP has just as little respect for the constitution as the Democrats if not less. Lindsey Graham and several others have told people to not appear for subpoenas and to essentially ignore the house, because checks and balances aren't a thing apparently. 




Congress was never granted Constitutional power to pass laws that take rights, or liberty, away from these Americans in order to bestow greater rights, or liberty, to those Americans. The Green New Deal would destroy the lives, liberties, and rights of millions to satisfy the grandeur of a few. It doesn't stand a chance.



The Green New deal saves lives, makes jobs and is in our best benefit. I cant find anywhere in the constitution that protects the rights of companies to seek profit despite it actively ruining the future of the American people. I am all for rights but I don't want anyone to have the right to leave a ticking time bomb on my front lawn.

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Well in that case I counter argue that the GOP has just as little respect for the constitution as the Democrats if not less. Lindsey Graham and several others have told people to not appear for subpoenas and to essentially ignore the house, because checks and balances aren't a thing apparently.

The case is closed. It's just harassment at this point. There was no Russian conspiracy. Over 2 years with a Special Council and what they came up with was an investigation that never should have happened... and you believe a political party can launch an arbitrary false FBI counterintelligence investigation on a rival, and then charge him with obstruction because he defends himself?


Do you know what Lindsey Graham was before he was a Senator? He was an officer in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the United States Air Force. He currently Chairs the Judiciary Committee in the US Senate... he knows a little something about subpoenas, and the law... he knows quite well when they are well within their Constitutional rights to ignore them.

The Green New deal saves lives, makes jobs and is in our best benefit. I cant find anywhere in the constitution that protects the rights of companies to seek profit despite it actively ruining the future of the American people. I am all for rights but I don't want anyone to have the right to leave a ticking time bomb on my front lawn.

That "ticking time bomb" is a theory, and until they have a body count and arm themselves with some air tight evidence, it will remain a theory. Then after that, you would have to move the entire nation to willingly change their entire lives, throw entire industries out of work, convince everyone that it's better to destroy private health insurance for a spot in line for Medicaid... and become vegan... and this is all before anyone knows it will do anything at all. If you believe this kind of thing is possible in the USA, you are as insane as AOC.

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The shit is about to hit the fan...


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    Minister of Defense

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That "ticking time bomb" is a theory, and until they have a body count and arm themselves with some air tight evidence, it will remain a theory. Then after that, you would have to move the entire nation to willingly change their entire lives, throw entire industries out of work, convince everyone that it's better to destroy private health insurance for a spot in line for Medicaid... and become vegan... and this is all before anyone knows it will do anything at all. If you believe this kind of thing is possible in the USA, you are as insane as AOC.


Most of all scientists agree that climate change is real and you can literally see the impact we have had in 20 years. Also like I said the green deal the bill that is being discussed is super tame.


The case is closed. It's just harassment at this point. There was no Russian conspiracy. Over 2 years with a Special Council and what they came up with was an investigation that never should have happened... and you believe a political party can launch an arbitrary false FBI counterintelligence investigation on a rival, and then charge him with obstruction because he defends himself?   Do you know what Lindsey Graham was before he was a Senator? He was an officer in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the United States Air Force. He currently Chairs the Judiciary Committee in the US Senate... he knows a little something about subpoenas, and the law... he knows quite well when they are well within their Constitutional rights to ignore them.


The case isn't closed because the house is still investigating, therefore defying subpoenas is a direct violation of the constitution regardless of your opinion. The wording in our laws leave no loop holes, these folks are in violation.


The shit is about to hit the fan... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-gives-ag-barr-authority-to-declassify-documents-related-to-2016-campaign-surveillance


That is a welcome surprise.

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Most of all scientists agree that climate change is real

Most scientists agree... it's "most" because they are the only ones that are asked and the only ones that are counted. If they don't 'agree", they lose their grants, their jobs, and their publishing. Most scientists need the money. The planet is always changing, it's been changing for about 4 billion years. We can try to keep up with it, and adapt as we always have since our short existence began, but we cannot stop it. You know it's bullshit when the only "solutions" they come up with involve globalist government, and total control. I'll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell... this planet will eventually die, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Don't tell anyone.

The case isn't closed because the house is still investigating

Well they can have fun with that. Do you really believe Nadler will break the case and find something Mueller couldn't? Or are they just trying to keep the negative press rolling into the next election? I'm waiting for those articles of impeachment.

No guts, No glory. Let's do this.


While Nadler plays with his nads… Joe Biden is about to get covered in shit... he was Vice-President when all this happened.

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Well they can have fun with that. Do you really believe Nadler will break the case and find something Mueller couldn't? Or are they just trying to keep the negative press rolling into the next election? I'm waiting for those articles of impeachment. No guts, No glory. Let's do this.   While Nadler plays with his nads… Joe Biden is about to get covered in shit... he was Vice-President when all this happened.


Mueller recommended impeachment, at this point its just getting the ducks in a row.


Most scientists agree... it's "most" because they are the only ones that are asked and the only ones that are counted. If they don't 'agree", they lose their grants, their jobs, and their publishing. Most scientists need the money. The planet is always changing, it's been changing for about 4 billion years. We can try to keep up with it, and adapt as we always have since our short existence began, but we cannot stop it. You know it's bullshit when the only "solutions" they come up with involve globalist government, and total control. I'll let you in on a little secret if you promise not to tell... this planet will eventually die, and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Don't tell anyone.


So your theory is that climate change isn't real because someone is essentially bribing/blackmailing almost every expert in the world, and has been for over 20 years?

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Mueller recommended impeachment, at this point its just getting the ducks in a row.

I must have missed that impeachment recommendation, but if that's what you got out of that read, and you can get to that result, the problem you will have next is finding a credible government official as a witness that isn't under indictment. Framing a President for treason has got to carry some heavy punishment. The House Democrats can still draw articles of Impeachment for any reason, and force the process, but the Senate will next exonerate the President of all charges, and give Trump a big win. Draw that pistol.

So your theory is that climate change isn't real because someone is essentially bribing/blackmailing almost every expert in the world, and has been for over 20 years?

Typical Democrat... I'm just minding my own business and some Democrat rushes up to me and screams in my face... "The world is coming to an end because you drive cars and eat meat, so you have to bend over for government control of your life". I give him the finger, and he goes on about his theory on what he believes. I give him the finger again, and his response is accusing me of having a theory. Listen to a "real" Climatologist that doesn't have a Progressive agenda, and he isn't on the payroll.


You have a "theory" that is designed by Progressives to change the world.

You can believe what you want, I'll continue to hope you seek professional help.

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Firstly, apologies, kinda late. Blame me wanting to be thorough and not finding a gap to squeeze in a reply worthy of its name. This does make stuff pile up and me feeling I need even more time >_>


We shall see my Belgian friend, in the coming few months, we shall see what happens. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it... but something tells me that Attorney General William Barr would not say a thing about spying and abuse of government power, unless he already knew it has happened. A good lawyer would never ask a question that they didn't already know the answer.

Yeah, this coming from the guy who had seen zilch of the Mueller report but wrote a multipage job application stating he would exonerate the POTUS regardless of what the report would hold (let alone him then misrepresenting it with his 4 page memo). Yeah, thats the guy who doesn't speak before he knows everything...

As far as you can tell? Look closer. She ran a primary challenge against Joe Crowley in an absolute safe Democrat district. Joe Crowley was like the #3 Democrat in the House, and he was never seriously challenged since he took the seat in 1998. He was totally blindsided by AOC when she took to the streets with her blabber mouth and wide open eyes. She was able to cobble together an entire 16,000 votes, and bested Crowley and his 12,000. This stunned the nation. So now we have a young, stupid, Socialist, pushing unpassable legislation that can effect the entire Republic of 350 million people... because 4,000 idiots in the Bronx turned on Joe Crowley.

Sounds like a tea-party playbook scenario. Speaking of them, where are they now when Trump is piling up dept?

Congress was never granted Constitutional power to pass laws that take rights, or liberty, away from these Americans in order to bestow greater rights, or liberty, to those Americans. The Green New Deal would destroy the lives, liberties, and rights of millions to satisfy the grandeur of a few. It doesn't stand a chance.

For all that the right's campaign against any kind of anthropogenic climate impact facts, it does boggle me that it boils down to some individuals wanting to get richer of it. Sounds both very Capitalist (le gasp!) and already happening in current corperations. Sounds like "old money" is scared of what the new kids with there new toys can rake it.


How you guys can keep thinking we aren't affecting the planet is beyond me, isn't like you would like living in a plastic bubble for more then a few hours, you'd die. Yeah the thing is pretty big and has lots of buffers to soak up changes, but eventually you tip the balance and it goes somewhere to a new balance. A balance we as a species will survive, but as a society that is a thing for the future.

The shit is about to hit the fan...

See reply #1. I expect nicely semi-redacted findings which some time later will be shown to be selective readings.

Also he could have done this move with Sessions, at the very start of his term. Curious he only does it now after he got a more willing AG.

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Firstly, apologies, kinda late.

No need to apologize... the conversation was with DarkFox, and he already spoke for himself.

Sounds like a tea-party playbook scenario. Speaking of them, where are they now when Trump is piling up dept?

We are still here, and like I have already said many times, Trump never promised to cut spending... he promised to increase it. Trump spent a ton on the military, which I fully support. He had to trade a lot to get that military spending, but we forgive him for that. Strange that Democrats are suddenly becoming deficit hawks, and are trying to use government spending as an issue against Trump... but we're smarter than that. We know what to expect from the alternative.

Also he could have done this move with Sessions, at the very start of his term. Curious he only does it now after he got a more willing AG.

Bullshit. No one knew the Steele dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants that early, or that the entire Obama Administration had rigged Trump's transition to be framed in scandal. Trump never knew that Sessions would recuse himself and leave the entire ordeal into the laps of the people that created it. They are scared to death now, and I am having so much fun watching them lose their minds... except for the ones that are smart enough to keep their mouths shut.

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Bob Mueller just came out and spoke for the first time since the release of his report. He announced the closing of the case, the closing of his office, and his retirement. He went on to say his report speaks for itself, and he will not elaborate further... he will speak no more about it, and if Congress forces him to appear, they will get nothing more from him than they have already received.


The meat of his statement was that he could not charge Trump with a crime, even if he wanted to... so if charging the President of a crime was the intent of the investigation, the entire thing was a fools errand from the start. My personal take from this statement has to be that Mueller wanted to charge Trump with obstruction, but he could not charge a sitting President with a crime because there could be no trial while he holds office.


I believe this creates more questions than answers, and we are not getting the answers from Bob Mueller. This was not a good day for Trump, and the drum beat to impeach will get much louder. The ball will now be in the hands of Fancy Nancy Pelosi. :)

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    Minister of Defense

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I must have missed that impeachment recommendation, but if that's what you got out of that read, and you can get to that result, the problem you will have next is finding a credible government official as a witness that isn't under indictment. Framing a President for treason has got to carry some heavy punishment. The House Democrats can still draw articles of Impeachment for any reason, and force the process, but the Senate will next exonerate the President of all charges, and give Trump a big win. Draw that pistol.



From what was said on the Mueller report the only reason that they did not press charges was because Trump is president and he believes that criminal proceedings cannot be done on a sitting president.




I believe this creates more questions than answers, and we are not getting the answers from Bob Mueller. This was not a good day for Trump, and the drum beat to impeach will get much louder. The ball will now be in the hands of Fancy Nancy Pelosi.


Honestly the Democrats don't have any guts in my opinion. I would have gone after Trump by now. However as you know I have no love for most our current elected officials so perhaps I am just too eager to clean house (partial pun). 





Typical Democrat... I'm just minding my own business and some Democrat rushes up to me and screams in my face... "The world is coming to an end because you drive cars and eat meat, so you have to bend over for government control of your life". I give him the finger, and he goes on about his theory on what he believes. I give him the finger again, and his response is accusing me of having a theory. Listen to a "real" Climatologist that doesn't have a Progressive agenda, and he isn't on the payroll.



I really hope you aren't calling me a Democrat again because we disagree on something. If so I reiterate that I am not a Democrat, never have been and only have voted for 5 total in my 12 years of voting, where as I have voted for 50+ Republicans. Right now Fossil fuel companies are paying literally anyone they can buy to deny climate change because it would kill them, just like they stoked fears with nuclear energy which is the safest, cleanest and cheapest energy. Also the Green Bill does not say not to drive, it does not say to not eat burgers its mainly keeping companies accountable for the carbon footprint they are causing, because honestly even if every American stopped eating beef it wouldnt matter much.

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because honestly even if every American stopped eating beef it wouldnt matter much.

Nature itself throws more CO2 into the air than we do, and we can't even begin to keep up with it. One volcano eruption would erase 100 years of depriving ourselves of a more efficient life. Wildfires caused by lightning... or just some idiot with a match, can do the same thing. I have no problem with improving things to live on a cleaner planet... no one is against that... we are totally against any government using "climate change" as an excuse to impose a Progressive or Socialist political agenda.

From what was said on the Mueller report the only reason that they did not press charges was because Trump is president and he believes that criminal proceedings cannot be done on a sitting president.

I hear ya... but is that really the truth?


I watched this again, and again, and I thought about it real hard for a long time, and I can't understand why Bob Mueller did this today. We didn't learn anything new from his statement. So, I have come to the conclusion that he spoke today because he doesn't want to testify in front of Congress. He knows the Democrats are not happy with the results of his investigation, and they are furiously screaming for his presence to explain why they still have a President Trump in office, but Democrats will not be the only people to ask questions. Republicans will also be asking questions, and they actually have more questions for Mr. Mueller than what went wrong with it.


Mueller said very clearly that he could not find evidence that Trump did not commit a crime. This statement is totally out of line. His job, like every other Federal Investigator, was to find evidence of a crime, or criminal behavior. It's never up to them to find evidence to clear anyone of  a crime... everyone is innocent until proven guilty... so, if there is no evidence to prove that someone committed a crime... they are "Not Guilty".


I now believe Mueller doesn't want to be questioned by Congress, but he also wants Congressional Democrats to keep up the pressure. This could very well be Mueller's attempt to cover his own ass, because his investigation will be investigated as well.


We shall see... there's much more to come.

I really hope you aren't calling me a Democrat again because we disagree on something.

From what I can tell, we disagree on much... but I am completely confident that if you and I got together for drinks some crazy evening, we would have incredible conversation, understand and respect our positions, and look forward to our next conversation.

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Nature itself throws more CO2 into the air than we do, and we can't even begin to keep up with it. One volcano eruption would erase 100 years of depriving ourselves of a more efficient life. Wildfires caused by lightning... or just some idiot with a match, can do the same thing. I have no problem with improving things to live on a cleaner planet... no one is against that... we are totally against any government using "climate change" as an excuse to impose a Progressive or Socialist political agenda.


Natural co2 emissions are unavoidable and we shouldn't be adding to it at the rate we are. With our current level of technology we cannot combat the changes and within reason should avoid anything that causes further damage. Also I am more worried about not doing something we should do because fear of a "socialist agenda".


I hear ya... but is that really the truth?   I watched this again, and again, and I thought about it real hard for a long time, and I can't understand why Bob Mueller did this today. We didn't learn anything new from his statement. So, I have come to the conclusion that he spoke today because he doesn't want to testify in front of Congress. He knows the Democrats are not happy with the results of his investigation, and they are furiously screaming for his presence to explain why they still have a President Trump in office, but Democrats will not be the only people to ask questions. Republicans will also be asking questions, and they actually have more questions for Mr. Mueller than what went wrong with it.   Mueller said very clearly that he could not find evidence that Trump did not commit a crime. This statement is totally out of line. His job, like every other Federal Investigator, was to find evidence of a crime, or criminal behavior. It's never up to them to find evidence to clear anyone of  a crime... everyone is innocent until proven guilty... so, if there is no evidence to prove that someone committed a crime... they are "Not Guilty".   I now believe Mueller doesn't want to be questioned by Congress, but he also wants Congressional Democrats to keep up the pressure. This could very well be Mueller's attempt to cover his own ass, because his investigation will be investigated as well.   We shall see... there's much more to come.


Well Mueller did find plenty of obstruction which is a crime, what he couldn't find was evidence that Trump didn't collude with the Russians. As it stands we know that Russia did help get Trump elected, we know that Trump has been a constantly crying snowflake about the whole investigation and that people involved in his campaign including his son have had interactions with the Russians. As for Mueller's statement it is my opinion that the statement is in line because it is what the report said, his job was to find out if the Russians interfered with the election and if Trump was colluding. Mueller couldn't disprove collusion so he had to say that, especially when people like that Barr decided to lie about the report and say it proved no collusion when it reality it said no such thing.


From what I can tell, we disagree on much... but I am completely confident that if you and I got together for drinks some crazy evening, we would have incredible conversation, understand and respect our positions, and look forward to our next conversation.


Haha yeah I can agree with that. 

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Natural co2 emissions are unavoidable and we shouldn't be adding to it at the rate we are. With our current level of technology we cannot combat the changes and within reason should avoid anything that causes further damage. Also I am more worried about not doing something we should do because fear of a "socialist agenda".

Have you asked yourself the question... "Aside from executing half of the entire population of the planet, which is the real problem if a problem really exists... Have you come up with any solution... just one... that does not give more power to government over the lives, freedom, and liberty of us normal people?"


This is what you're surrendering to oligarchs if you entertain their bullshit. Any so-called solution, to any so-called problem, will not hinder, interfere, or infringe, on any American Constitutional right granted to us by our founders... far too many, much better than you and I, have given their last full measure to ensure that agreement does not perish from the Earth. Anyone who tries... dies.

Well Mueller did find plenty of obstruction which is a crime, what he couldn't find was evidence that Trump didn't collude with the Russians.

I'm gonna try to get you to look into things a little deeper.


Rod Rosenstein was acting Attorney General, because Jeff Sessions was bullied into recusing himself. Rod Rosenstein signed one of the FISA applications for the warrants against the Trump Campaign. James Comey signed the original. Sally Yates also signed one of the renewals. These applications were submitted to the FISA court, by these people, on the pledge that the Steele Dossier was verified as true and accurate. This was a lie.


Rod Rosenstein declared upon the resignation of Jeff Sessions, that he would resign from the DOJ when William Barr took the office. He did not follow through on that declaration. Instead he stayed with William Barr, finalized the Mueller investigation, signed off on the closure of that investigation, and stood behind William Barr when he addressed the nation on the findings. You don't find this a little strange? I believe Rod Rosenstein made a deal to ensure his freedom... and this is all part of it.


CBS just interviewed Barr, and asked him if he believes the Obama Administration committed treason against President Trump. Barr said... "Not as a legal matter"... "Sometimes people can convince themselves that what they're doing is in the higher interest and better good... They don't realize that what they're doing is really antithetical to the democratic system that we have".


Now I ask you... Does it sound like he doesn't already know what happened?


There is no obstruction, because there never should have been an investigation. There was an entire 3 year ordeal, that never should have happened... and there was never any crime. Democrats are so scared... they're screaming about anything they can find.

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Sounds like a tea-party playbook scenario. Speaking of them, where are they now when Trump is piling up dept?

We are still here, and like I have already said many times, Trump never promised to cut spending... he promised to increase it. Trump spent a ton on the military, which I fully support. He had to trade a lot to get that military spending, but we forgive him for that. Strange that Democrats are suddenly becoming deficit hawks, and are trying to use government spending as an issue against Trump... but we're smarter than that. We know what to expect from the alternative.


Democrats are predicting that Republicans will become deficit hawks the moment the presidency shifts. Sure they care about a bloating of the defence budget (but I doubt they would mind upping pay for soldiers and stuff) while cutting taxes skewed at the rich and company's while then chirping that benefits should be cut.

I was merely noting that the Tea Party went completely silent and obvious placed party over ideology.


Also he could have done this move with Sessions, at the very start of his term. Curious he only does it now after he got a more willing AG.

Bullshit. No one knew the Steele dossier was used to obtain FISA warrants that early, or that the entire Obama Administration had rigged Trump's transition to be framed in scandal. Trump never knew that Sessions would recuse himself and leave the entire ordeal into the laps of the people that created it. They are scared to death now, and I am having so much fun watching them lose their minds... except for the ones that are smart enough to keep their mouths shut


Sessions reclusing himself was the obvious action to be taken, he was in the Trump transition team! "Law & Order"?

So much rigging done by getting russians to appeal to Trump's campaign and staff. Yeah, that clearly was under Obama's directive...

Bob Mueller just came out and spoke for the first time since the release of his report. He announced the closing of the case, the closing of his office, and his retirement. He went on to say his report speaks for itself, and he will not elaborate further... he will speak no more about it, and if Congress forces him to appear, they will get nothing more from him than they have already received.

The meat of his statement was that he could not charge Trump with a crime, even if he wanted to... so if charging the President of a crime was the intent of the investigation, the entire thing was a fools errand from the start. My personal take from this statement has to be that Mueller wanted to charge Trump with obstruction, but he could not charge a sitting President with a crime because there could be no trial while he holds office.

I believe this creates more questions than answers, and we are not getting the answers from Bob Mueller. This was not a good day for Trump, and the drum beat to impeach will get much louder. The ball will now be in the hands of Fancy Nancy Pelosi. :)

So no conspiracy I guess? So yes to only action being the impeachment procedure? And yes/no on obstruction?

Nature itself throws more CO2 into the air than we do, and we can't even begin to keep up with it. One volcano eruption would erase 100 years of depriving ourselves of a more efficient life. Wildfires caused by lightning... or just some idiot with a match, can do the same thing. I have no problem with improving things to live on a cleaner planet... no one is against that... we are totally against any government using "climate change" as an excuse to impose a Progressive or Socialist political agenda.

Thing is, nature's emissions were in balance with its carbon fixation potential. You are basically complaining about a river not just flooding your town ever so often but it actually being submerged by 100 feet of water after some rich dude build a dam downstream from you.

So you agree that polluters have to face consequences (be it monetary or corrective in nature) but just not up to the point where they get hurt with it? Sounds like you don't want any consequences to begin with, can I interest you in a oilwell right next to your house?


From what was said on the Mueller report the only reason that they did not press charges was because Trump is president and he believes that criminal proceedings cannot be done on a sitting president.

I hear ya... but is that really the truth?

I watched this again, and again, and I thought about it real hard for a long time, and I can't understand why Bob Mueller did this today. We didn't learn anything new from his statement. So, I have come to the conclusion that he spoke today because he doesn't want to testify in front of Congress. He knows the Democrats are not happy with the results of his investigation, and they are furiously screaming for his presence to explain why they still have a President Trump in office, but Democrats will not be the only people to ask questions. Republicans will also be asking questions, and they actually have more questions for Mr. Mueller than what went wrong with it.

Mueller said very clearly that he could not find evidence that Trump did not commit a crime. This statement is totally out of line. His job, like every other Federal Investigator, was to find evidence of a crime, or criminal behavior. It's never up to them to find evidence to clear anyone of a crime... everyone is innocent until proven guilty... so, if there is no evidence to prove that someone committed a crime... they are "Not Guilty".

I now believe Mueller doesn't want to be questioned by Congress, but he also wants Congressional Democrats to keep up the pressure. This could very well be Mueller's attempt to cover his own ass, because his investigation will be investigated as well.

We shall see... there's much more to come.


His statement is a roundabout way of stating that due to obstructions of Trump himself, on his orders or by people on his staff, he can't verify what did or didn't happen and as such he can't exonerate Trump of the various pieces he did find. Like finding a corpse in a burned down appartment which the suspect torched himself.

Also, so Mueller is now a Democrat? >_>


Natural co2 emissions are unavoidable and we shouldn't be adding to it at the rate we are. With our current level of technology we cannot combat the changes and within reason should avoid anything that causes further damage. Also I am more worried about not doing something we should do because fear of a "socialist agenda".

Have you asked yourself the question... "Aside from executing half of the entire population of the planet, which is the real problem if a problem really exists... Have you come up with any solution... just one... that does not give more power to government over the lives, freedom, and liberty of us normal people?"

This is what you're surrendering to oligarchs if you entertain their bullshit. Any so-called solution, to any so-called problem, will not hinder, interfere, or infringe, on any American Constitutional right granted to us by our founders... far too many, much better than you and I, have given their last full measure to ensure that agreement does not perish from the Earth. Anyone who tries... dies.


It is nice that you want to be an origionalist, but society evolves and so do nations. If you like being originalist so much, go protest every amendment after #10.

Also, lol at "oligarchs" being green bogeymans. I see you heard an unfamiliar term but used it badly.


Well Mueller did find plenty of obstruction which is a crime, what he couldn't find was evidence that Trump didn't collude with the Russians.

I'm gonna try to get you to look into things a little deeper.

Rod Rosenstein was acting Attorney General, because Jeff Sessions was bullied into recusing himself. Rod Rosenstein signed one of the FISA applications for the warrants against the Trump Campaign. James Comey signed the original. Sally Yates also signed one of the renewals. These applications were submitted to the FISA court, by these people, on the pledge that the Steele Dossier was verified as true and accurate. This was a lie.

Rod Rosenstein declared upon the resignation of Jeff Sessions, that he would resign from the DOJ when William Barr took the office. He did not follow through on that declaration. Instead he stayed with William Barr, finalized the Mueller investigation, signed off on the closure of that investigation, and stood behind William Barr when he addressed the nation on the findings. You don't find this a little strange? I believe Rod Rosenstein made a deal to ensure his freedom... and this is all part of it.

CBS just interviewed Barr, and asked him if he believes the Obama Administration committed treason against President Trump. Barr said... "Not as a legal matter"... "Sometimes people can convince themselves that what they're doing is in the higher interest and better good... They don't realize that what they're doing is really antithetical to the democratic system that we have".

Now I ask you... Does it sound like he doesn't already know what happened?

There is no obstruction, because there never should have been an investigation. There was an entire 3 year ordeal, that never should have happened... and there was never any crime. Democrats are so scared... they're screaming about anything they can find.


You keep coming back to the Steele dossier, that thing that was mostly proven right (other claims unverified up till now) and was at best a side-dish to the initial and continued FISA applications.

On Rod Rosenstein, he seems to be only in it for himself. Which is a natural reaction to the clusterfuck that is unfolding around him.

Yes there was, and is, obstruction. Heck the DoJ is eve clear that there is no need for a verified (if still possible due to obstruction) crime to be found to still getting slammed for obstruction. Trump, and followers, only lawfull action would have been pleading the 5th (which some did). You do NOT try to highjack an investigion or otherwise tamper with it just cause you don't like it. "Law & Order"?

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Democrats are predicting that Republicans will become deficit hawks the moment the presidency shifts.

Democrats are so intelligent... I bet they also have predicted the sun will rise tomorrow.

I was merely noting that the Tea Party went completely silent and obvious placed party over ideology.

We were very loud… we chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

So much rigging done by getting russians to appeal to Trump's campaign and staff. Yeah, that clearly was under Obama's directive...

My advice would be to wait for the current investigations to report what they find before doubling down again on what you think happened. Horowitz's report is due any day now... after that comes out, things will proceed quickly. If a Grand Jury is ordered, you will then know that many indictments will be coming out against Obama Administration officials. If a Grand Jury is not ordered, I would say we will be seeing an impeachment. Something is gonna happen.

Thing is, nature's emissions were in balance with its carbon fixation potential. You are basically complaining about a river not just flooding your town ever so often but it actually being submerged by 100 feet of water after some rich dude build a dam downstream from you.

What I'm saying is this Climate Change thing is the "religion" of the left. Progressives have a problem with religion. Religion prevents many people from supporting Progressives, and the Progressives cannot prove that God does not exist... so Progressives created the Climate Change Catastrophe... convert to Progressive or everybody dies in a hundred years. The only solutions to the Climate Change Catastrophe are in line with Progressive policies. Any Capitalist solutions to the Climate Change Catastrophe are unacceptable to the Climate Change Catastrophe Bishops. You are in luck... I'm not a religious man... but I don't buy into the Climate Change Catastrophe either… so this free thinking individual will call out the bullshit every time, and on every level. I don't believe you.

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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This is what you're surrendering to oligarchs if you entertain their bullshit. Any so-called solution, to any so-called problem, will not hinder, interfere, or infringe, on any American Constitutional right granted to us by our founders... far too many, much better than you and I, have given their last full measure to ensure that agreement does not perish from the Earth. Anyone who tries... dies.


Surrendering to oligarchs would be ignoring that we are making a negative impact upon the planet and should fix our ways in a manner that both allows us to have our cake and not burn it too.



There is no obstruction, because there never should have been an investigation. There was an entire 3 year ordeal, that never should have happened... and there was never any crime. Democrats are so scared... they're screaming about anything they can find.


There is a ton of obstruction, I would be shocked if you didn't see it. Trump has not been subtle with interfering with the investigation.


Hell the investigation was needed because even Trump admitted that the Russians helped get him elected. The fact of the matter is that a foreign power messed with our elections and not only got away with it but the ruling party has decided it was okay and wont do anything to prevent further meddling. 

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There is a ton of obstruction, I would be shocked if you didn't see it. Trump has not been subtle with interfering with the investigation.

You still believe it was a legitimate investigation. It wasn't a legitimate investigation... that's why it's closed.

Hell the investigation was needed because even Trump admitted that the Russians helped get him elected. The fact of the matter is that a foreign power messed with our elections and not only got away with it but the ruling party has decided it was okay and wont do anything to prevent further meddling.

You're lost my friend. You have purchased the entire farm from the fake news network. Don't say anything more until Barr is finished. Then you can tell me I was wrong... or that it's all been rigged because you won't believe it anyway. You probably won't even believe it if they all confessed. Trust in that Climate Change thing... you guys always have to blame something for your misery.

Woke (adj.)

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to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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Democrats are predicting that Republicans will become deficit hawks the moment the presidency shifts.

Democrats are so intelligent... I bet they also have predicted the sun will rise tomorrow.


But you won't disagree that Republicans will immediately pounce on the deficit the moment they aren't in the White House? That's all I am asking, I don't care who is (or thinks) they are intelligent.


I was merely noting that the Tea Party went completely silent and obvious placed party over ideology.

We were very loud… we chose Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.


"We" as in electoral college => yes
"We" as in americans => no

Also nobody doubted that Tea Party members would vote R, it's like predicting the sun to rise tomorrow >_>


So much rigging done by getting russians to appeal to Trump's campaign and staff. Yeah, that clearly was under Obama's directive...

My advice would be to wait for the current investigations to report what they find before doubling down again on what you think happened. Horowitz's report is due any day now... after that comes out, things will proceed quickly. If a Grand Jury is ordered, you will then know that many indictments will be coming out against Obama Administration officials. If a Grand Jury is not ordered, I would say we will be seeing an impeachment. Something is gonna happen.


Meanwhile the DoJ is trying to bully the House into stopping its legit powers of oversight and trying to get the couple (yes couple!) counts of contempt stopped from moving forward to a vote.

Talking about impeachment, would a partyline vote in the Senate despite (plausible) valid charges sway you to denounce the current GOP members? (no need to denounce the GOP ideology offcourse, rotte apples don't spoil my appetite for apples in general)


There is a ton of obstruction, I would be shocked if you didn't see it. Trump has not been subtle with interfering with the investigation.

You still believe it was a legitimate investigation. It wasn't a legitimate investigation... that's why it's closed.


From what has been shown, we don't even know why it was closed, seeing the still various ongoing investigations and lack of actual questioning of key figures . But what has already been let out shows clear obstruction, which apart from their being legitimate reasons surrounding Russian interference, that stands even if nothing actually got found.


Hell the investigation was needed because even Trump admitted that the Russians helped get him elected. The fact of the matter is that a foreign power messed with our elections and not only got away with it but the ruling party has decided it was okay and wont do anything to prevent further meddling.

You're lost my friend. You have purchased the entire farm from the fake news network. Don't say anything more until Barr is finished. Then you can tell me I was wrong... or that it's all been rigged because you won't believe it anyway. You probably won't even believe it if they all confessed. Trust in that Climate Change thing... you guys always have to blame something for your misery.


As said before, Barr is activly fighting the very House oversight powers the Republicans so readily used to hold a dozen Benghazi hearings. I don't think you will find a beacong of righteousness in Barr like you think he should have as AG.

Speaking of farms, hows that bail-out program going? Howmany trillions have been pumped into US farmers yet? Or rather, how much of that bailout is actually going to farmers in need and not big multinationals who can take a punch?


Thing is, nature's emissions were in balance with its carbon fixation potential. You are basically complaining about a river not just flooding your town ever so often but it actually being submerged by 100 feet of water after some rich dude build a dam downstream from you.

What I'm saying is this Climate Change thing is the "religion" of the left. Progressives have a problem with religion. Religion prevents many people from supporting Progressives, and the Progressives cannot prove that God does not exist... so Progressives created the Climate Change Catastrophe... convert to Progressive or everybody dies in a hundred years. The only solutions to the Climate Change Catastrophe are in line with Progressive policies. Any Capitalist solutions to the Climate Change Catastrophe are unacceptable to the Climate Change Catastrophe Bishops. You are in luck... I'm not a religious man... but I don't buy into the Climate Change Catastrophe either… so this free thinking individual will call out the bullshit every time, and on every level. I don't believe you.


Can you stop being so religious in your idea that Climate Change will be "the end of the world" in biblical terms, cause thats talk that only comes from people who don't understand the entire thing (on either side!). Heck most solutions, or rather methods to combat climate change, are capitalistic in nature! Or are you thinking that the new green industries popping up aren't in it for making $$?

I personally have no issues with religion in as far as people are willing to understand that religion isn't the one saving grace of mankind. If you need an invisible power to guide you into your daily life, so be it. But if you need it solely to not be a terrible human being, well, you actually are a terrible human being.

Also, how about that oilwell?

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But you won't disagree that Republicans will immediately pounce on the deficit the moment they aren't in the White House?

That's politics. Republicans have a spender in the White House right now, so they will just try to direct the spending where it benefits them most. Conservatives are not happy at all about the spending, but the alternative choice was absolutely unacceptable.

"We" as in electoral college => yes "We" as in americans => no

I said "we" because I am Tea Party, and I have been since "we" created it.

Meanwhile the DoJ is trying to bully the House into stopping its legit powers of oversight and trying to get the couple (yes couple!) counts of contempt stopped from moving forward to a vote.

The DOJ doesn't care what the House does... it's just noise, and it means nothing. Same thing when Eric Holder was held in Contempt of Congress... it was nothing. Congress plays politics... the DOJ isn't playing.

If you need an invisible power to guide you into your daily life, so be it. But if you need it solely to not be a terrible human being, well, you actually are a terrible human being.

This makes a lot of sense to me.

From what has been shown, we don't even know why it was closed, seeing the still various ongoing investigations and lack of actual questioning of key figures

The Mueller investigation was closed because it never should have started. The entire ordeal was a political hitjob. One of those figures that have lacked questioning will be having his turn very soon. Something tells me this will not work out for Obama people.


Woke (adj.)

A state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough

to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

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