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[OP-03] Dino Mafia End : 2of4 ~ Dinosaur Mafia

2of4 newbie mafia dinosaur open op-03

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Players (9/9)

  • KevinH [Spinosaurus]
  • Electric Mango [Sinornithosaurus]
  • killgor [Sauroposeidon]
  • Rafay [Tyrannosaurus Rex] *
  • Xarastier [Archaeopteryx]
  • Martino [Deinonychus]
  • Imran Ehsan [Ankylosaurus] *
  • Preston [Triceratops]
  • Chaplain of death [Parasaurolophus]

Still Alive (2/9)


Already Extinct

Links to Important Stuff
Sign-up for Replacements
Rules and Regulations
Game Setup
Night 0
Day 1 - Night 1
Day 2 - Night 2
Day 3 - End Game

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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General Rules

  • Communication outside the thread (if your role specifically allows it) is allowed until the game begins.
  • There is to be NO personal communication outside of the forum postings unless your role PM specifically allows it. If someone contacts you outside the game you should report it to the game Mod IMMEDIATELY.
  • Do not bring outside influences into the game - this includes threats, bribes, wagers, promises, alliances, etc. Using knowledge from previous games is perfectly acceptable, but try not to carry grudges from one game to another.
  • Do not talk outside the game thread about an ongoing game except where allowed to do so by your role. Likewise, do not use bbcode to hide secret messages - this equates to discussion outside the thread.
  • Do not edit/delete posts.
  • Do not talk after you are dead or replaced except for a brief Bah!-type post that contains NO game related information.
  • Don't post the links to quicktopics that are used unless I give you permission.
  • Play to win the game.


  • Prods of missing players will be issued upon request or after 3 real-life days of no activity. The player has 24 hours to respond to the prod.
  • A player who has been prodded 3 times is subject to possible replacement without further notice (player-requested prods do not count towards this total).
  • If you anticipate being unavailable for more than a 72-hour period please PM the Mod so that you don't get replaced!


  • Days will have a deadline of 14 days. If there is a replacement I might allow an extension.
  • Nights will have a deadline of 72 hours.
  • If you have a role with a Night action your choices are due to me by the posted deadline. If I do not receive your choice via PM by the posted deadline you will forfeit your actions.
  • Deadlines may be shortened if activity is too low, or if all Night choices have been received early.

Player Actions/Voting/Player Death

  • Lynches will happen when a Majority is reached (half of living players + 1, rounded down).
  • If players so choose, you can vote for No lynch. Normal Majority is required for a No Lynch to pass.
  • If at deadline there is no Majority, a No Lynch will occur.
  • Once there is a Majority, votes cannot be taken back. The decision is final.
  • When a player is lynched the game enters twilight until I post a death scene; all players may continue to post.
  • Any player with a Night action may instead submit a "No Action" PM to let the Mod know that you do not want to perform your expected action that Night phase.


  • This color is reserved for the Mod. Don't use it.
  • No invisible/small/encrypted text is allowed.
  • Modkills will be enforced. If you do something that is a modkillable offense, it will be done in a way that is detrimental to your faction. You will be changed to a neutral survivor (automatic lose).
  • If you find loopholes in any of the rules and use them it is considered not good sportsmanship. This doesn't apply to game mechanics of course. If you find a loophole that seems important please do not hesitate to notify me immediately.
  • Have fun!

Edited by Kaziocore, 21 March 2013 - 03:20 PM.
color reserved for the mod is changed

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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2of4 Setup
The 2of4 setup is a popular setup for newbies. To prevent the development of game-breaking strategies (e.g. the infamous Follow the Cop
strategy), this game is Semi-Open, wherein the actual game setup is randomly chosen from one of six possible setups as detailed below:

The Role Cop has the option of submitting both the night kills and investigations, even when the Goon is still alive.

The Mafia must specify who is performing what Night action when the Night action PM is submitted!
These are the Role PMs that have potentially been sent to the players:
Mafia-Aligned Players:

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Goon, along with your partner, [Player Name]. You are part of a syndicate that aims to make some species of dinosaurs go extinct.

Factional Communication - During the night phase you may talk with your partner in this quicktopic.
Factional kill - Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill.

Win Condition:
You win when all members of the town have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Welcome, [Player Name]. You are a Mafia Role Cop, along with your partner, [Player Name]. You are part of a syndicate that aims to make some species of dinosaurs go extinct.

Factional Communication - During the night phase you may talk with your partner in this quicktopic.
Factional kill - Each night phase, one of you or your partner may perform the factional kill.
Investigation - Each night phase, you may investigate one player in the game by PM'ing the mod or by posting in the quicktopic.
You will get results back in the form of Sane Cop/Doctor/Jailkeeper/Vanilla Townie.

Win Condition:
You win when all members of the town have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this from occurring.

Town-Aligned Players:

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Vanilla Townie. You are a typical dinosaur.

Democracy - Your weapon is your vote, you have no night actions.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Sane Cop. You are an intelligent dinosaur.

Investigation - Each night phase, you may investigate one player in the game by PM'ing the mod. You will get results back in the form of Mafia/Not Mafia.
Sane - Your results are guaranteed to be correct.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Doctor. You are a healing dinosaur.

Protect - Each night phase, you may target a player to be protected; this will protect them from one kill for one night. The targeted player is not informed that they were protected. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill. You may not protect yourself.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Welcome, [Player Name], you are a Jailkeeper. You are a jailer dinosaur.

Jailkeep - Each night phase, you may target a player to be jailed; this will protect them from one kill for one night but at the expense of missing their action. The targeted player is not informed that they were jailed. You will not be informed if you protected the player from a kill. You may not put yourself in jail.

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.


First Post in the Quicktopic:

[Player Name] and [Player Name], this is your discussion forum. You may speak during the night here.

Note: When the role cop sends me his target, I will only give the result to the role cop.

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
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Some dinosaurs are mean. They don't play nice. They want the land all for themselves.
So what decent and civilized dinosaurs do in times like this? They form a mob!
Mean dinosaurs should be eaten alive!
NIGHT 0 begins and PMs were already sent.
DAY 1 will begin after a majority of players have confirmed.

7 out of 9 players have confirmed
MOD: I suggest you guys follow this topic...

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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Votecount 1.00

KevinH (0) -
Electric Mango (0) -
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Imran Ehsan (0) -
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (0) -

Not Voting (9) - KevinH, Electric Mango, killgor, Rafay, Xarastier, Martino, Imran Ehsan, Preston, Chaplain of death

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
No one is the current wagon leader at L-5
Deadline is Friday, March 22nd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT

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Mafia fail statistics: 13 Wins (11T/1M/1O), 7 Loses (6T/1O), 4 Draws/Abandoned
Code Geass Mafia is currently looking for players. Come play with us!

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  • KevinH [Spinosaurus]
  • Electric Mango [Sinornithosaurus]
  • killgor [Sauroposeidon]
  • Rafay [Tyrannosaurus Rex]
  • Xarastier [Archaeopteryx]
  • Martino [Deinonychus]
  • Imran Ehsan [Ankylosaurus]
  • Preston [Triceratops]
  • Chaplain of death [Parasaurolophus]


I am most afraid of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Vote: Rafay

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Electric Mango

Electric Mango


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That is exactly what I thought a Spinosaurus would say in a situation like this.


Vote: KevinH


Because it's obvious he's scum.

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Electric Mango

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This is me by the way, not the sexiest, but thad'll do pig, thad'll do.

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At least I've got some back-bone.


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    Cast IRON

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i make earthquakes!! beware!! be very aware!! :P

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Chaplain of death

Chaplain of death

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  • KevinH [Spinlesssaurus]




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Chaplain of death

Chaplain of death

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also fixed to represent KevinH better =p.


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Pretty close.  (I do wear glasses.))

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    Tempered IRON

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vote killgor


The Sauroposeidon seems like the least threatening dinosaur, which would be a good cover for mafia.


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    Wrought IRON

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I guess I'll vote after I hear from everyone   :)

The Einstein Metaphysics.

Everything is One...You.
Time, distance, motion, change, coincidence and choice
Are sentient illusions created by Your consciousness (Parmenides).
Light, objects and the universe
Originate and emanate
From You.
You are so much greater than
The outline of Your body.


Chaplain of death

Chaplain of death

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I made you much more sophisticated than simple glasses kevinH. I gave you a monocle!


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    Cast IRON

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vote killgor


The Sauroposeidon seems like the least threatening dinosaur, which would be a good cover for mafia.



i don't need to look threatening when i have the superpower to make earthquakes!! :D



vote: EM for having wings on his feet. he must be a evolved dino and anything that's different has to be scummy...

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    Tempered IRON

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You're already extinct Spinosaurus.


Vote: KevinH



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Tyrannosaurus Rex is attacking me.


Unvote: Rafay


I better run and hide.


Vote: No lynch


Even if there's only a 50% chance of the being a cop in the game it's still a bad idea to essentially lynch at random.

Odds are that we'll get a townie and we might even lynch a power role.

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    Tempered IRON

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Tyrannosaurus Rex is attacking me.


Unvote: Rafay


I better run and hide.


Vote: No lynch


Even if there's only a 50% chance of the being a cop in the game it's still a bad idea to essentially lynch at random.

Odds are that we'll get a townie and we might even lynch a power role.


So you are willing to forfeit 50% of the games? Because without a cop a no lynch is essentially a loss. We won't gain any information and day 2 will basically be another day 1 except with one less townie. So the odds will still be better that we lynch a townie and we would have to go for another no lynch. This would continue right up until we are at lylo, at which point a single wrong vote by a townie would end the game.


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: 2of4, newbie, mafia, dinosaur, open, op-03

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