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[OP-03] Dino Mafia End : 2of4 ~ Dinosaur Mafia

2of4 newbie mafia dinosaur open op-03

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Now that I think of it he didn't want any1 to die. Just tried to get ppl's opinions on others.



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Ya know guys, Rafay & Imran played their first hand the first day by following EM's lead and targeting KevinH.:for murder the 1st night::

Votecount 1.02

KevinH (3) - Electric Mango, Rafay, Imran Ehsan
Electric Mango (1) - killgor
killgor (1) - Martino
Rafay (1) - KevinH
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Imran Ehsan (1) - Chaplain of death
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (0) -

Not Voting (2) - Xarastier, Preston

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
KevinH is the current wagon leader at L-2
Deadline is Saturday, March 22nd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT

And their 2nd hand after Cod reaches L3 before murdering KevinH:


Votecount 1.09

KevinH (1) - Rafay
Electric Mango (0) -
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (3) - killgor, Preston, Imran Ehsan
Martino (2) - Chaplain of death, KevinH
Imran Ehsan (0) -
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (3) - Martino, Xarastier, Electric Mango

Not Voting (0) -

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Chaplain of death and Xarastier is/are the current wagon leader/s at L-2
Deadline is Saturday, March 23rd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT


. Also notice  Rafay, and Imran Ehsan don't viote for Cod!.

Then Imran speaks:


erm..made a mistake..it should be:


CoD, killgor, Preston, Xarastier, EM. 2 out of these 5 are scum.


So not 50% odds but I will still go with CoD on this one.

Then Rafay follows with this strange telling statement after he voted for KevinH the first night! above!


Don't you think EM that killing a person I voted against would be kinda foolish for me (if I was) or any mafia scum??

I believe Rafay & Imran Ehsan are scum, and Imran, being the leader, killed KevinH as a diversion, and boldly states the order of death either by Townie fearful hanging or scum murder! 


Unvote Cod.  Vote Imran Ehsan.

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I didn't get any of that ^^^



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Electric Mango

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Imran, you said you were in cavorted of lynching on Day 1 so why did you not pull the trigger and lynch on Day 1 when you had the chance? That seems very contradictary to me.
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*in favor
autocorrect is the devil
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Votecount 2.01

Electric Mango (0) -
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Imran Ehsan (1) - Xarastier
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (1) - Imran Ehsan

Not Voting (6) - Chaplain of death, Electric Mango, killgor, Rafay, Martino, Preston

With 8 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Xarastier and Imran Ehsan is/are the current wagon leader/s at L-4
Deadline is Tuesday, April 9, 2013 @ 01:29 EDT

Edited by Kaziocore, 31 March 2013 - 01:17 AM.
corrected again

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well rafay, this is actually one of the posts where he makes some sense. it's also nice to see that he's broadening his list of suspects.

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You missed my vote for Imran Kz!

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Chaplain of death

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Vote Imran Ehsan


Had to make Kazio correct! =p


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Electric Mango

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I've noticed Imran posting on other parts of the forum but has not answered my simple question yet.   

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Electric Mango

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So CoD, your vote on Imran is based on no  valid reason then?

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because this game is stalling.

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It feels like every time I sat down to review this thread this week to post a more detailed response, I get pulled away... that said at least there has been some discussion in my absence. Thank goodness for finally getting to the weekend!
I have a few points from which my analysis begins: 
1. KevinH's proven towniness, 
2. I dont see scum contributing to serious votes to lynch each other
3. Xarastier's original mis-read of a majority to bandwagon on KevinH, 
4. CoD's unvoting from a covered position where his vote wasnt even in question, which I feel isnt something scum would do unless Imran and CoD were both scum,
5. Imran voting for CoD, which I dont think is something they WOULD do if they were both scum,
6. The dual bandwagons on CoD and Xarastier at the end of the day, which feels like it divided us into 'camps' that have continued into day 2.
Xarastier was my original #1 suspect due to his bandwagon in KevinH on day 1, mis-identifying a majority as his cover while doing so. It's entirely possible that was a mis-read, but a stretch like that against a now-proven townie is hard to ignore entirely. 
By combining points 3 and 4 above, I feel that CoD is NOT scum despite being one of the two final lynch candidates on day 1. Therefore I now review the list of those who have focused on CoD. 
At the height of Day 1, the bandwagon on CoD was: Martino, Killgor, Xarastier, Electric Mango. 
* Martino switched to Xarastier at the end of the day to try and finalize a lynch. 
* Killgor jumped on to CoD to pressure 'someone', then later swapped votes to Xarastier. 
* Electric Mango was "definitely ok" with lynching CoD, but later hesitated when the momentum shifted to Xarastier. His vote stayed on CoD at the end of the day.
* Xarastier's vote stayed on CoD. 
If Xarastier is scum, neither Martino nor Killgor is scum as they swapped votes to him at the END of the day in an attempt to lynch him. If Xarastier is NOT scum, then either Martino or Killgor could be scum bandwagoning at day's end to try and lynch SOME townie. 
Electric Mango in that list, however, draws my attention. Martino's recent post had some interesting logic in it, wherein he concluded that either CoD or EM were scum because EM would have been the more likely target than KevinH due to scum shifting suspect onto CoD if EM died. While Martino used it as support for suspecting CoD, I think there may be some truth to it - EM was NOT the scum's night kill. My original take on Kevin's death was that scum wanted to deny us any closure on the CoD/Xarastier debate from the end of day 1, but EM would have also been a good target for the reasons Martino states. 
I could almost see see EM/Xarastier as a pair for scum, given how EM waited at the end of day 1 after votes shifted from CoD and ultimately did not himself vote for Xarastier. However at the same time, EM's latest post called out Xarastier for not playing as vocal as he did in the last game - a measure of separation by throwing suspicion on fellow scum, or tossing out feelers to see if we'll jump on either Rafay and Xarastier in response to his post? 
EM is an experienced player; I could see him having selected KevinH to get him out of play early. I also note that he is not being as forward as I recall him from previous games... he seemed more outgoing on day 1, saying to follow his lead and find scum - but he has done more bandwagoning than leading as I remembered him doing. Granted it's been a while since I played... but I'm still getting that feeling of something not quite right. 
There are votes floating around between Imran and CoD right now - everyone is playing it safe, hardly posting, and in general letting inertia carry the day. I'm going to mix things up a bit and run with my theory of EM as scum - let's see what other people think, and if this gives people something to talk about.
Vote: Electric Mango

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Unless I've miscounted, right now we're at L-1 on Imran. I would like to ask people to unvote down to at least L-2, preferably L-3, until we get some more reactions out here. If discussion goes nowhere you can always put your votes back afterward. This IS Easter weekend and I know people will be busy with family and stuff - but let's try and get some thoughts out here. Given the presence of a popular family holiday in the midst of all this, and yesterday's being shortened, it's possible we could ask mod for an extension if we feel the day merits one. 



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Imran Ehsan

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Sorry for my recent inactivity. With the war ending in an pile load of sh*t and with IA things needing picking up to make the transition back to peace time, I didnt get a chance to check on the game. Anyway, heres my responses.


If I were scum I would have just killed Martino because he was pushing a lynch on me so hard and easily claimed ignorance and said that I was being set-up to be lynched. I'm not stupid enough that I would try to set-up Martino in such an obvious way.


To be honest, you look at that night kill and say that scum set Martino up to look scummy, I say that they made that kill to lead you exactly to the conclusion that you just made. That "obviously" I am the one who is pulling the strings trying to set Martino up, so then everyone looks back at me who narrowly avoided being lynched on day 1. Am I the only one noticing that because there was a huge push on me day 1 there's no reason to night kill me because town will easily lynch me if given the slightest push? Is that not odd to anyone else? Go ahead and play into the scum's hands and lynch me if you want, but I am no scum.


Yes. I am saying there's a greater probability that scum would be taking the chance to kill someone to put the limelight on Martino. You knew you will again be a target for lynching on Day 2, so you needed a different target on whom people will concentrate on. Killing Martino will instantly put the suspicion on you and you being inches away from being lynched, you wouldnt take the chance that people will believe you when you say that the scum are trying to frame you. I think my scneario is more realistically probable than your scenario where Martino is lynched to frame you.


I will rule out Martino. He was pretty vocal about kevinh being townie on Day 1 and in fact jumped on me for voting for him. Also doubtful scum would show their hands by killing the guy who was voting for one of them (kevins vote on Martino).


Funny thing, I also was vocal about KevinH being townie, and also laid out reasons why your vote for him was scummy. Interesting that your disqualafier for the possibility of him being scum isn't applied to everyone. The selectivness there in conjuction with the set-up to lynch me is quite........ suspicious.

Who else would you kill if you were scum then the only person to vote with me, so that way I have less support, and I look like I'm trying to set Martino up in such an obvious way. Thats quite the strategy you have there Imran. Also just a bit suprising that someone you tried to bandwagon early on was night killed and turned out to be townie. I have yet to see any legit reason for me to be lynched, and yet here we are, with another wagon being led against me. Quite early in the day yet again as well. Trying to get rid of me before we can scum hunt eh? I'll hold off on my vote for some discussion first because unlike some people, I actually want to find the scum.


You were not vocal about kevinH being townie. You actually jumped on the bandwagon on the general feeling among others that kevinH is townie after Martino defended kevinH. You were trying to get me lynched on Day 1 by actually accusing me of scummy behavior and then quickly unvoting when Martino pulled his vote. You were trying to blend in by playing to the general feeling that kevinH is townie while at the same time not taking any position. Your votes were all OMGUS votes after the random vote on me.


Ya know guys, Rafay & Imran played their first hand the first day by following EM's lead and targeting KevinH.:for murder the 1st night::


Votecount 1.02

KevinH (3) - Electric Mango, Rafay, Imran Ehsan
Electric Mango (1) - killgor
killgor (1) - Martino
Rafay (1) - KevinH
Xarastier (0) -
Martino (0) -
Imran Ehsan (1) - Chaplain of death
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (0) -

Not Voting (2) - Xarastier, Preston

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
KevinH is the current wagon leader at L-2
Deadline is Saturday, March 22nd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT

And their 2nd hand after Cod reaches L3 before murdering KevinH:




Votecount 1.09

KevinH (1) - Rafay
Electric Mango (0) -
killgor (0) -
Rafay (0) -
Xarastier (3) - killgor, Preston, Imran Ehsan
Martino (2) - Chaplain of death, KevinH
Imran Ehsan (0) -
Preston (0) -
Chaplain of death (3) - Martino, Xarastier, Electric Mango

Not Voting (0) -

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.
Chaplain of death and Xarastier is/are the current wagon leader/s at L-2
Deadline is Saturday, March 23rd, 2012 @ 22:05 EDT


. Also notice  Rafay, and Imran Ehsan don't viote for Cod!.

Then Imran speaks:


erm..made a mistake..it should be:


CoD, killgor, Preston, Xarastier, EM. 2 out of these 5 are scum.


So not 50% odds but I will still go with CoD on this one.

Then Rafay follows with this strange telling statement after he voted for KevinH the first night! above!


Don't you think EM that killing a person I voted against would be kinda foolish for me (if I was) or any mafia scum??

I believe Rafay & Imran Ehsan are scum, and Imran, being the leader, killed KevinH as a diversion, and boldly states the order of death either by Townie fearful hanging or scum murder! 


Unvote Cod.  Vote Imran Ehsan.


So you are saying I killed KevinH when I was pretty much the only one who was saying he was scum? That would be a pretty suicidal move for me if i were scum. Before the night ended I still had suspicions about kevinH's townliness and I have made no attempt to deny or hide that. My switch in vote was because I wanted a Day 1 lynch and the general feeling amongst others was that he is not scum. So I switched my vote to my 2nd suspect (or you can say the one who the town would miss less by mislynching).


Imran, you said you were in cavorted of lynching on Day 1 so why did you not pull the trigger and lynch on Day 1 when you had the chance? That seems very contradictary to me.


There were still 3-4 days left when CoD was on L-1. And discussion between him and Martino was still going on. I wanted to see if any point worth hammering on could be inferred from the discussion. I didnt get any so I refrained from voting for him. Also at that time I had suspicions on kevinH. When deadline approached some people had already unvoted CoD so me voting for him wouldnt have resulted in a lynch. I preferred instead to vote for Xar who as mentioned above I think townies will miss least.


Vote Imran Ehsan


Had to make Kazio correct! =p


Yup. This pretty much fits in with your voting record. OMGUS and also waiting for someone else to cast the vote first so you can blend in and act as if it was not your idea when the lynch turns out to be of a townie.


I've noticed Imran posting on other parts of the forum but has not answered my simple question yet.   


Explained above.



Also havent read Preston's post yet. Looks nice and long with interesting deductions. So I will go through that now and post if I have additional points to make.

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Ya know guys, Rafay & Imran played their first hand the first day by following EM's lead and targeting KevinH.:for murder the 1st night::

I believe Rafay & Imran Ehsan are scum, and Imran, being the leader, killed KevinH as a diversion, and boldly states the order of death either by Townie fearful hanging or scum murder! 


Unvote Cod.  Vote Imran Ehsan.


oh and forgot to add. If me and Rafay are both scum, it will be an extremely extremely poor move for me to leave out my scum partner from the list of potential suspects. This will gurantee that Rafay will be instantly identified as scum if I am shown to be scum.

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Electric Mango

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So let me get this straight Imran.  You wanted a Day 1 lynch.  You could have made that happen but didn't.  You had the chance to lynch CoD yesterday but wasted your vote on Xar.  Now all of a sudden you're voting for CoD to start Day 2?  If you wanted to vote for CoD you should have done it yesterday.  This is very suspicious.  Please explain.

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Imran Ehsan

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So let me get this straight Imran.  You wanted a Day 1 lynch.  You could have made that happen but didn't.  You had the chance to lynch CoD yesterday but wasted your vote on Xar.  Now all of a sudden you're voting for CoD to start Day 2?  If you wanted to vote for CoD you should have done it yesterday.  This is very suspicious.  Please explain.


Already explained here:


There were still 3-4 days left when CoD was on L-1. And discussion between him and Martino was still going on. I wanted to see if any point worth hammering on could be inferred from the discussion. I didnt get any so I refrained from voting for him. Also at that time I had suspicions on kevinH. When deadline approached some people had already unvoted CoD so me voting for him wouldnt have resulted in a lynch. I preferred instead to vote for Xar who as mentioned above I think townies will miss least.


Did you not read that or are you saying what I posted here does not fit?


Its interesting though that you completely ignore Preston's analysis and vote on you and instead try to bring the focus back on me by also ignoring where I have clearly addressed that point and ask me the same question again.

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Electric Mango

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There was only 3 days left when you still had the opportunity to hammer vote CoD, you should have just done it then.  You also voted for Xar who at that time showed little hope of being lynched.  Strange voting patterns for someone who said he favored a day 1 lynch.  


You also said at the end of Day 1 that you were highly doubtful that CoD was scum so you voted for Xar instead.  If you doubt so highly that CoD is scum then why are you voting for him to start off Day 2?

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* Electric Mango was "definitely ok" with lynching CoD, but later hesitated when the momentum shifted to Xarastier. His vote stayed on CoD at the end of the day.
Martino changed votes at the last minute and the Day ended shortly after.  If I had the chance to lynch him, I would have.

EM is an experienced player; I could see him having selected KevinH to get him out of play early. I also note that he is not being as forward as I recall him from previous games... he seemed more outgoing on day 1, saying to follow his lead and find scum - but he has done more bandwagoning than leading as I remembered him doing. Granted it's been a while since I played... but I'm still getting that feeling of something not quite right. 
I think I'm being pretty vocal actually.  Not sure where you get the band wagoning from unless it's for my vote on CoD during Day 1.



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